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Full text of "A list of the genera of birds : with their synonyma and an indication of the typical species of each genus"

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Smithsonian Institution 

Alexander Wetmore 

1946 Sixth Secretary 1 O55 

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1841. _RATHSON Ay 

MAR 14 1988 


POT cn, 


Tue flattering marks of approbation bestowed by many European 
Ornithologists, both publicly and privately, on the former Edition 
of this Work, and the various remarks on the employment of names, 
ete., offered to me in the kindest manner by those who are interested 
in this branch of study, have induced me to publish a revised Edi- 
tion, incorporating these remarks with the numerous additions and 
corrections which I have myself been able to make since the period 
of its first publication. Such changes must continually take place 
in conformity with the progress of scientific knowledge ; and I hope 
by this means to add my best endeavours to the elucidation and dis- 
entanglement of the mass of synonymous names which have been 
proposed, to the great hindrance of the advancement of this, as well 
as of oiner branches of Natural Science. Much of the confused 
labyrinth of useless names is derived from authors who have pub- 
lished systems of Ornithology not being content with giving names 
to their own divisions, but proposing, without reason, new generic 
terms in place of those already in use. Owing to this practice, 
many genera (restricted in exactly the same degree) have received 
three or four synonymous appellations, which—to use an expression 
of Mr. Swainson—“ strikingly illustrates the inextricable confusion 
which now reigns throughout every part of Ornithological nomen- 
clature.” Synonymous names, however, are daily becoming more 
numerous, although “often deservedly,” as Dr. Richardson says, “ re- 
probated as creating a barrier to the advancement of the science.” 
“he essential object of this work was to endeavour to remove that 

urrier by the application of a daw which should fix the nomen- 
elature upon such strict grounds of justice, as that each Ornitholo- 
a 2 



gical systematist, from the time of Linnzeus, should really receive 
the credit due to him for whatever improvement he may have pro- 
posed in the System. 

The basis of the impartial nomenclature which I wish to adopt 
and establish among Naturalists, is the same that was employed by 
the late Mr. Vigors in drawing up his list of genera, and one which 
Mr. Swainson terms the “inflexible law of priority.” “It has the 
merit,” says Mr. Strickland, “ of being the only one which is just, as 
it preserves and honours the terms employed by original discoverers 
in preference to those introduced by later critics; and it also has 
the advantage of reminding us of the date at which any species was 
discovered or group defined.” This law may, however, cause the 
use—as Mr. Strickland also remarks—of words which are certainly 
barbarous in their formation and devoid of euphony ; but the adop- 
tion of the first word given must occasion the employment of a much 
more correct nomenclature than one with the words selected for 
their “superior euphony of sound or applicability of meaning.” If 
systems were established on this latter rule, they must inevitably 
“vary with the tastes and caprices of men.” 

But my object is not to criticise the words which by this law of 
priority ought to be employed, but strictly to exemplify the mode in 
which the species of birds have been from time to time divided into 
genera by different writers since the first edition of the ‘ Systema 
Nature” in 1735; and at the same time to indicate as far as possible 
those genera which are synonymous with others that had been pre- 
viously proposed, and thus to give to Ornithologists a correct 
systematic list of the numerous names employed. This has been 
a work of patient and laborious research, undertaken in the hope 
that it might be the means of the “ establishment of a uniform and 
permanent language,” to quote again the words of Mr. Strickland, 
‘among Naturalists of all nations.” 

I have endeavoured to make the following list as complete as 
possible ; I must however be allowed to state that I have met with 
similar difficulties to those which attended the late Mr. Vigors “in 
determining the priority of the modern generic names among the 
continental Ornithologists,” owing to the want of the means of ex- 
amining various periodical journals and works which are rarely pro- 


cured for the libraries of this country. In such cases, which are 
not however numerous, I have given the date which I have been 
induced from circumstances to believe correct. 

The arduous task of tracing back each genus to its source, and 
of comparing and estimating the value of synonyma (especially in 
cases where, from the adoption of different principles of division, 
or from the want of any principles at all, it was difficult to form a 
precise idea of the limits of the genera proposed) was an essential 
part of an undertaking, the foundation of which was to be based 
on “the inflexible law of priority.” Acting upon this impartial 
rule, I have not thought it just to follow the practice, adopted by 
many writers, of rejecting names merely because they were un- 
accompanied by characters, when there appeared a sufficient indica- 
tion to determine their proper application. When the “ meaning 
of the author,” says Mr. MacLeay, “is thus in some measure as- 
certained, I may choose not to increase the confusion by refusing 
to adopt them.” Among those, indeed, who have been foremost 
in rejecting such names, few are found to have followed throughout 
the principle which they have themselves laid down. 

So far has the desire of introducing new names been carried, 
that many Ornithologists are in the constant habit of changing ge- 
neric names, even when accompanied by characters, if the slightest 
modification is made in the circumscription of the group to which 
they are applied, or even if the characters do not tally with their 
own idea of sufficiency. ‘Thus, an author will not hesitate to state, 
that he cannot adopt the genera of certain Ornithologists, because 
they are not what he is disposed to consider “ natural divisions;” he 
therefore proposes his own divisions, and designates them by his 
own names. But it is curious in such cases to compare the “natu- 
ral” with the “ unnatural” divisions ; and to observe, in the great 
majority of instances, how nearly they coincide with each other. 
The inutility, or worse, of coining new generic names in such 
cases is obvious to all except the coiner himself, who may perhaps 
fancy that he is increasing the stock of knowledge, while he is only 
overloading the memory with synonymous terms. Such uncalled- 
for changes must necessarily prove detrimental to the progress of 
science, the advancement of which is supposed to be aimed at by 


every systematist, although too many of them are apt to forget 
this true end, and to think only of the means of elevating them 
selves, at the expense of their predecessors and of the unhappy 
student, who becomes bewildered in the ehoice among so many 
different systems, each carefully shrouded in the veil of its own no- 

After this strong but reluctant expression of my opinion with 
respect to the growing practice of unnecessarily altering generic 
names, it may be expected that I should state my reasons for 
having in a very few instances ventured myself to reject the 
generic names of others and to propose new ones in their place. 
But these are cases of a very different character, in which the re- 
tention of the older names would be calculated to give rise to am- 
biguity, and thus to defeat the very object for which “proper” 
names are used. They consist of two classes: in the first the same 
name has been previously employed in other branches of Natural 
History; and such repetitions have an obvious tendency to create 
confusion. “ We should,” says Mr. Swainson, “ not know, in fact, 
which was intended, a butterfly or a plant, a quadruped or a spider. 
When such repetitions are discovered, the name first imposed or 
employed is to be retained, and a new one given to the other group. 
Thus Urania in Entomology is an old genus in Botany, it is there- 
fore now changed to Letlus ; Lophyrus in Ornithology, an old genus 
in Entomology, is now changed to Péilophyrus.” The sanction of 
authors of note to changes so imperatively called for has induced 
me in this general view of Ornithology to follow their example 
by striking out such equivocal names; but I have always en- 
deavoured, where it was possible, to supply their place with names 
from the older authors, in preference to inventing new ones of my 
own. The second class comprehends a few generic names, differing 
only in termination from others previously in use, and consequently 
liable to be confounded with them. Here again I have the sanction 
of high authority for this very necessary change. Thus the name 
of Ocypterus has been rejected by Dr. Horsfield, who has substituted 
for it that of Lentopteryx, a genus under the name of Ocyptera ha- 
ving been previously established in Entomology ; and Alectura has 
been changed by Mr. Swainson into Catheturus, on account of the 


name of Alecturus having been previously applied to another genus 
of birds. The repetition of sounds so nearly similar as these would 
inevitably tend to confuse ; and the few cases in which they occur 
have therefore been treated in the same manner as those of the 
former class. 

It will be seen that care has been taken to employ in every in- 
stance the oldest name given to each group, and at the same time 
to point out their synonyms; to both of these I have endeavoured, 
in all cases, to attach the date of their publication, so as to fix the 
right of priority to the several authors, as well as to exemplify those 
names which are coequal with the name employed. And as much 
complaint has been made of the growing evil of genera-making, by 
means of which the original describer of a species loses the honour 
of having first detected it, in the cases which are now considered 
admissible for generic distinction, the author of the modern genera 
taking the credit of the specific as well as of the generic names, I 
have proposed to obviate this cause of complaint by putting the 
name of the original describer of the species in brackets after the 
specific name, as may be seen on any page of the work. 

It may be as well to add that the list contains some genera 
established, in my opinion, upon characters too trivial to admit 
of their being definitively adopted; but it has not been my in- 
tention here closely to criticise the value of the subdivisions em- 
ployed. On the contrary, I have thought that I should perform a 
more acceptable service, by giving, as far as I was able, a correct 
notion of ail the genera that have been proposed in this branch of 
science, leaving it to the judgement of each individual who chooses 
to pursue the subject, to select those which he considers tenable, and 
to erase the rest. I agree with Mr. Vigors, that “no individual 
possesses the right of dictating what are, and what are not, good 
generic groups, or of erasing from the list of genera those of his 
fellow Naturalists which may not exactly square with his own 
particular view.” Indeed I am of opinion, that not only in lists 
of this kind, but also in monographs of species, all the information 
should be conveyed that may assist the student; and I strongly 
object therefore to the practice which has been followed by seve- 
ral modern writers of such works, of excluding all that they have 

viii PREFACE. 

not themselves seen, and thus casting a doubt upon the accuracy 
of their predecessors, and at the same time leaving an opening for 
the description of objects as new, which have already been well 
described, but are thus improperly cast into oblivion. 

To that great man Linnzus we are indebted for the establish- 
ment of a uniform System of Nature, on a plan which has been fol- 
lowed by all subsequent Naturalists. To him also we owe the founda- 
tion of the binominal system of nomenclature, based upon cer- 
tain rules. This “invaluable principle” was first established in 
1758, and it has been found to be most beneficial in fixing the 
names of the very numerous objects in nature, defining, as it does, 
in two words, the particular subject intended to be spoken of. I 
have therefore thought it right to adopt, in every instance, the ge- 
neric names which he proposed, and with regard to specific names 
I have followed up the opinion expressed by the Prince of Canino, 
that “it is not fair to assume that our own binominal system of 
nomenclature was established before his time, because we meet with 
a few instances capable of being referred to the invaluable principle 
which he was the first to generalise and render universal.” For 
this reason I have always taken Linnzeus’s specific name in prefer- 
ence to the names given by his predecessors, and in our sense of 
the term improperly so called. 

The first editionof the “ Systema Nature ” was published in 1735 
under the auspices of Gronovius and Lawson. The class of Birds 
in it consists of 47 genera, and Linneus at the same time enumerates 
the different species that he referred to each genus ; they amounted 
to 117, and are given under the single names of his predecessors. 
There is one curious fact which exemplifies the uncertainty of no- 
menclature, for we find several generic names proposed in this edi- 
tion which were subsequently erased in the one in which he esta- 
blished the binominal system: viz. Grus, Ciconia, Cygnus, Grau- 
calus, Vanellus, Casuarius and Luscinia. Yet these identical divi- 
sions, and in four cases, under the same names, are at present em- 
ployed by Ornithologists without any reference to their having 
been first proposed by him. I have therefore restored to him 
the credit of their proposal. The following table will illustrate the 
various alterations that he made in his system of nomenclature 


during the publication of some of the different editions of the 
“Systema Nature.” 

Edition. Genera. Names not previously used. 
That of 1735 containing 47 

GAA FPR tA EO. Sh eee «alate 

ie > alae aan FO Tae ae einai: 8 

1756 ot 

1d ae GOs creer cease a wisi LD 

1760 | 

Ui TGGR ere. 103 belim Oh an ee a ieee engi I 

During the period of the publication of the various editions of 
the “ Systema Nature,” two other writers on this branch of science, 
Meehring and Brisson, published their nomenclatures. Both of 
these contained a greater number of genera than were proposed by 
Linnezus, and it may be readily supposed that many of their names 
were new to science. But a table will best show the differences 
which exist, in the number of genera and in newly introduced names, 
between the principal nomenclatures of the authors who have pub- 
lished Ornithological Systems, from the time of Linnzeus down to 
that of Mr. Swainson, 1837. 

Date. Author. Genera. | Names not previously used. 
1752 Meehring 114 56 
1760 Brisson 115 55 
1777 Scopoli 91 8 
1788 Forster 81 3 
Gmelin 88 9 
1790 Latham 101 6 
Bonnaterre 110 5 
1797-1798* Cuvier 2 
1799-1800" Cuvier 131 20 
1800-1801° Lacepede 130 13 
1811 Illiger 147 32 
1816 Vieillot 273 131 

@ Refers to the seventh, » to the eighth, and © to the ninth years of the 
Republic, which commenced on the 22nd of September and ended on the 
21st of September of the following year. 


Date. Author. Genera. Names not previously used. 
1817 Cuvier 280 49 
1820 Temminck 201 29 
1826 Boie 343 30 
1831 Lesson 470 112 
. Pr. Bonaparte 561 28 
1837 Swainson 623 239 

Having thus exhibited the ratio of the increase of the generic 
names, I may now notice the gradual development of the number 
of species as given by some of the principal authors of systematic 
works, &c. 

Date. Author. Species. 
P75 Linnzeus i: sf 
1758 Sirota igh 
1766 miele 947 
1790 Latham 2951 
1823 Vieillot 3828 

1831 Pr. Bonaparte 4099 

In the foregoing remarks I have briefly explained the changes 
which have taken place with regard to the number of genera and 
species. I have also shown that Linneus himself considered it ne- 
cessary to establish other genera as he either became acquainted 
with additional species, or better acquainted with those previously 
known. What might have been the number of his genera had he 
acquired the knowledge of the vast number of species which are 
now known, it is not easy to conjecture, except by taking his ratio 
of species to genera in comparison with those now given by authors. 
For example, he had in his last edition 947 species divided into 104 
genera, so that there were about 9 species to each genus. There 
are now known and acknowledged by Naturalists about 6000 species ; 
if we divide these into 800 genera (for, as I have elsewhere ex- 
plained, I do not admit as established all the genera that are given 
in this work), it will give to each genus an average of 73 species, 
which is not much under the number given by Linneus. And I 
must also remark, that Linnzus knew little or nothing of the habits 

and ceconomy of the greater number of the species which he de- 


scribed ; he therefore placed them in the genera to which they ap- 
peared to have the most numerous approximations in character. 
But had he been acquainted with their modes of life, it cannot be 
doubted that he would have further subdivided them into genera, 
which I think is well exemplified by the various alterations that he 
actually made in his nomenclature, on the appearance of each suc- 
cessive edition of the “Systema Nature.” 

In the preceding pages I have stated that I found great difficulties 
in procuring some of the works required for the purpose of exami- 
nation. The following remarks are entirely occasioned by my in- 
ability to procure a sight of the work of Keyserling and Blasius, 
and from the want of learning the date of the publication of Koch, 
until my work had nearly passed through the press. 

Page 5. Add to Pernis and Milvus the synonym of Aquila, Koch. 

Page 7. Before Scops it is necessary to place EpH1aLtes, Keys. 
et Bl. (1840), as the former was previously employed by Mcehring 
to another bird. 

Page 8. Add among the synonyms of Otus, A’golius, Keys. et Bl. 

Page 28. To Acrocephalus add Muscipeta, Koch (1816). To 
Phyllopneuste add Ficedula, Koch (1816). 

Page 29. To Luscinia add Lusciola, Keys. et Bl. (1840). To 
Ruticilla add Saxicola, Koch. ‘To Cyanecula add Saxicola, Koch 
(1816). To Calliope add Lusciola, div. C. Melodes, Keys. e¢ Bl. 

Near these genera may be added, Ipuna, Keys. et Bl. (1840). 
Motacilla, Pall. Sylvia, Licht. I. caligata, (Licht.) Keys. e¢ Bl. 
M. salicaria, Pall. 

Page 30. Fruticicola must give place to Pratincola, Koch (1816). 

Page 31. Aigithalus must have before it the generic name of 
Paroipes, Koch (1816). 

Page 32. Calamophilus must be removed for Panurus, Koch 
(1816) ; and Mystacinus was first proposed by Bote (1822). Orites, 
place after Leach, Steph. (1825), and add the synonym of Acre- 
dula, Koch (1816). 


Page 59. To Citrinella add Dryospiza, Keys. et Bl. (1840), and 
for Koch (182?) read (1816). 

Page 60. Read, for the date after Koch, (1816). To Montifrin- 
gilla add Fringilla, div. E. Orites, Keys. et Bl. (1840). 

Page 62. To Certhilauda add Alaemon, Keys. et Bl. (1840). 

August 1, 1841. 


Crass AVES. 

Order I. ACCIPITRES, £. Raptatores, Jil. 
Rapaces, Temm. Raptores, Sw. 

Suborder I. AccipiTRES DIURNI. 

Family I. VULTURIDA. Vultur, L. 

Subfam. I. GYPAETINA. 

Gypaitos, (Ray) Storr. Falco, Z. Phene, Sav. (1809). 
G. barbatus, (L.) Cuv. Edw., t. 106. P. ossifraga, Sav. G. me- 
lanocephalus, Mey. G. grandis, Storr. G. alpinus, Daud. 

Subfam. II. CATHARTIN~. 

NeEorHron, Sav.(1809). Gypaétos, Bechst. Percnopterus, Cuv. 
(1817). Catbartes, Zi. Vultur, Z. 
N. perenopterus, (L.) Sav., Pl. enl. 407. and 429. P. egyptiacus, 

Caruanrtes, Jil. (1811). Catharista, Viedll. (1816). Perenopterus, 
Steph. Vultur, L. 
C. aura, (L.) Zl.” Wils. Am. Orn., pl. 75. f. 1. 

SarcoramPuus, Dum. (1806). Gryphus, Briss. Zopilotes, Flem. 
(1822). Vultur, Z. Gypagus, Viedll. (1816). Cathartes, Til. 

S. gryphus, (L.) Goldf., Pl. col. 133. and 408. V. magellanicus, 
Shaw's Lev. Mus,, t. 1 

Subfam. [1]. VULTURINZA. 

Gyps, Sav. (1809). Vultur, Gm. 
G. fulvus, (Gm.) G. R. Ha Naum. Vogel., pl. 50. f.96. G. 
vulgaris, Sav. 

Vuttur, Mehr.(1752).£. Egypius, Sav. (1809). Vultur, Gm. 
Gyps, (Sav.) Bonap. 
V. cinereus, Gm. Gould's B. of Eur., pl. EZ. niger, Sav. Hist. 
d’Egypte, Ois. pl. 11. 



Orocyps*, G. R. Gray (1841). Vultur, Daud. 
O. auricularis, (Daud.) G. R. Gray. Levaill. Ois. d Afr., pl. 9. 

Subfam. 1V. RACAMIN A. 

Racama, J. #. Gray(1840). Gypaétos, Daud. Polyborus ? Benn. 
Vultur, Lath. Faleo, Gm. 
R. angolensis, (Gm.) J. #. Gray, Lev. Mus.,t.7. P.? hypo- 
leucus, Benn. 

Family I. FALCONIDA. Falco, L. - 
Subfam. I. POLYBORIN/®. 

Isycrer. Vieill. (1816). Caracara, Cuv. Gymnops, Spix (1824). 
Falco, Gm. 
I. aquilinus, (Gm.) G. R. Gray, Pl.enl. 417. F. formosus, Lath. 
F. nudicollis, Daud. I. leucogaster, Vieddl. 

Darrtrivs, Vieill.(1816). Ibycter. Sw. Gymnops, Spix (1824). 
D. ater, Vieill. Gal. des Ois., pl. 5. D. aterrimus, Temm., Pl. col. 
37. and 342. 

Miivaco, Spiz (1824). Polyborus, Vieill. Senex, J. EB. Gray 

(1839). Phalcobcenus, D’ Orb(1837). Parasifalco, Less. (1837). 

M. chimachima (Vieill.) G. 2. Gray. | M. ochrocephala, Spiz, 
Av. Br., pl. 1. F. degener, Pr. Maz. 

a On examining M. Temminck’s remarks on the species of the genus 
Vultur, as given in the Pl. col., I find that he considered the V. auricularis 
and V. egypius to be the same species. In the fourth part of his Manuel 
d’Ornithologie, he notices the V. auricularis as found about Athens, &c., 
and refers to the figure given in the Hist. Nat. d’Egypte, Ois. pl. 11, as 
* d’un jeune a l’age moyen,” and also to the V. egypius of Pl. col. 407, as 
the ‘« femelle ou jeune encore dépourvu de l’appendice aux oreilles.” Sa- 
vigny established his genus #gypius on the specimgp figured in the Hist. 
Nat. d’Egypte, which is considered by M. Temminck to be the same as V. 
auricularis. “‘ Therefore,” Mr. Strickland has stated, “ the generic name of 
Agypius should be given to the group containing V’. auricularis and pondi- 
cerianus.”’ But that gentleman has since called my attention to the opinion 
which M. Lafresnaye has expressed in the Dict. Univ. d’Hist. Nat. ; viz. 
that he considered the figure of Savigny, referred to above, as the young of 
V. cinereus and not of V. auricularis, as stated by M. Temminck. After 
having carefully examined the various figures together, I have no hesita- 
tion in agreeing with M. Lafresnaye. I have therefore adopted Savigny’s 
generic name Algypius, with the V. cinereus as the type ; to this genus be- 
longs the V. monachus, although Savigny had supposed that it might pro- 
bably form a distinct genus from his Zgypius. 

It becomes, in consequence, necessary to designate those species which 
were improperly supposed to belong to Savigny’s genus, and of which the 
late Mr. Bennett intimated as far back as 1831, in his excellent work on 
the ‘Gardens and Menagerie of the Zoological Society,’ that they should 
form a distinct genus, of which he gave characters, but no generic appella- 
tion. I have therefore taken his type (V. auricularis), and formed the genus 
under the name of Otogyps, as given above. 

ee tt es nl 


Potyzorus, Vieill. (1816). Caracara, Cuv. (1817). Falco, Gm. 
Milvus, Ray. Circus, Briss. 
P. brasiliensis (Ray) Swains. Zool. Ill., pl. 2. P. vulgaris, Vierdl, 
F. cheriway, Jacq. 

Subfam. II. BUTEONINZ»=. 

CrAxIREX, Gould (1838). Polyborus, Gould. 
C. galapagoensis, Gould, Voy. of Beagle, Zool., Birds, pl. 2. 

Burrocauius, Less. (1831). Faleo, Daud. Polyborus, Veerll. 
Non vidi. 

B. buson, (Daud.) G. R. Gray. Levaill. Ois.d’ Afr., pl. 21. B. 
cathartoides, Less. 

Bureo, (Antiq.) Cuv. (1799-1800). Falco, LZ. 
B. vulgaris, Bechst., Pl. enl. 419. F. buteo, LZ. 

ArcHIBUTEO”, Brehm. (1828). Butaétes, Less. (1831). Buteo, 
Vieill. UHaliaétus, Burn. 

A. lagopus, (Gm.)G. R. Gray. Gould’s B. of Eur., pt. 18. pl. 15. 
B. buteo, Less. F. plumipes, Daud. A. planiceps et alticeps, 


Aquita, (Antiq.) Briss.(1760). Falco, LZ. 

A. chrysaétos, (L.) Briss., Pl. enl. 410. F. fulvus, Z. F. melan- 
aetos, LZ. 

Limnaitus, Vigors (1831). Morphnus, Cuv. Falco, Temm. Nisaé- 
tus, Hodgs. (1836). 
L. Horsfieldii, Vig. F. limnaétus, Horsf. Zool. Res., pl. F. uni- 
color, Zemm., Pl. col. 134. 

Spizaitus, Vieill. (1816). Gypaétos, Daud. Morphnus, Cuv. 
Plumipeda, Flem. (1822). Harpyia, Spix (1824). Cymindis ? 
Steph. Falco, Shaw. 

S. ornatus, (Daud.) Vieill. Gal. des Ois., pl. 21. F. superbus et 
-coronatus, Shaw. H. braccata, Spix. 

Spizastour, Less. (1837). Falco, Tem. 
S. atricapillus, (Cuv.) Less., Pl. col. 79. 

Morpunus, Cuv. (1817). Faleo, Gm. Morphinus, Flem. (1822). 
Spizaétus, Vieill. Harpyia, (Cuv.) Swains. Urubitinga, Less. 
(1837). Aquila, Spix ? 

M. urubitinga, (Gm.) Cuv., Pl. col. 5. F. longipes, Zilig. ? 
A. picta, Spex ? 

@ To this subfamily perhaps belongs the genus Artos, Nitzsch (1840), 
but the type is not given. 

> See Isis for 1828; originally considered by me and others to have been 
first published in 1831, therefore placed after Lesson’s name in the former 



Tarasaétos, G. R. Gray (1837). Gypaétos, Daud. Harpia, 
Vieill. (1816). Harpyia*, Cuv. (1817). Faleo, Shaw. Vul- 
tur, ZL. 

T. harpyia, (L.) G. R. Gray. Less., Tr. Orn., pl. 10. F. impe- 
rialis, Shaw. F. destructor, Daud. 

HerrerotuEres, Vieill. (1825). Falco, £. Physeta, Vieill.? (1816). 
Deedalion, (Sav.) Vigors. Macagua, Less. (1831). Cachinna, 
Fem. (1822). Astur, Spizx. 

H. cachinnans, (L.) Vieill. Gal. des Ois., t.19. Spi, Av. Br., t. 3. a. 

Sritornis, G. R. Gray (1840). Heematornis®, Vigors (1831). 
Falco, Daud. Circaétus, Jerd. Hypaétos? Geoffr. 
S. bacha, (Daud.) G. R. Gray. Levaill. Ois. d’Afr., pl. 15. 

Crrcaktus, Vieill. (1816). Faleo, Gm. Pygargus, Briss. Pan- 
dion et Harpyia, Veeedd. Haliaétus, Cuv. Aquila, Meyer. 
C. gallicus, (Gm.) Véerll., Pl. enl. 413. F.brachydactylus, Temm. 
F. leucopsis, Bechst. 

Panpion, Sav. (1809). Falco, Z. Balbusardus, Ray. Aquila, 
P. haliaétus, (L.) Cuv., Pl. enl. 414. P. fluviatilis, Sav. 

Icutuyiaétus, Lafr. (1839). Faleo, Horsf. Pandion, Horsf. 
I. bicolor, G. R. Gray. F. ichthyaétus, Horsf. Res. in Jav., pl. 

He.orarsus, Smith (April, 1830). Terathopius, Less. (Nov. 
1830). Falco, Daud. 
H. ecaudatus, (Daud.) G. R. Gray. Levaill. Ois. d Afr., pl.7. et 
8. H. typus, Smith. 

Haxtrairus, (Antig.) Sav. (1809). Aquila, Z7/. Spizaétus, Vieill. 
Cuncuma, Hodgs. (1836). Falco, Gm. Vultur, LZ. 
H. albicilla, (L.) Bote, Pl.enl.212. H. nisus, Sav. 

Haxiastour, Selby (1840). Falco, Z. Haliaétus, Cuv. Aquila, 
Briss. Milvus, Jerd. 
H. indus, (Bodd.) G. R. Gray. F. pondicerianus, Gm., Pl. enl. 
416. H. girrenera, Vieill. H. garuda, Less. 


Hreroratco, Cuv. (1817). Faleo, Z. Gyrfaleo, Ray. 
H. islandicus (Briss.) Cuv., Pl. enl. 462. Falco gerfalco, Z. 

Fatco, Z. Rhynchodon, Nitzsch (1840). 
F. peregrinus, Z., Pl. enl. 430. 

a Previously used by Illiger. 

> The reason why I have not adopted Vigors’s generic name is, that Mr. 
Swainson had previously proposed the same word for a divisional name in 
Turdide. This latter I have retained, thinking it correct to do so, and my 
reasons are given under Mr. Swainson’s group. 



Hyprotriorcuis, Bote (1826). Dendrofalco, Ray. /Esalon et La- 
nirius, Briss. 
H. subbuteo, (L.) Bote, Pl. enl. 432. 

Trynuncutus, (Antiq.) Vieill. (1807). Cerchneis, Bote (1826). 
Faleula, Hodgs. (1837). 
T. alaudarius, (Briss.) G. R. Gray, Pl. enl.401.471.  F. tinnun- 
culus, ZL. 

Eryturopus, Brehm. (1828). Falco, LZ. 
E. vespertinus, (L.) Br., Pl. enl. 431. F. rufipes, Zemm. 

IrrAcipEA, Gould (1837). Faleo, V. and H. 
I. berigora, (Vig. and Horsf.) Gould. 

Harpacus, Vigors (1824). Bidens, Spix (1824). Diodon, Less. 
(1831). Falco, Lath. Diplodon, Nitzsch (1840). 
H. bidentatus, (Lath.) Vigors, Pl. col. 58. et 228. _D. brasiliensis, 

Hrerax, Vigors (1824). Harpagus, Swains. Falco, L. 
H. cerulescens, (L.) Vigors, Pl. col. 97. 

Subfam. V. MILVIN A. 

Avicipa, Swains. (1837). 
A. cuculoides, Sw. Birds of W. Afr., [. pl. 1. 

Baza, Hodgs2 (1836). Lophotes®, Less. (1831). Buteo, Vierll. 
Lepidogenys, J. £. Gray (1839). Faleo, Zemm. 
B.lophotes, (Temm.) G. R. Gray, Pl. col.10. — L. indicus, Less. 
B. cristatus, Vieill. L. Lathami, J. #. Gray. 3B. syama, 

Pernis, Cuv. (1817). Falco, LZ. 
P. apivorus, (L.) Cuv., Pl. enl. 420. 

Gampsonyx, Vigors (1825). 
G. Swainsoni, V. 

Exanus, Sav. (1809). Elanoides, Viedll. (1825). Faleo, Daud. 
E. melanopterus, (Daud.) Leach. Levaill. Ois. d’ Afr., pl. 36. E. 
cesius, Sav. 

Naucrerus, Vigors (1825). Falco, Z. Milvus, Briss. 
N. fureatus, (L.) Vig. Catesby, pl. 4. 

Mitvus, (Antiq.) Cuv. (1799-1800). Falco, Z. 
M. regalis, Briss., Pl. enl.422. F. Milvus, Z. M. ictinus, Sav. 

@ The papers of this Naturalist are in the Journ. of the Asiatic Society 
of Bengal, Indian Review, Madras Journal of Literature and Science, Glean- 
ings of Science, Medical Journal of Calcutta, Oriental Quarterly, Researches 
of Asiatic Society, &c. 

> Previously used in Ichthyology. 


RostruAmus, Less.(1831). Cymindis, Sw. Herpetotheres, Vieill. 
Faleo, Zl. 

R. hamatus, (IIl.) G. R. Gray, Pl. col. 231. R. niger, Less. 
F. leucopygos, Spix. 

Cyminpis, Cuv. (1817). Astur, Spiv. Asturina, Vieill.? (1816). 
Leptodon*#, Sundev. (1836). Faleo, Gm. 
C. cayanensis, (Gm.) Cuv., Pl. enl. 473. Ast. cyanopus, Viedll.? 

IcrintaA, Vierll.(1816). Buteo, Cuv. Nertus, Bote (1828). Falco, 
I. plumbea, (Gm.) Vieill., Pl. col. 187. 


Daparion, Sav. (1809). Faleo, Z.  Sparvius, Vierll. (1816.) 
Astur?, (Briss.) Zacep. (1800-1801). Asturina, Vieill. 
D. palumbarius, (L.) Sav., Pl. enl. 418. 

Micrastur, G. &. Gray (1841). Brachypterus®, Less. (1837). 
Astur, Spix. Se 
M. brachypterus, (Temm.) G. #. Gray, Pl. col. 141. F. concen- 
tricus, 7d. 

AccrpitErR, (Antiq.) Briss. (1760). Nisus, Cuv. (1799-1800). 
Sparvius, Viel. Falco, £. Astur, Steph. Deedalion, Sav. 
A.nisus, (L.) Maegill. A. fringillarius, Ray, Pl.enl. 412.467. N. 
communis, Cuv. 

Micronisus, G. R. Gray (1840). Faleo, Daud. Nisus, Cuv. 
M. gabar, (Daud.) G. R. Gray, Levaill. Ois. d’ Afr., pl. 33. 

Subfam. VII. CIRCIN/S. 

Meviiérax, G. R. Gray (1840). Faleo, Daud. Nisus, Cuv. 
M. musicus, (Daud.) G. R. Gray. Levaill. Ois. d Afr., pl. 27. 

PotysororpeEs, Smith (April, 1830). Gymnogenys, Less. (Nov. 

1830). Nisus, Cuv. Vultur, Scop. Morphnus, Less. Falco, Gm. 

P. radiatus, (Scop.) G. #. Gray. Sonn. Voy. aux Ind., pl. 103. F. 
madagascariensis, Gm. P. capensis, Smith. 

SerPenTARius, Cuv. (1797-1798). Sagittarius 4, Vosm. (1767). 
Secretarius, Dum. (1806). Gypogeranus, J//.(1811). Ophio- 
theres, Vieill. (1816). 

S. reptilivorus, Daud., Pl.enl. 721. S. serpentarius, Ml. O. cris- 
tatus, Vieill. G. capensis, Ogil. 

Circus, (Antiq.) Lacep. (1800-1801). Falco, Z. Busarellus, Lafr.? 

C. zruginosus, (L.) Bonap., Pl. enl.424. F. rufus, Lath. 

4 Employed in Botany. b Employed in Botany. 
© Previously used ending in yr. 4 Employed in Botany. 


Srricicers, Bonap. (1838). Fatco, L. 
S. pygargus, (L.) Bonap., Pl. enl. 443. et 480. F. eyaneus, Z., Pl. 
enl. 459. F. strigiceps, WVils. 

Suborder I]. AccrprrrEs NOCTURNI. 

Family WI. STRIGIDA Strix, L. 

Subfam. I. SURNIN/. 

Surnia, Dum. (1806). Syrnia, Steph, Strix, Gm. 
S. funerea, (Gm.) Dum. Edw., pl. 62. 

Ciccasa, Wagl. (1832). Noctua, Cuv. Strix, Daud. 
C. huhula, (Daud.) Wagl. Levaill. Ois. d Afr., pl. 41. S. lineata, 

Nyctea, Steph. (1825). Noctua, Cuv. Nyctia, Swains. (1837). 
Strix, LZ. 
N. candida, (Lath.) Bonap., Pl. enl. 458. Str. nyctea, L. N. er- 
minea, Steph. S. nivea, Daud. 

ATHENE, Boie (1822). Carine, Kaup. (1836). Nyctipetes, Swans. 
(1837). Glaucidium, Less. (1837). Strix, Daud. Noctua, 
Antig. Noctua, Nudipedes, et Ptilipedes, Less. Syrnia, Macgill. 

A. noctua, (Retz.) Bote, Pl. enl. 439. Str. passerina, Awct. 

Nrnox, Hodgs.(1837). An Athene? 
N. nipalensis, Hodgs., Madr. Journ. Lit. and Sci. 1837. pl. xiv. 

Subfam. II. BUBONINA. 

Scores, (Antiq.) Sav.(1809). Otus, Less. Strix, Z. Bubo, Bore. 
S. Aldrovandi, Ray, Pl. enl. 436. S.scops, Z. 8S. ephialtes, Sav. 

Loruosrrix, Less. (1837). Strix, Daud. Syrnium, Less. 
L. griseata, (Daud.) Less. Levaill. Ois. d’ Afr., pl. 43. 

Ketupa, Less. (1831). Cultrunguis, Hodgs. (1836). Strix, Gm. 
K. ceylonensis, (Gm.) G. R. Gray. Brown’s Ill.,t.4. Str. ke- 
tupu, Horsf. K. javanensis, Less. 

Buso, (Antiq.) Sibb. Feliceps, Barr. Asio, Swains. Ulula, Bonap. 

Heliaptex, Sw. (1837). Strix, Z. Otus, Cuv. (1799-1800). 

B. maximus, S7bb., Pl. enl. 435. Str. bubo, Z. 3B. atheniensis, 

AscaALApPHiA, J. Geoffr. (1830). Bubo, Sav. 4 
A. Savignii, G. R. Gray. 8B. ascalaphus, Sav. Hist. d’ Egypte, 
pl. 3.1.3. 

Hunua, Hodgs. (1837). 
H. nipalensis, Hodgs. 

Subfam. II]. ULULINA. 

Syrnium, Sav. (1809). Scotiaptex, Swains. (1837). Ulula et Strix, 
Briss. Strix, L. 
S. aluco, (L.) Boze, Pl.enl.441. S. ululans, Sav. 

Prynx, Bl. (1840). Strix, Z.  Surnia, Cuv. Syrnium, Bonap. 
P. uralensis, (L.) Bl. Gould’s B. of Eur., pl. 

Orus, Ray. Asio, Antig. Brachyotus, Gould (1837). Strix, L. 
Bubo, Sav. 
O. vulgaris, Flem., Pl.enl.29. Str. otus, Z. O. europzeus, Steph. 

Urrua, Hodgs. (1837). (Non vidi.) 
U. cavearea, H. 

Nycratoprs, Wagl. (1832). (Non vidi.) 
N. stygius, Wagl. 

Uxvuta, (Antiq.) Cuv. (1817). Strix, Z. Syrnium, Bote. 
U. nebulosa, (L.) Cuv. 

Giavucipium, Bote (1826). Athene, Bote. Strix, Z. Noctua, 
G. passerinum, (L.) Bote. Goulds B. of Eur., pl. 50. Str. pyg- 
mea, Bechst. 

NyctTae, Brehm. (1828). Scotophilus, Swains. (1837). Noctua, 
Sav. (1809). Strix, Bechst. Athene, Bove. 

N. Tengmalmi, (Gm.) Strickl. SS. dasypus, Bechst. Brehm 
Vogels, pl. viii. f. 3. S. funerea, (L.) Wels. 

Subfam. [V. STRIGINZ. 

Srrix, Z. Hybris, Nitzsch (1840). Aluco, (Briss.) Elem. (1822). 
S. flammea, Z., Pl. enl. 440. 

Puopitus, J. Geoffr. (1830). Strix, Horsf. 
Ph. badius, (Horsf.) J. Geoffr. Zool. Res. in Jav., pl. 

Buraca, Hodgs. (1837). (Non vidi.) 
B. newarensis, 1. 

Order II. PASSERES, ZL. Picz, L. (pars). Pas- 

serine, Cuv. Insessores, Vigors. 
Subtribe I. Fisstrostres NocTURNE. 

Family I. CAPRIMULGIDA. Caprimulgus, L. 

Subfam. I. PODARGIN. 

Steatornis, Humb. (1831 ?). Nyctibius, Steph. and Swains. Ca- 
primulgus, Humb. 
S. caripensis, Humb. Ann. du Mus., 1835, pl. 15. C. steatornis, 
Humb., Vig. and Horsf. (1825). Podargus? Steph. Capri- 
mulgus, Lath. 
AE. nove hollandiz, (Lath.) V.g H. C.cristatus. White's Voy., 
pl.29. AE. australis, Sw. 

Batracuostomus, Gould. (1838). Podargus, Horsf. 
B. javanensis, (Horsf.) Gould. P.cornutus, Temm., Pl. col. 159. 

Popareus, Cuv. (1829). Caprimulgus, Dum. Caprimulgus, 2nd 
div. Temm. 
P. cinereus, Cuv. Less. Tr. Orn., pl. 33. f. 1. P. Cuvieri, Vig. and 
Horsf. C. podargus, Dum. 

Nycrisius, Viedll. (1816). Caprimulgus, Gm. Nyctornis, Nitzsch 
(1840). Ibijau, Azara. Caprimulgus, 2nd div. Cuv. Nycti- 
corax, Mehr. (1752)? 

N. grandis, (Gm.) Vieill., Pl. enl. 325. 

SeLocuusa, G. R. Gray (1841). Caprimulgus, Viedll. Caprimul- 
gus, 6th div. Cuv. 
S. fornicata, ( Vieill.) G. R. Gray. Levaill. Afr. pl. 47. C. fur- 

catus, Cuv. 


Antrostomus, Gould (1838). Caprimulgus, Gm. Caprimulgus, 
3rd div. Cuv. 
A. carolinensis, (Gm.) Bonap. Audub.B. of Am., pl. 52. 

Evrostoropus, Gould (1837). Caprimulgus, Vig. and Horsf. 
E. guttatus, (Vig. and Horsf.) Gould. 

Lyncornis, Gould (1838). 
L. cerviniceps, Gould, Icon. Av., II. pl 


Nycripromus, Gould (1838). 
N. Derbyanus, Gould, Icon. Av., II. pl. 

CuorpeEILes, Swains.(1831). Caprimulgus, Mehr. (1752)? Gm. 
Caprimulgus, 3rd div. Cuv. 
C. virginianus, (Gm.) Swains. Wils. Am. Orn., pl. 40. f. 1. and 2. 
C. popetue, Viedl. C. americanus, Wils. 

Caprimutcus, Z. Hirundo, £.(1735). Mehr. (1752). 
C. europeus, Z., Pl.enl. 193. C. punctatus, Meyer. 

ELeoTuReptvs, G. &. ae Amblypterus*, Gould (1837). 
E. anomalus, (Gould) G. &. Gray. Gould, Icon. Av. II. pl. 

Hypropsauis, Wagl. (1832). Psalurus, Swains. (1837). Capri- 
mulgus, Vieill. Caprimulgus, 7th div. Cuv. 
H. furcifer, (Vieill.) G. R. Gray. C.psalurus, Temm., Pl. col. 157. 
H. Azare, Wagl. P. macropterus, Swains. 


Scotornis, Swains. (1837). Caprimulgus, Viel. Caprimulgus, 
5th div. Cuv. 
S. climacteris, (Vieill.) Stains. Gal. des Ois., pl.122. C. longi- 
cauda, Steph. 

Macropreteryx, Swains. (1837). Caprimulgus, Shaw. Caprimul- 
gus, 8th div. Cuv. 
M. ’ longipennis, (Shaw) G. R. Gray. Nat. Mise., pl.265. 
crodipteryx, Afzel. M. africanus, Sw. 

Cosmetornis, G. R. Gray (1840). Semeiophorus®, Gould (1838). 
C. vexillaria, (Gould) G.R. Gray. Icon. Av., II. pl. 

Popacer, Wagl. (1832). Proithera, Swains. (1837). Caprimulgus, 
Vieill. Caprimulgus, 3rd div. Cuv. 
P. nacunda, ( Vieill.) G. R. Gray. C. diurnus, Temm., Pl. col. 
182. C. campestris, Licht. 

Subtribe II. Fissrrostres DIURNZ. 

Family II. HIRUNDINIDA. Hirundo, L. 

Subfam. I. CYPSELINZ. 

Gee Jil. (1811). Apus*, Scop. (1777). Micropus, W. § 
Mey. Hirundo, Z. Brachypus, Meyer. Hirundo, 2nd div. 
Cuv. (1797-1798). 

C. apus, (L.) Zi. Pl. enl. 542. f. 1. 

? Similar to a word used in Entomology. 

b Used in Herpetology and Entomology. 

¢ Also proposed as a generic name for a crustaceous animal tye the same 
author, for which it is employed. 


Macrorreryx, Swains. (1832). Macropterus, Swains. Pallestre, 
_ Less. (1837). Hirund-apus, Hodgs. Cypselus, Temm. 
M. klecho, (Raffl.) G. R. Gray. C. longipennis, Temm. PI. col. 
85.f. 1. 

PALLENE, Less. (1837). Cypselus, Van Hass. 
P. giganteus, (Van Hass.) Less., Pl. col. 364. 

AcantTHuy is, Bote (1826). Cheetura*, Steph. (1825). Hirundo, 
L. Cypselus, Temm. Hemiprocne, Nitzsch. Pelasgie, Geoffr. 
Pallene et Cecropis, Less. 

“A. pelasgia, (L.) Bote. Wiéls. Am. Orn., pl. 39. f. 1. 

Cottocatia, G. R. Gray (1840). Hirundo, Z. Salanganes, J. 
C. esculenta, (L.) G. R. Gray. Briss. 11.t.46.f.2. A. 

Hirunpo, LZ. Cecropis, Bote (1826). 
H. rustica, Z., Pl. enl. 543. f. 1. 

ProcGne, Bote (1826). Hirundo, LZ. Cecropis, Less. 
P. purpurea, (L.) Bote, Pl. enl. 722. 

Herse, Less. (1837). Hirundo, Less. 
H. taitensis, Less. Zool. de la Coqu. 

Cotite, Bote (1822). Hirundo, Z. Biblis, Less. (1837). 
C. riparia, (L.) Boie, Pl. enl. 543. f. 2. 

CueExivon, Bote (1822). Hirundo, Veerll. 
C. urbica, (L.) Boie., Pl. enl. 542. f. 2. 
C. bicolor, (Vieill.) Bonap. H. viridis, Wils. Am. Orn., pl. 38.f. 3. 
C. viridis, Bove. 

Family IT. TODIDAE. Todus, L. 

Subfam. I. CORACIAN A, 

Eurystomus, Vieill. (1816). Colaris, Cuv. (1817). Coracias, L. 
E. orientalis, (L.) Vieill., Pl. enl.619. 

Coracras, Z. Galgulus, Briss. (1760). Cornix, Antiq. 
C. abyssinica, Gm., Pl. enl. 626. 

Bracuypteracias, Lafr. (1834). Chloropygia, Swains. (1837). 
Colaris, Less. 
B. leptosomus, (Less.) Lafr. Mag. de Zool., 1834, pl. 31. 

@ Used in Botany and Entomology. 


Subfam. II. TODINZ. 
Tonus, ZL. 
T. viridis, Z., Pl. enl. 585. f. 1.2. 


Seritopuus, Swains. (1837). Eurylaimus, Gould. 
S. lunatus, (Gould). Swains. Trans. Zool. Soc., pl. 25. S. lunu- 
latus, Swains. 

Erotta, Less. (1831). Platystomus’, Swains. (1837). 
E. Blainvillii, Zess. Nat. Libr. x. Flyc., pl. 31. 

Cymprruyncuus, Vigors (1831). Erolla, Less. Platyrhynchus, 
Desm. Todus, Lath. 
C. nasutus, (Lath.) Vigors. Temm., Pl. col. 154. T. macrorhyn- 
chus, Gm. 

Corypon, Less. (1828). Coracias, Raff. Eurylaimus, Temm. 
C. sumatranus, (Rafil.) Strickl. E.corydon, Temm., Pl.col. 297. 
C. Temminckii, Less. 

Euryiaimus, Horsf. (1820). Platyrhynchus, Viedll. (1825). 
E. javanicus, Horsf. E. Horsfieldii, Temm., Pl. col. 130.131. 

Psarisomus, Swains. (1837). Crossodera, Gould (1837). Raya, 
Hodgs. (1839"). Eurylaimus, Jam. 
P. Dalhousie, (Jam.) Swains. Gould's Icon. Av., pl. E. psit- 
tacinus, Mull. R. sericeogula, Hodgs. 

Subfam. IV. MOMOTINA. 

Hyromanss, Licht. (1838). Crypticus®, Swains. (1837). Momo- 
tus, Leadb. Prionites, Swains. 
H. platyrhynchus, (Leadb.) G. R. Gray. Jardine and Selby, Il. 
Orn., pl. 106. 
H. momotula, Zicht., Acad. Berl. 1838. pl. iv. 

Momnortus, Briss. (1760). Baryphonus, Vieill. (1816). Prionites, 
Ill. (1811). Momota, Shaw. Ramphastos, Z. Merula, Mehr. 

M. brasiliensis, Lath., Pl. enl.370. R.momota, Z. 3B. eyanoce- 
phalus, Vieddd. 

Family IV. TROGONID4. Trogon, L. 

Priotretus, G. R. Gray (1840). Temnurus’, Swains. (1837). 
P. temnurus, (Temm.) G. &. Gray, Pl. col.326. —_T. albicollis, 

4 Used previously in Entomology. 
» The paper bears the date of 1836, 
¢ Previously used in Entomology. 4 Previously used in Ornithology. 


APALODERMA, Swains. (1837). 
A. narina, (Vieill.) Swains. Levaill. Ois. d’Afr., pl. 282. | 

Harpactes, Swains. (1837). 
H. malabaricus, (Gould) Swains. G'ould’s Monog., pl. 

Caturus, Swains. (1837). 
C. resplendens, (Gould) Swains. Gould’s Monog., pl. 

Trocon, Mehr. (1752). L. 
T. curucui, Z., Pl. enl.452. T. melanurus, Swains. 

Family V. ALCEDINIDA. Alcedo, L. 

Subfam. I. TAMATIAN. 

Cuavunornis’, G.R. Gray (1841). Capito, Temm., et 2nd div. Wagl. 
(1827). Bueco, Gim., 2nd div. Cuv. (1797-1798), et Ist div. 
Vierll. (1816). Tamatia, Cuv., Sw. Nyctactes, (Glog.) Strickl. 

C. tamatia, (Gm.) G. R. Gray, Pl. enl. 746. f. 1. 

TamatiA, Cuv.(1817). Capito, (Vieill.) Swains., et lst div. Temm. 
(1820) et Wagl. (1827). Cyphos, Spia (1824). Bueco, Gm. 
T. macrorhynchus, (Gm.) Cuv., Pl. enl. 689. 

Mavacoptita, G. R. Gray (1841). Lypornix, Swains., et 2nd 
div. Wagl. (1827). Bucco, Gm., et 1st div. Vieill. (1823). 
M. fusca, (Gm.) G. R. Gray. LL. torquatus, Hahn. B. striata, 
Spix, Av. Br., pl. 40. f. 2. 

CHELIDOPTERA, Gould (1836). Cuculus, Pall. Monasa, Véeill. 
Lypornix, 3rd div. Wagl. Brachypetes, Swains. (1837). 
C. tenebrosa, (Pall.) Gould, Pl. enl. 505. 

* Mr. Strickland states that I have in my former edition transposed the 
names of Tamatia and Capito as used by Mr. Swainson. But Mr. Swain- 
son is not the proper authority for these genera, which were established, as 
Mr. Strickland is himself aware, by Cuvier and Vieillot. He believes, how- 
ever, that the genera of Cuvier and Vicillot were “ precisely the same 
group ;” but this is not correct. Capito of Vieillot was established in 1816 
with Bucco Cayanensis for its type, and I have therefore employed the 
name to designate the group to which that species belongs ; while Tamatia, 
although an old word, was applied by Cuvier in 1817 to B. macrorhynchus 
and other species, for which [ have retained it. We cannot say that these 
are “precisely the same group.”’ As for Nyctactes, it was only proposed 
by Gloger as a more classical word than Capito, and was therefore but a 
useless synonym of that genus. Having removed the typical Capito to 
its proper place among the Bucconine, it becomes necessary to apply a 
name to those which remain ; and as I cannot adopt that of Nyctactes, as 
proposed by Mr. Strickland,which would not be strictly correct, even on his 
own principle of regarding later names of precisely the same import as words 
to be “cancelled in toto,’’ I have proposed that of Chaunornis. 



Monasa, Vieiil. (1816). Cuculus, Bueco et Corvus, Gm. Ly- 
pornix, Ist div. Wagl. (1827). Monassa, Sw. Scotocharis, 
Gloger (1827). Monastes, Nitzsch (1840). Capito, 2nd div. 
Temm. Bucco, Spiz. 

M. tranquilla,(Gm.) Véeill., Pl.enl.512. .C. australis, Gm. B. 

cinereus, Gm. 

Daceto, Leach (1815). Choucaleyon, Less. (1831). Paraleyon, 
Gloger (1827). Alcedo, Bodd. 

D. gigas, (Bodd.) G. R. Gray, Pl.enl.663. Al. fusca, Gm. D. 
gigantea, Shaw. 

Syma, Less. (1828). 

S. torotoro, Less. Zool. de la Coqu., pl. 31 bis, fig. 1. S. Les- 

Me ripora, Less. (1831). Dacelo, Less. 
M. macrorhyncha, (Less.) G. 2. Gray, Voy. de la Coqu., pl. 31 
bis, fig. 2. M. euphrosiz, Less. 

Toprrampuus, Less. (1828). Alcedo, Gm. Halcyon, Steph. 
T. sacer, (Gm.) Less. Mém. Soe. d’Hist. Nat., t. III. pl. 11. 

TanysieTERA, Vigors (1825). Alcedo, Z. Pyrrhocorax, Mehr.? 
T. dea, (L.) Vigors, Pl. enl. 116. 

Hatcyon, Swains.(1821). Alcedo, L. 
H. senegalensis, (L.) Sw., Pl. enl. 594. 

Cryx, Lacep. (1800-1801). Alcedo, Z. Alcedo, 2nd div. Temm. 
C. tridactyla, (L.) Cuv. Pall. Spic., vi. pl. 11. f. 2. 


Crry Le, Bote (1828). Ispida, Swains. (1837). Alcedo, L. 
C. rudis, (L.) Bote, Pl. enl. 62. 

Atcepo, LZ. Ispida, (Antiq.) Z. (1735). 
A. ispida, £., Pl. enl. 77. 

AtcyonE, Swains. (1837). Alcedo, Lath. 

A. azurea, (Lath.) G. R. Gray. Swains. Ml. Zool., pl. 26. A. au- 
stralis, Sw. 

JACAMARALCYON, (Levaill.) Cuv. (1829). Aleyon, Spix (1894). 
Galbula, Vell. 
J. tridactyla, (Vieill.) G. R. Gray. Spix, Av. Br., pl. 57. f. 2. 
J. brasiliensis, Less. G. ceycoides, Jard. G. armata, Swains. 

Ga.sBuLa, Mehr.(1752). Alcedo, L. 
G. viridis, Lath., Pl.enl.238. Al. Galbula, Z. 


JacamMERops, (Levaill.) Cuv. (1817). Lamprotila, Swains. (1837). 
Galbula, Gm. 

J. grandis, (Gm.) Less., Viedll. Jac., pl.6. L. platyrhyncha, Sw. 

Family VI. MEROPIDZA. Merops, L. 

Meroprs, Z. Ispida, Z. Apiaster, (Antiq.) Briss. (1760). 
M. apiaster, Z., Pl. enl. 938. 

MevittrorHacus, Boe (1828). Merops, Gm. 
M. erythropterus, (Gm.) Bote, Pl. enl. 318. 

Nycriornis, Swains. (1831). Merops, Temm. Alcemerops, J. 
Geoffr. (1832). Bucia, Hodgs. (1836) 
N. amicta, (Temm.) Swains., Pl. col. 310. 


Family I. UPUPIDA. Upupa, L. 
Subfam. I. UPUPINA. 

Urpura, LZ. Hupupa, Sonn. 
U. epops, Z., Pl. enl. 52. 

Freciturus, Less. (1831). Upupa, Gm. Pastor, Temm. Coracia, 
F. capensis, (Gm.) Less., Pl. enl.697. U.madagascariensis, Shaw. 

Faccutia, J. Geoffr. (1836). 
F. palliata, J. Geoffr. Mag. de Zool., 1836. pl. 49. 

Neomorpua, Gould. (1836). 
N. Gouldii, G. R. Gray*. N. acutirostris et crassirostris, Gould. 

Se.eucipes, Less.(1835). Nematophora, G. F. Gray (1840). Fal- 
cinellus. Vieidl. Ptiloris, Cuv. Paradisea, Blum. 
S. albus, (Blum.) G. £2. Gray. Levaill. Prom., pl. 16.17. P. nigri- 
cans, Shaw. F. resplendens, Vierll. S. acanthylis, Less. 

Craspeporuora, G. ft. Gray (1840). Epimachus, Cuv.  Falci- 
nellus, Vze7dd. 

C. magnifica, (Cuv.) G. 22. Gray, Rég. An. pl. 4. f. 2. 

Pritoris, Swains. (1825). Epimachus, Wis. 
P. paradisea, Swains. P. regius, Quoy.etGaim. Voy. dela Coqu., 
pl.28. E. Brisbani, James Wilson. 

a As neither of these two specific names is applicable for the species, I 
have proposed that it should be called after Mr. Gould, whose splendid il- 
lustrated ornithological works have formed a new era in the delineation of 
objects of Natural History. 



Promerops, Briss.(1760). Falcinellus, Vietll. (1816). Irrisor, Less. 
(1831). Upupa, Zath. Curruca, Mehr. 
P. erythrorhynchus, (Lath.) Swains.  Vieill. Ois. dor., pl. 6. 

Rutopomastus, Smith (1828). Faleinellus, Vie//. Epimachus, 
Wagl. Upupa, Burch. 
R. cyanomelas, (Vieill.) Smith. Levaill. Prom., pl. 5.& 6. U. 
purpurascens, Burch. R.Smithii, Jard. and Selby. 

Epimacuus, Cuv. (1817). Upupa, Gm. Promerops, Shaw. Fal- 
cinellus, Vietdl. Cinnamolegus, Less.(1835). Upupa, 2nd div. 
Cuv. (1797-1798). 

E. magnus, (Gm.) Cuv., Pl.enl. 639. U. superba, Lath. U. fusca, 
Gm. Levaill. Prom., pl. 13.14. C. papuensis, Less. 

Family IT. NECTARINIDA. WNectarinia, Ul. 


Mono, Less. (1831). Merops, Lath. Certhia, Gm. Gracula, Merr. 
Meliphaga, 7emm. 
M. nigra, (Gm.) G. R. Gray. M. fasciculatus, Lath. Gr. no- 
bilis, err. 

Drepanis*, Temm. (1820). Certhia, Gm. Melithreptus, 2nd div. 
Vieill. (1816). Vestiaria, lem. (1822). 
D. pacifica, (Gm.) Temm.: Le Hoho, Vieidl., Ois. dor., pl.63. V. 
hoho, Less. 

Hemicnatuus, Licht. (1838). Heterorhynchus (1839) et Meli- 
threptus, Lafr. Certhia, Gm. 
H. lucidus, Licht. H. olivaceus, Lafr., Mag. de Zool. 1839., pl. 10. 

ARACHNOTHERA, Temm. (182?). Cinnyris, Horsf. Certhia, Lath. 
A. longirostris, (Lath.) Zemm., Pl. col. 84. f. 1. 

NectariniA, Zl. (1811). Certhia, Z. Mellisuga, Vieill. Cin- 
nyris, 2nd div. Cuv. (1817). Curruca, Mehr. 
N. famosa, (L.) Jil., Pl.enl. 83. f. 1. 

Pritorurus, Sw. (1837). Promerops, Briss. Merops et Upupa, 
L. Nectarinia, 1st div. Temm. Ptilurus, Strickl. (1841). Cur- 
ruca, Mehr. 

P. cater, (L.) G. R. Gray, Pl. enl.637. U. promerops, Z. 

a Mr. Strickland thinks this name should be cancelled, and Vieillot’s 
name of Melithreptus used for the present genus; but I have shown, in 
quoting the laiter synonym, that this group forms only the second section 
of Vieillot’s genus, while it is the proper type of Temminck’s ; and it will 
be seen hereafter that I retain Vieillot’s name for his first section, to which 
it seems more proper that it should be applied, and for which Vigors and 
Horsfield have also proposed it. 


ANTHREPTES, Swains. (1831). Mellisuga, Viedll. Cinnyris, Swains. 
Cinnyricinclus, Less. (1840). 
A. javanica, Swains. Zool. Ilustr., pl. 121. 

Cerruionyx, Less. (1831). Certhia, Cuv. (Non vidi.) 
C. leucomelas, (Cuv.) G. R. Gray. C. variegatus, Less. 

Diczum, Cuv. (1817). Certhia, Z. Meliphaga, Rantz. 
D. erythronotum, (Lath.) Cuv. Vieill. Ois. dor., pl. 35. D.rubri- 
capilla, Less. C. cruentata, Z. var. 

Subfam. I]. CAREBINZE., 

CrerTHIoLa, Sundev. (1835). Furnarius, Steph. Nectarinia, (IIl.) 
Less. Certhia, LZ. 
C. flaveola, (L.) Sundev. Edw.,t.122. N. antillensis, Less. 

Dacnis, Cuv. (1817). Certhia, L. 
D. cayana, (L.) Cuw. Pl. enl. 669. 

CzrREBA, (Briss.) Vieill. (1807). Nectarinia, (Ill.) Cuv. (1817). 
Certhia, Z. Colius et Troglodyte affinis, Mehr. ? 
C. cyanea, (L.) Vieill. Pl. enl. 83. f. 2. 

Controstrum, D’ Orb. et Lafr. (1838). 
C. cinereum, D’ Orb. et Lafr. Voy. d Am. Mér. Ois., pl. 59. f. 1. 

Family II. TROCHILIDAE. Trochilus, L. Ornismya, Less. 


CAmPYLoPTERUS, Swains. (1827). Trochilus, Lath. Ornismya, 
Less. (1829). 
C. latipennis, (Lath.) Swains. Less. Ois. Mouch., pl. 34. T. cam- 
pylopterus, Gm. 

Euxiampis, Boie, (1831). 
EK. jugularis, (L.) Strickl. T. auratus, Audeb. Edw., pl. 266. 

Perasopnora, G. R. Gray, (1840). Heliothryx, Bote. 
Ramphodon, Less. Colibri, Spix, (1824). 
P. serrirostris, (Vieill.) G. #&. Gray. Less. Ois. Mouch., pl. 1. 

Lampornis, Swains. (1827). Anthracothorax, Boie, (1831). 
L. mango, (L.) Swains. Less. Col., pl. 13. 14. and 15. 

Graucis, Bote, (1831). 
G. hirsutus, (Gm.) G. R. Gray. G. brasiliensis, (Lath.) Boie. 
Less. Col., pl. 21. 

? Chrysures, Less. (1829). 
?. enone, (Less.) Less. Col., suppl. 30. 


Topaza, G. R. Gray, (1840). Topazes, Less. (1829). Polytmus, 
(Briss.) Bote. Lampornis, Sw. 
T. pella, (L.) G. R. Gray. Less. Col., pl. 2. 3. 4. and 5. 

Catornorax, G. R. Gray, (1840). Lucifers, Less. (1829). 
C. lucifer, (Swains.) Strickl. T. cyanopogon, Less. Ois. Mouch., 
pl. 5. 
Grypus, Spix, (1824). Ramphodon, Less. (1829). Melisuga? 
Steph. Heliothryx, Boie. 
G. nevius, (Dum.) G. R. Gray. Less. Col., pl. 1. Gryp. rufi- 
collis, Spiz. R.maculatum, Less. T. squamosus, Licht. 

Pua@ruornis, Swains. (1827). Phaéthornis, Sérick/. (1841). 
P. superciliosa, (L.) Swains. Less. Col., pl. 6. et 7. 


Patacona, G. R. Gray, (1840). Patagones, Less. (1829). 
P. gigas, (Vieill.) G. R. Gray. O. tristis, Less. Ois. Mouch., 


Caicena, Less. (1829). Trochilus, (L.) Swains. 
C. Clemenciz, Less. Ois. Mouch., pl. 80. 

? Glaucopes*, Less. (1829). Smaragdites et Melli- 
suga, Bote, (1831). 
? glaucopis,(Gm.) Less. Ois. M., pl. 58. et 59. T. frontalis, Lath. 

LessrA, Less. (1829). Cynanthus, Swains. (1827). Mellisuga, (Br.) 

L. forficata, (L.) G. R. Gray. O. Kingii, Less. 

Hexractin, Bote, (1831). Cynanthus, Swains. Colibri, Spiz, 
(1824). Les Queues étroites, Less. (1829). 
H. bilophus, (Temm.) Bote. Temm., Pl. col. 18. f.3. 

Trocuitus, LZ. Troglodytes, Z. (1744). Polytmus, (Br.) Less. 
Mellisuga, (Br.) Bote. 
T. polytmus, Z. O. cephalatra, Less. Ois. M., pl. 17. 

Hevioturyx, Boie, (1831). Jacobines, Less. (1829). Colibri, Spia, 
H. aurita, (Gm.) Bote. Less. Ois. M., pl. 10. 

——? Platurus*, Less. (1829). Smaragdites, Bove. 
? longicauda, (Gm.). T. platurus, Lath. Less. Ois. M., pl. 40. 

? Avocettes, Less. (1829). Campylopterus, Swains. 
? recurvirostris, (Sw.). Zool. Il., pl. 105. 

* Previously employed in Zoology. 

a a i 


Potytmus, Briss. (1760). Basilinna et Glaucis, Bote. Emeraudes, 
Less. (1829). 
P. thaumantias, (L.) G. R. Gray. PI. enl. 600. f.1., Less. (1829). 
A. latirostris, (Sw.) G.R. Gray. Or. amizili, Less. Ois. M., pl. 12. 

SEPHANOIDES, Less. (1829). 
S. Kingii, (Vig.) Less. Ois. M., pl. 14. 

OrtHorHyncuHus, Cuv. (1799-1800). Les huppés, Less. (1829). 
Smaragdites, Bote. 
O. cristatus, (L.) Cuv. Less. Ois. M., pl. 31. 32. 

Me tutsuea, Briss. (1760). Calliphox, Bove, (1831). Rubis, Less. 
(1829). Selasphorus, Swains. (1831). Orthorhynchus, Z//. 
M. minima, (L.) G. R. Gray. Pl. enl. 276. f. 1. 

Curysotampis, Bote, (1831). Les Topazes, Less. (1829). 
C. moschita, (L.) Bote. Less. Ois. M., pl. 52. 53. 

Hytocuaris, Boie, (1831). Smaragdites, Bote. Les Saphirs, 
Less. (1829). 
H. sapphirina, (Gm.) Bote. Less. Ois. M., pl. 55. 

Lornornis, Less. (1829). Bellatrix, Bote, (1831). Coquets, Less. 
Selasphorus, Swains. Colibri, Spix. 
L. ornata, (L.) Less. Ois. M., pl. 41. 

Family IV. MELIPHAGIDA. Meliphaga, Lew. 
Subfam. I. MYZOMELIN. 

Myzometa, Vig. and Horsf. (1826). Phylidonyris, Less. (1831). 
Certhia, Gm. Meliphaga, 4th div. Vig. and Horsf. 
M. cardinalis, (Gm.) V. and H. Lewin’s B. of N. H., pl. 19. 

AcanTHoRHYNcHUS, Gould, (1837). Leptoglossus, Swains. (1837). 
Melithreptus, Viéeill. Certhia, Lath. Meliphaga, 5th div. 
Vig. and Horsf. 

A. tenuirostris, (Lath.) Gould. Lath. Hist. B., pl. 72. 

GLycIPHILA, Swains. (1837). Meliphaga, Lew. 
G. fulvifrons, (Lew.) Swains. Lewin’s B. of N. H., pl. 22. 


Metrornis, G. R. Gray, (1840). Certhia, Lath. Meliphaga, 
(Lew.) V.and H.(1826). Philedon, Cuv. Strigiceps? Less. 

M. nove hollandie, (Lath.) G. R. Gray. Vieill. Ois. dor., pl. 
57. M. balgonera, Steph. 


ProsTHEMADERA, G. R. Gray, (1840). Merops, Lath. Antho- 
chera, V.and H. Philemon, Viel. Sturnus, Daud. Meliphaga, 
Temm. Philedon, 4th div.Cuv.(1817). 3rd div. Cuv. (1829). 

P. nove seelandizw, (Gm.) Stérickl. M. cincinnata, Lath. Le- 
vaill. Ois. d Afr., pl. 92. S. erispicollis, Daud. Forst., Dr. 60. 

Prinotis, Sw. (1837). Meliphaga, Lewin. 2nd div. Vig. and 
Horsf. Philemon, Vietdl. Certhia, Lath. 

P. chrysotis, (Lath.) G. R. Gray. Lewin’s B. of N.H., pl. 5. P- 
Lewinii, Swains. P. erythrotis, Vieill. 

Antuornis, G. 2. Gray, (1840). Anthomyza*, Swains. (1837). 
Melithreptus, Vieid. Furnarius, Steph. Certhia, Sparr. Phi- 
ledon, Less. 

A. melanura, (Sparr.) G. R. Gray. Sparr. Mus. Carls., t.5. A- 
ceruleocephala, Sw. C.sannio, Gm. P. Dumerilii, Less. 
Forst., Dr. 62. 

Puitemon, Vieill. (1816). Anthochera, V. and H. Merops, 
Gm. Meliphaga, Temm. Philedon, 3rd div. Cuv. (1817). 
2nd div. Cuv. (1829). 

P. moluccensis, (Gm.) Viedll. 

PuyLiornis, Bote, (182 ?). Turdus, Gm. Chloropsis, Jard. and 
Selby, (182?). Meliphaga, Horsf. 
P. cochinchinensis, (Gm.) Bote, Pl. enl. 643. f. 3. 

MeripHaca?, Lewin, (1808). Zanthomyza, Swains. (1837). Me- 
rops, Lath. Philemon, Viedll. Anthochera, V. and H. Xan- 
thomyza, Sérickl. (1841). Philedon, 3rd div.Cuv. (1817). 2nd 
div. Cuv. (1829). 

M. phrygia, (Lath.) Lew. B. of N. H., pl. 3. 

AnTHocHarA, Vig.and Horsf.(1826). Creadion, Vieill. Philedon, 
Qnd div. Cuv. (1817). Ist div. Cuv. (1829). Merops, Lath. 
A. carunculata, (Lath.) V. and H. Vieiil. Gal. des Ois., pl. 94. 

* Employed in Entomology. 

> On examining Lewin’s work for the purpose of ascertaining the proper 
type of his genus Meliphaga, | unfortunately, for my former edition, looked at 
the one published in 1822, where he has placed his short characters on the 
page inwhich he described his J/. chrysotis, so that I then considered that spe- 
cies to be the type. But I have since consulted the original edition of 1808, 
where I find that he established the genus on his MW. phrygia, as he not 
only gave generic characters on the same page with the specific description 
of that bird, but also figured the bill and tongue of that species in illustra- 
tion of his genus. It must therefore, if we ‘“ ought always to retain the 
original name for that part of the old genus which was considered as typical 
by its author,” be kept as the type of the genus Meliphaga of Lewin, as 
established in 1808. The C. nove hollandie, as proposed by Vigors and 
Dr. Horsfield for the type of Meliphaga, is not even noticed by Lewin in 
his work, and cannot therefore on any principle be regarded as the type 
of his genus. 


AcANTHOGENYS, Gould, (1837). Anthochera, Fras. 
A. rufogularis, Gould, Syn. B. of Austr., pl. 

Entomyza, Swains. (1837). Gracula, Lath. Philemon, Vieill. 
Gymnops, Cuv. Entomyzon, Swains. (1825). Tropidorhyn- 
chus, V.and H. Meliphaga, (Lew.) Temm. (1820). 

E. cyanotis, (Lath.) Swains. Lew. B. of N. H., pl. 4. 

Trorrporuyncuus, Vig. and Horsf. (1826). Philedon, 1st div. 
Cuv. (1817). Merops, Lath. Meliphaga, Zemm. Gymnops, 
Cuv. (1829). 

T. corniculatus, (Lath.) V. and H. Levaill. Ois. d’ Am. et des 
Indes, I. pl. 24. 


PLecroruamrenus, G. R. Gray, (1840). Plectorhyncha*, Gould, 
P. lanceolatus, (Gould). G.R. Gray. Syn. Birds of Austr., pl. 

Manoruina, Vieill. (1825). Myzantha, V. and H. (1826). Phi- 
lanthus, Zess. (1831). Graeula, Lath. 
M. viridis, Viedll. Gal. des Ois., pl. 149. M. flavirostris, V. and H. 

Psopuopes, Vig. and Horsf. (1826). Muscicapa, Lath. Timalia, 
? Swains. 
P. crepitans, (Lath.) V.and H. Jard.and Selb. Il. of Orn., pl. 60. 

Erporsarus, Swains. (1837). Sturnus, Wagl. 
E. virescens, (Wagl.) Strickl. E. bicinctus, Swains. 

Me titurertvs?, Vieill. (1816). Heematops, Gould, (1836). Gym- 
nophrys, Stains. (1837). Meliphaga, Temm. Philedon, 3rd 
div. Cuv. (1817). 2nd div. Cuv. (1829). Meliphaga, 3rd div. 
Vig.and Horsf. Certhia, Shaw. 
M. lunulatus, (Shaw) Viel. M. atricapilla, Zemm. Pl. col. 
335. f.1. G. torquata, Sw. 

Entomopuita, Gould, (1837). 
E. picta, Gould, Syn. Austr. B., pl. (head). 

@ Used in Ichthyology. 

> I have here followed the suggestion of Vigors and Dr. Horsfield, in 
adopting their correct view of using Vieillot’s generic name for their third 
section of the genus Meliphaga. ‘The name was proposed in 1816, and 
adopted by them in 1826; yet two new names have been established by 
modern authors for the same identical type, which must be considered only 
as synonyms of Vieillot’s genus. All the species described by Mr. Gould 
under his name of Hematops belong to this genus. This word, indeed, 
Mr. Broderip considers too near Hematopus to have been employed. 


Family V. CERTHIDA. Certhia, L. 
Subfam. I. FURNARINZ. 

Cinctopges, G. R. Gray, (1840). Furnarius, Less. Opetiorhyn- 
chus, (Temm.) Gould and G. R. Gray. Upucerthia, D’Or6. 
Motacilla, G'm. 

C. patagonicus, (Gm.) G. R. Gray. Mot. gracula, Forst., Dr. 160. 
Opet. rupestris, Aztél. Less. Tr. Orn., pl. 75. f. 1. F. Les- 
soniil, Dum. F. chilensis, Less. 

Upucertuia, J. Geoffr. (1832). 
U. dumetoria, (D’Orb.) J. Geoffr. Zool. of Beagle, Birds, pl. 19. 
U. dumetorum, D’ Orb. 

Furnarius, Vieill.(1816). Opetiorhynchus, Temm. (1820). Figu- 
lus, Spix, (1824). Merops, Gm. Turdus, Licht. 
F. rufus, (Gm.) Vieill. F. albogularis, Spix, Av. Br., pl. 78. T. 
badius, Licht. 

GrositTa, Swains. (1837). Certhilauda, D’Orb. Furnarius, G. 
R. Gray. Alauda, Kittl. 
G. cunicularia, (Vieill.) G. R. Gray. Al. fissirostra, Aitil. Vog. 
Chili, pl.2. G. anthoides, Swains. 

Locumias, Swains. (1827). Picerthia, J. Geoffr. (1832). 
L. Hilairii, (Less.) G. R. Gray. Sw. Birds of Braz., pl.38. L. 
squamulata, Sw. 

Enicornis, G. R. Gray, (1840). Eremobius®, Gould, (1839). 
E. pheenicura, (Gould) G. R. Gray. Voy. Beagle, Zool. Birds, 
pl. 21. 

OcHETorRHyNcHUS, Meyen, (1834). Upucerthia? D’ Orb. et Lafr. 
O. ruficaudus, Mey. Nov. Act. Acad. Nat. Cur., xvi. sup. t. 11. 

Limyornis, Gould, (1839). 
L. curvirostris, Gould. Voy. Beagle, Zool. Birds, pl. 25. 

ScLeruRus, Swains. (1827). 
(The type not yet published.) 

CincLocertuiA, G.R.Gray,(1840). Stenorhynchus?, Gould,(1835). 
C. ruficauda, (Gould). G. R. Gray. 

* Similar to a word used in Entomology. 
b Used for a Crustaceous animal. Mr. Strickland remarks that I had 

omitted this genus in my former edition, but such was not the case. 


Subfam. II. ANABATIN. 

SynaLiaxis, Vieill. (1819). Sphenura, Licht. Parulus, Spiz, 
(1824). Synallaxis, 3rd div. D’ Ord. et Lafr. 
S. ruficapilla, Vied//., Gal. des Ois., pl. 174. S. ruficeps, Lich. 

Dictossa, Wagl. (1832). Serrirostrum, D’ Orb. et Lafr. (1837 : 
Dendroma, Swains. (1837). Agrilorhynchus, Bonap. (1838 
Uncirostrum, D’ Orb. et Lafr. (1839). 

D. baritula, Wagl. 

Anumpsius, D’ Orb. et Lafr. (1838). Annumbi, Azara. Furnarius, 
Vieill. Sphenura, Licht. Malurus, Swains. Anabates, Spix. 
Anthus, Less. Synallaxis, Gould. 

A. acuticaudatus, (Less.) G. R. Gray. A. anthoides, D’ Orb. 
et Lafr. F.annumbi, Vieill. S. major, Gould. 

ANABATES, Temm. (1820). Philydor, Spix, (1824). Sphenura, 
Licht. Motacilla, Gm. Xenops, 2nd and 3rd div. Lafr. 
A. guianensis, (Gm.) Zemm., Pl. enl. 686. f. 2. 

OxyruAmpuus, Strickl. (1841). Oxyrhynchus®, Zemm. (1820). 
Oxyruncus (olim), Zemm. 
O. flammiceps, (Temm.) G. R. Gray. Temm. Pl.col. 125. O. 
cristatus, Swains. 


DenprorLex, Swains. (1827). Nasica, Less. (1831). Oriolus, 
Gm. Dendrocolaptes, 2nd and 3rd div. Cuv. and 2nd div. Temm. 
D. picus, (Gm.) G. R. Gray, Pl. enl.605. G. picoides, Shaw. 

GiypHoruyncuus, Pr. Max. (1831). Sphenorhynchus (olim), 
Pr. Max. (1831). Dendrocolaptes, Licht. Sittacilla, Less. 
(1837). Zenophasia, Swains. (1837). Xenophasia, Strick. 

G. cuneatus, (Licht.) Sundev. Guer. Mag. de Zool., 1833, pl. 17. 
Z. platyrhyncha, Swains. G. ruficaudus, Pr. Max. 

Denprocoprs, Swains. (1837). Dendrocolaptes, Spix. 
D. platyrostris, (Spix) Swains. Spix, Av. Braz., pl. 89. 

Denprocincia,G. R. Gray, (1840). Dryocopus*’, Pr. Maz.(1831). 
Dendrocolaptes, Licht. 
D. turdina, (Licht.) G. R. Gray. 

Denprocoaptes, Herm. (1811). Dendrocopus, Viedll. (1816). 
Gracula, Gm. 
D. cayanensis, (Gm.) J//. Pl. enl. 621. 

The types of the ist, 2nd, and 4th divisions of these authors are S. dorso- 
maculatus, 8S. torquatus, S. albiceps. 
» Used in Ichthyology. © Previously used in Picide. 


XIPHORHYNCHUS, Swains. (1827). Dendrocolaptes, 3rd div. Temm. 
4th div. Cuv. Picolaptes, Less. Dendrocopus, Vieill. 
X. procurvus, (Temm.) Swains. Temm., Pl. col. 23. D. faleula- 
rius, Vieill. D. trochilirostris, Pr. Max. 

Pico.artes, Less. (1830). Ziphorhynchus, Swains. Dendroco- 
laptes, Spix. Oxyurus, Less. Dendroplex, Swains. 
P. bivittata, (Spix) G. R. Gray. Spia, Av. Br., pl. 90. f. 1. 
P. coronata, Less. 

Sirrasomus, Swains. (1827). Neops, Vieill. Synallaxis, 2nd div. 
Cuv. Dendrocolaptes, 4th div. Temm. 
S. sylviellus, (Temm.) Swains. Temm., Pl. col. 72.f. 1. N.spiurus, 
Vieill. S.'Temminckii, Zess. D. xenops, Temm. 

Subfam. IV. CERTHINZ. 

Cerrnia, LZ. 
C. familiaris, Z., Pl. enl. 681. f. 1. 

Oxyurus, Swains. (1827). Synallaxis, Less. Sylvia, Lath. Mo- 
tacilla, Gm. 
O. spinicaudus, (Gm.) G. R. Gray. Lath. Hist., pl. 107. O. au- 
stralis, Swains. 

Cuimacreris, Temm. (1820). Petrodroma, Vieill. Meliphaga, 
C. picumnus, Zemm., Pl. col. 281. f. 1. f. 2. 

Ticuoproma, Z/.(1811). Petrodroma, Vieill. (1816). Certhia, Z. 
T. muraria, (L.) JU. Pl. enl.372. T. phoenicoptera, Temm. T. 
europea, Steph. 

Grosates, Swains. (1837). 
G. brevicauda, Swains. 

Tartare, Less. (1831). Sitta, Less. Turdus, Gm. Thryothorus, 
Quoy et Gaim. Oriolus, Forst. 
T. longirostris (Gm.) G. R. Gray. S. otatare, Less. Voy. de la 
Coqu., pl. 23. f.2. Or. musee, Forst., Dr. 55. T. luscinia, Quoy 
et Gaim. T. O-taitiensis, Less. 

Subfam. V. SITTIN. 

SITTELLA, Swains. (1837). Neops, Vieill. Sitta, Lath. 
S. chrysoptera, (Lath.) Swains. Lath. Hist., pl. 63. 

Sirta, L. 
S. europea, Z. Pl. enl. 623. f. 1. 

DenpRopPHILA, Swains. (1837). Orthorhynchus, Horsf. Sitta, 
D. frontalis, (Horsf.) Swains. S. velata, Temm., Pl. col. 72. f.3. 


DenprRopRomus, Gould, (1839). 
D. leucosternus, Gould. Voy. of Beagle, pl. 

Xenops, Hoffm. (1811). Neops, Vieill. (1816). 
X. genibarbis, Zd/. Temm., Pl. col. 150.1. 1. N. ruficauda, Vieidl. 


OrtHonyx, Temm. (1820). 
O. spinicauda, Temm., Pl. col. 428. O. maculatus, Steph. O. 
Temminckii, Vig. and Horsf. 

Monova, Less. (1837). Certhia, Quoy et Gaim. Muscicapa, 
Gm. Orthonyx, Lafr. 
M. ochrocephala, (Gmm.) G. R. Gray. M. chloris, Forst., Dr. 157. 
C. heteroclitus, Quoy e¢ Gaim. O. icterocephalus, Lafr. 


Rutnocrypta, G. &. Gray, (1841). Rhinomya*, D’ Orb. et Lafr. 
R. lanceolata, (D’Orb. et Lafr.) G. R. Gray. Voy. Am. Mér., 
ple 7-f.1. 

Menvra, Dav. (1800). Parkinsonius, Bechst. Megapodius, Wagl. 
M. superba, Dav. M. lyra, Shaw. Gal. des Ois., pl. 192. M. 
nove hollandize, Lath. M. vulgaris, Flem. M. paradisea, 

Sw. P. mirabilis, Bechst. 

Preroptocuos, Kittl.(1830). Hylactes, King, (1830). Megalo- 
nyx, Less. (1830). Leptonyx, Swains. (1832>). 
P. rubecula, Avttl. Vog. Chili, pl. 2. 

Scyratopus, Gould, (1836). Myiothera, Pr. Max. Platyurus, 
Swains. (1837). Motacilla, Gm. Malacorhynchus, Weneer. 
(1834). Sylvia, Lath. Troglodytes, Aittl. Sylviaxis, Less. 
(1840). Leptonyx, D’ Orb. et Lafr. 

S. magellanicus, (Gm.) G. R. Gray. Forst., Dr. 163. S. fuscus, 
Gould. Jard.and Selby’s Ill, n.s. pl.19. Pl. niger, Swains. 

Microura, Gould, (1837). Micrura, Strickl. (1841). 
M. squamata, Gould, Icon. Av., I. pl. 

* Employed in Entomology. 

b MM. Orbigny and Lafresnaye have given 1821 as the date of this ge- 
neric name, which would be, I believe, three years anterior to any of Mr. 
Swainson’s Ornithological papers. 


MervLAxis, Less. (1830). Platyurus, Swains. (1837). Malaco- 
rhynchus, Menetr. Merularis, D’ Orb. et Lafr. 
M. ater, Less. Cent., pl. 30. P. corniculatus, Swains. M. erista- 
tellus, Wenetr. 

TurioTHoRus, Vieill. (1816). Sylvia, Lath. 
T. arundinaceus, Viewll. Ois. d’Am. Sept., pl. 108. 

CampyLoruyncuus, Spix, (1824). Turdus, Gm. et Licht. Cichla, 
Wagl. (1827). Sphenura, Licht. Opetiorhynchus, Pr. Max. 
Picolaptes, Zafr. Anumbius, D’ Orb. et Lafr. 

C. variegatus, (Gm.) G. R. Gray. C.scolopaceus, Spix, Av. 
gee pl. 79.f.1. Op.turdinus, Pr. Max.? Turd. scolopaceus, 

RuamPuocenus, Vieill. (1819). Troglodytes, Sw. Acontistes, Sun- 
dev. (1835). Scolopacinus, Bonap. (1837). 
R. melanurus, Vieill. Gal. des Ois., pl. 128. 

TrocLopyres, Vieill. (1807). Motacilla, Z. Anorthura, Renn. 
Regulus, Briss. Luscinia, p. Z. (1735). 
T. europaeus, Cuv. Pl. enl.651.f.2. M. troglodytes, Z. T. regu- 
lus, Meyer. T. parvulus, Koch. 

Family I. LUSCINIDA. Luscinia, L. Sylvia, Lath. 

Subfam. I. MALURINA, 

Ortuotomus, Horsf. (1820). Edela, Less. (1830). 
O. sepium, Horsf. Mag. de Zool. 1836, Ois., pl.51. E. ruficeps, 

Printa, Horsf. (1820). Orthotomus, Temm. 
P. familiaris, Horsf. Swains. Zool. Ill., O. prinia, Temm. 

Drymoica, Swains. (1827). Sylvia, Lath. Malurus, 1st div. 
Temm. (1820). 
D. macroura, (Lath.) Sw. Levaill. Ois. d’ Afr., pl. 129 and 130, 
f.1. M. capensis, Steph. 

BrapypTErus, Swains. (1837). Apalis (olim), Swains. Sylvia, 
Vieill. Cysticola, Less. 
B. platyurus, Swains. Levaill. Ois. d’Afr., pl. 122. S. brachy- 
ptera, Vierll. 

Me izorpuitus, Leach. Motacilla, Gm. Sylvia, Lath. 
M. provincialis, (Gm.) Leach. S. dartfordiensis, Lath. S. fer- 
ruginea, Veeell. 



Mauurus, Vieill. (1816). Motacilla, Hillis. Sylvia, Lath. 
M. cyaneus, (Ell.) Vieill. Lath. Hist., pl. 106. 

Streirurus, Less. (1831). Drymoica, Sw. Sylvia, Lath. Malu- 
rus, Zemm. Muscicapa, Shaw. 
S. malachurus, (Shaw) Less. Levaill. Ois. d’Afr., pl. 130. f. 2. 

Cysticoxa, Less. (1831). Salicaria? Gould. Sylvia, Temm. Cis- 
ticola, Sérickl. (1841). Drymoica, Swains. 
S. scheenicola, Bonap. S. cysticola, Temm., Pl. col. 6. f. 3. 

Hemrereryx, Swains. (1837). Sylvia, Vieill. Cysticola, Less. 
H. textrix, (Vieill.) Sw. Levazll. Ois. d’Afr., pl. 131. 

PraTicoLa, Swains. (1837). Calamanthus, Gould, (1837). An- 
thus, Vig. and Horsf. 
P. fuliginosa, (V. and H.) G. R. Gray. P. anthoides, Swains.? 

Amytis, Less. (1831). Malurus, Quoy et Gaim. 
A. textilis, (Q. et G.) Less. Voy. de l'Uranie, pl. 23. f. 1. 

Spuenaacus, Sérickl. (1841). Motacilla et Muscicapa, Gm. Sylvia, 
Lath. Curruca, Briss. Malurus, Swains. Dasyornis, Vig. 
and Horsf. Synallaxis, Cuv. Quoy et Gaim. Timalia, Swains. 

S. africanus, (Gm.) Sérickl. Swains. Zool. Ill., t.170. M. afra, 
Gm. Forst., Dr. 154, b. S. cantor, Less. 

S. punctatus, (Quoy et Gaim.) G. R. Gray. Voy. de ]’Astrol. 
Ois., pl. 18. f. 3. 

Dasyornis, Vig. and Horsf. (1826). Timalia? Swains. 
D. australis, V. and H. Jard. and Selby’s Il. Orn., pl. 73. 

SpHENURA, Licht. (1823). Turdus, Lath. Malurus, Temm. 
S. brachyptera, (Lath.) Licht. M. pectoralis, Steph. 

CincLoruampuus, Gould (1837). Megalurus, V. and H. 
C. cruralis, (V. and H.) Gould. 

Mecaturus, Horsf. (1820). Malurus, Reinw. 
M. palustris, Horsf. Pl. col. 65. f.2. M. marginalis, Reinw. 

Subfam. II. LUSCININ 2. 
Certia, Bonap. (1838). Sylvia, Marm. Salicaria? Gould. 
C. altisonans, Bonap. S. cetti, Marm. Gould’s B. of Eur,, pl. 

PsEubo-LusciniA, Bonap. (1838). Sylvia, Savi. 
P. Savii, Bonap. 8. luscinioides, Savi. Gould’s B. of Eur., pl. 104. 


LocusTELLA, (Ray.) Gould. (1836). Sylvia, Lath. Salicaria, 
Selby. Calamoherpe, Bote. Curruca, Swains. Arundina- 
ceus, Less. Sibillatrix, Macgill. (1839). Sylvia, div.a, Cala- 
modyta, Meyer. 

L. avicula, Ray. S. locustella, Zath. Pl. enl., 581. f.3. L. Rayi, 

Arpon, Boie, (1826). Erythropygia, Smith, (1835). Agrobates, 
Swains. (1837). Sylvia, Temm. Arundinaceus, Less. Sali- 
earia, Gould. Calamoherpe, Boze. Turdus, div. b, Saxicola, 

A. galactotes, (Temm.) Bote. Temm. Pl. col., 28. f. 1. T. 
arundinaceus, var. 3, Lath. T. rubiginosus, Meyer. 

LuscinioLa, (Antiq.) G. R. Gray. (1841). Calamodyta, Bonap. 
(1838). Sylvia, Zemm. Arundinaceus, Less. 
L. melanopogon, (Temm.) G. R. Gray. Gould's B. of E., pl. 111. 

AcrocEPHaLus, Naum.(18??). Sylvia, div. a, Calamodyta, Meyer, 
1822. Calamoherpe, Bote, (1826). Turdus, Z. Salicaria, 
Selby, (1833). Curruca, Swains. Arundinaceus, Less. 

A. arundinaceus, (L.) G. R. Gray. Gould's B. of E., pl. 108. 

S. turdoides, Mey. A. lacustris, Naum. 

PuyLiopnevusteE, Meyer, (1822). Hippolais, Brehm, (1828). Asi- 
lus, Bechst. (1802). Arundinaceus, Less. Motacilla, Z. Re- 
gulus, Cuv. Sylvia, div. d, Phyllopneuste, Meyer, (1822). 

P. hippolais, (L.) Meyer. Pl. enl., 651. f.1. H. salicaria, Bonap. 
S. polyglotta, Viedll. 

Cyanotis, Swains. (1837). Sylvia, Vieill. Tachuris, (Azara,) 
D Orb. et Lafr. Regulus, J. BE. Gray. 
C. Azare, (Licht.) G. R. Gray. R. Byronensis, J. #. Gray. 
Griff. An. Kingd. Birds, pl. §S. omnicolor, Véedll. 

Recutus, (Antiq.) Cuv. (1799-1800). Motacilla, Z. 
R. cristatus, Ray. Pl. enl., 651. f. 3. M. regulus, Z.  R. auri- 
capillus, Selby. R. flavicapillus, Vawm. 

Puytioscorus, Boie, (1826). Asilus*, (Antiq.) Mehr. (1752). 
Trochilus, Lafr. Motacilla, £. Sylvia, Lath. Sylvia, div. d, 
Phyllopneuste, Meyer. Regulus, Cuv. 

P. trochilus, (L.) Bove. Pl. enl. 651. f. 1. 

Syrvia, Lath. (1790). Philomela, Swains. Motacilla, Gm. 
Sylvia, div. b, Curruca, Meyer. 
S. melanocephala, (Gm.) Lath. Gould’s B. of E., pl. 123. S. 
rusticola, Vieddl. 

« Employed by Linnzus in Entomology. 



Avornis, G. R. Gray, (1841). Curruea, (Briss.) Bonap. (1838). 
Motacilla, Gm. Sylvia, div. b, Curruca, Meyer. Sylvia, 
(Scop. 17777) Lath. 

A. hortensis, (Gm.) G.R. Gray. Pl. enl., 579. f. 1. 

Nisoria, Bonap. (1838). Curruca, Bechst. Philomela, Swains. 
N. undata, Bonap. S. nisoria, Bechst. 

Luscrnta, (Antiq.) Z. (1735). Curruca, Bechst. (1802). Philo- 
mela, Selby (1833). Daulias, Bote, (1831). Motacilla, LZ. 
Sylvia, Lath. 

L. philomela, Ponap. Pl. enl., 615. f.2. S. luscinia, Lath. M. 
luscinia, Z. 


Corsycuus, Wagl. (1827). Gracula, Z. Gryllivora, Sw. (1831). 
Cercotrichas, Boie, (1831). Lalage, (Boie) Sundev. (1835). 
Kittacincla, Gould, (1836). Notodela, Less. Ixos, (Temm.) 
Cuv. Saxicolides, Less. ? 

C, saularis, (L.) Wagl. Edw., t. 181. L. mindanensis, Gm. 
S. solaris, Daud. T. amcenus, Horsf. 

Ruricitia, (Antiq.) Brehm. (1828). Sylvia, div. c, Bechst. 
Pheenicura, Sw. (1831). Motacilla, £. Pheenicurus, Antiq. 
Sylvia,div.c. Vermivora, Meyer. Ficedula,(Cuv.) Bote. (1826). 

R. pheenicura, (L.) Bonap. Pl. enl., 351. f. 2. 

Nittava, Hodgs. (1837). Pheenicura, Vigors. 
N. sundava, Hodgs. 

Sieuta, Hodgs. (1837). 
S. strophiata, Hodgs. 

CyanecuLa, (Briss.) Brehm. (1828). Pandicilla, Bl. Motacilla, 
L. Sylvia, Lath. Ficedula, Bote. Curruca, Less. Sylvia, 
div. ec, Vermivora, Meyer. 
C. suecica, (L.) Boie. Pl. enl., 361. f. 2. 

Catiopr’, Gould, (1836). Accentor, Temm. Motacilla, Z. Tur- 
dus, Gm. 
C. camtschatkensis, (Gm.) Sérickl. C. Lathami, Gould. M. cal- 
liope, Pall. 

Eryruacvus?, (Antiq.) Cuv. (1799-1800). Rubecula, (Briss.) 
Brehm, (1828). Dandalus, Bore, (1826). Sylvia, div. ¢, 
Vermivora, Meyer, (1822). Erythaca, Swains. (1831). Mo- 
tacilla, Z. Sylvia, Lath. Ficedula, Beehst. Luscinia, p. 
jin ichay 

E. rubecula, (L.) Cuv. Pl. enl., 361. f. 1. 

* Since proposed to be used in Mammalogy. 
b This word, as well as Ficedula, were previously proposed by Mcehring, 
in 1752, for genera, the types of which are described by Ray, in his 


Sraia, Swains. (1831). Sylvia, Lath. Motacilla, Z. Sialis, Lafr. 
(Enanthe, Vieill. 
S. Wilsoni, Swains. Edw., t. 24. M. sialis, Z. 

Perroica, Swains. (1832). Muscicapa, Gm. Muscylvia, Less. 
Saxicola, Drap. 
P. multicolor, (Gm.) Sw. Lew. Birds of N. H.,pl.17. M. ery-. 
throgaster, Lath. 

Hyiopes, Gould, (1841). 
H. brunneopygius, Gould, B. of Austr. 

Symmorpuus, Gould, (1837). 
S. leucopygius, Gould, B. of Austr. 

OriemA, Gould, (1837). Muscicapa, Lewin. Saxicola, Vig. and 
O. solitaria, (Lew.) Gould. Lew. Birds of N. H., pl. 16. 

THAmnosBiA, Swains. (1831). Sylvia, Vieill. 
T. ptymatura, (Vieill.) G. R. Gray. Levaill. Ois. d’ Afr., pl. 188. 
f.2. 'T. leucoptera, Sw. 

CampicoLa. Swains. (1827). Sylvia, Lath. Saxicola, Temm. 
Motacilla, Gm. 
C. pileata, (Gm.) Sw. Levaill. Ois. d’Afr., pl. 181. 182. 

SaxicoLa, Bechst. (1802). Vitiflora, (Briss.) Steph. (1817). 
(Enanthe, Vieell. (1816). Mbotacilla, Z. Sylvia, Lath. 
S. cenanthe, (L.) Bote. Pl. enl., 554. 

Fruticico.a, Macgill. (1839). Rubetra, (Briss.) G. R. Gray, 
(1840). Motacilla, Z. Saxicola, Bechst. Sylvia, Lath. 
F. rubetra, (L.) Macgill. Pl. enl., 678. f. 2. 

“ Synopsis Avium,” under the names of Sanguillo and Tooracca, and are 
inhabitants of the neighbourhood of Madras. The distinguishing pecu- 
liarities of Mcehring’s Erythacus are noted by Ray in the following words : 
“ Hujus avis nota characteristica est Vertex acuminatus, et Cauda 3 pennis 
latis, in acumen desinentibus, constructa; media penna ultra extimas pro- 
tenditur, et Tragule formam caude tribuit.” Of the six species of the latter 
division, he remarks, ‘‘ Huic Avium generi nota characteristica Sete que- 
dam tenues in cervice.” To these singular birds I would call the attention 
of ornithologists resident at Madras. As I cannot reconcile the characters 
and figures given by Petiver in Ray’s Synopsis with any birds with which 1 
am acquainted from that locality, I must retain the generic names as at 
present employed. 



Accentor, Bechst. (1802). Prunella, Vell. (1816). Sturnus et 
Motacilla, Gm. 
A. alpinus, (Gm.) Bechst. Gould's B. of E., pl. 99. 

Enicocicuta, G. R. Gray, (1840). Seiurus, Swains. (1827). 
Siurus, Strickl. Turdus, Lath. Curruca, Less. Motacilla, Gm. 
E. aurocapilla, (Gm.) G. R. Gray. Wils. Am. Orn., pl. 14. f. 2. 

Tricnas, Swains. (1827). Turdus, Z. Ficedula, Briss. Cur- 
ruca, Less. 

T. marilandica, ( Briss.) Bonap., Am. Orn., pl.6.f.1. T.trichas, Z. 

Sericornis, Gould, (1837). Acanthiza, V.and H. 
S. frontalis, (Vig. and Horsf.) Gould, Syn. Austr. B., pl. (head). 

Acantuiza, Vig. and Horsf. (1825). 
A. nana, Vig. and Horsf. Gould, B. of Austr. 

Pyrruotamus, Gould, (1841). 
P. brunneus, Gould, B. of Austr. 

XEROPHILA, Gould, (1841). 
X. leucopsis, Gould, B. of Austr. 

Psitopus, Gould, (1837). 
P. albogularis, Gould, Syn. Austr. B., pl. (head). 

Iora, Horsf. (1820). Motacilla, Z. 
I. scapularis, Horsf. Zool. Res. in Java, pl. 

Craraionyx, Eyton, (1839). 
C. flava, Lyton. 

Subfam. V. PARINA. 

ficitHaus, Vigors, (1825). Remiz, Cuv. Pendulinus, (Cuv.) 
Brehm, (1828). Parus, LZ. 
/E. pendulinus, (L.) Vigors. Pl. enl., 618. f. 3. 

Meranocutora, Less. (1839). Parus, Lafr. 
M. sumatrana, Less. P. flavocristatus, Lafr. 2 

Parus, ZL. 
P. major, Z. Pl.enl., 3.f.1. P. fringillago, Macgill. 

Mecistina, Vieill. (1816). Parus, Briin. 
M. ignota, (Brin.) Vieill. P. Stromei, Lath. 


Tyrannu_us, Vieill. (1816). Pipra, Spix. Sylvia, Lath. Musci- 
phaga, Less. 
T. elatus, (Lath.) Vieill. Pl. enl., 708, f. 2. 

SpHENnostoma, Gould, (1837). 
S. cristatum, Gould, Syn. Austr. Birds, pl. (head). 

CaLamopuitus, Leach. Mystacinus, (Cuv.) Brehm, (1828). 
/Egythalus, Boze, (1826). Parus, L. 
C. biarmicus, (L.) Leach. Pl. enl., 618. f. 1.2. 

Orites, Mehr. (1752). Mecistura, Leach. Paroides, Brehm, (1828). 
Parus, L. 
O. caudatus, (L.) Mehr. Pl. enl., 502. f. 3. 

Partsoma, Swains. (1831). Sylvia, Vierll. 
P. subeeruleum, (Vieill.) G. R. Gray. Levaill. Ois. d Afr., 
pl.126. P. rufiventer, Sw. 

Psattria, Temm. 
P. exilis, Temm., Pl. col., 600. f. 4. 

/EcITHINA, Vieill. (1816). 
/E. leucoptera, Vievll., Ois. Am.,, 11. pl. 84. 

Hytopuitus, Temm. Curruca, Less. 
H. poicilotus, Zemm., Pl. col., 173. f. 2. 


Dumecora, Swains. (1831). 
D. ruficauda, Sw. 

Sy.vico.a, Swains. (1827). Ficedula, (Briss.) Cuv. (1799-1800). 
Sylvia, Lath. Curruca, Less. Motacilla, Gm. Regulus, p. 
Cuv. (1817). Phyllopneuste, (Meyer) 2d div. Bote. 

S. coronata, (L.) Swains. Edw. t. 255. 

Parva’, Bonap. (1838). Chloris”, Bote, (1826). Parus, £. Mo- 
tacilla, Gm. Sylvia, Lath. Sylvicola, Sw. 
P. americana, (L.) Bonap. S. pusilla, Wils. Am. Orn., pl. 23. f. 3. 

Myiopioctes, Awd. (1839). Wilsonia>, Bonap. (1838). Musci- 
capa, Wils. Setophaga, Swains. Motacilla, Gm. 
M. mitrata,(Gm.) dud. M. cucullata, Wils. Am. Orn., pl. 26. f.3. 
Muse. Selbyi, Audub. 

* Also proposed by Spix, ending in ws, but not employed. 
> Used in Botany. 


Hetrinata, Aud. (1839). Vermivora, Swains. (1827). Ficedula, 
Briss. Sylvia, Lath. Dacnis, Bonap. Muscicapara, D’ Orb. 
et Lafr. Motacilla, Z. Hylophilus, (Temm.) Bove (1826). 
H. vermivora, (Lath.) Aud. Wils. Am. Orn., pl. 24. f. 4. F. 
pennsylvanica, Briss. 

Mniortixta, Vieill. (1816). Oxyglossus, Swains.(1827). Sylvia, 
Lath. Sylvicola, Jard. Motacilla, Z. Certhia, Viel. 
M. varia, (L.) Vieill. C. maculata, Wils. Am. Orn., pl. 19. f. 3. 

Sytvietta, Lafr. (1839). Diceum, Vieill. 
S. rufescens, (Vieill.) G. R. Gray. Levaill. Ois. d’Afr., pl. 135. 
S. crombec, Lafr. 

ZostERors, Vig. and Horsf. (1825). Sylvia, Swains. Muscicapa, 

Di domal, Vig. and Horsf. S. annulosa, var. 3, Swains. Ill. Z., 
pl. 165. 


Muscisaxicota, D’Orb. et Lafr. (1837).  Lessonia*, Swains. 
(1831). Ptionura, Gould. 
M. rufivertex, D’ Orb. et Lafr. Voy. de! Amér. Mér. Ois., pl. 40. f.2. 

Moracitya, ZL. 
M. alba, Z., Pl. enl. 652. f. 1. 

Bupytes, Cuv. (1817). Motacilla, Z. 
B. flava, (L.) Cuv., Pl. enl. 674. f. 2. 

Daniia, Hodgs. (1836). Motacilla, Steph. 
D. docilis, Hodgs. 

Enicurus, Temm. Motacilla, Horsf: Turdus, Vieill. 
E. Leschenaultii, (Vieill.) G. R. Gray. M. speciosa, Horsf. 
E. coronatus, Temm., Pl. col. 113. 

Grain, Viel. (1816). Tanypus >, Oppel. (1812). 
G. australis, (Oppel.) G. FR. Gray. G.melanoleuca, Vieill. Gal. 
des Ois., pl. 150. 

EputuianvurA, Gould (1837). Acanthiza, J. and S. 
E. albifrons, (Jard. and Selb.) Gould. J. and S. Ill. Orn.,, pl. 56. 

Antuvs, Bechst. (1802). Spipola, Leach, MSS. Alauda, L. 
A. aquaticus, Bechst. Gould’s B. of Eur., pl. 138. 

CoryDALua, Vigors (1825). Anthus, Vieill. 
C. Richardii, (Vieill.) Vigors. Gould’s B. of Eur., pl. 135. 

* Employed in Botany. » Long used in Entomology. 


Family If. TURDIDA. Turdus, L. 

NotoveE a, Less. (1831). Eupetes, Temm. 
N. diana, Less. Belanger, Voy. Ind. Ois., pl. 3. 

Euretes, Temm. 
E. macrocereus, Temm., Pl. col. 516. 

Asax, Less. (1839). Eupetes, Temm. 
A. ? E. ajax, Temm. 

DasycePuaLa, Swains. (1831). Muscicapa, Gm. Thamnophilus, 
Kittl. Tyrannus, Lafr. Agriornis, Gould (1838). Tamnola- 
nius (1839) et Pitangus, Less. 

D. cinerea, (Gm.) Swains. Spia’s Av. Br., pl. 26. f.2. D. ru- 
fescens, Sw. ? 

Pituys, Vieill. (1823). Pipra, £. Dasycephala, Swains. 
P. albifrons, (L.) G. R. Gray. Pl.enl.'707.f. 1. P. leucops, Viedll. 

—_— ? Leptorhynchus*, Menetr. Myiothera, Pr. Maz. 
? guttatus, (Menetr.). Mém. de I’Acad. St. Pétersb., 1832, pl. 
10, 2.4 

Formicivora, Swains. (1824). Myiothera, Zicht. Thamnophilus, 
F. grisea, (Gm.) Sérickl. F. nigricollis, Swains. Mém. de 
l Acad. St. Pétersb., 1832, pl. 3. 

Myrmeciza, G. R. Gray (1841). Drymophila>, Swains. (1824). 
Thamnophilus, D’Orb. Myrmothera, Veerll. 
M. longipes, (Swains.) G. &. Gray, Zool. Ilustr., ii. pl. 23. M. 
grallatoria, Swains. 

Urotomus, Swains. (1824). 
U. ————? 

Matunio, Less. (1839). 
M. myiothera, Less. 

Corytuoris, Sundev. (1835). Myiothera, Pr. Max. 
C. calcaratus, (Pr. Max.) Sundev. 

BracuypTeryx, Horsf. (1820). 
B. montana, Horsf. Zool. Res. in Jav., pl. 

Macronus, Jard. and Selb. (182?). Timalia, Temm. 
M. ptilosus, J. and S. Ml. Orn., pl. 151. T. trichorrhos, Temm., 
Pl. col. 594. f. 1. 

* Previously employed. > Used in Botany. 


Tinactor, Pr. Max. (1831). Oxypyga, Menetr. (1834). Myio- 
thera, Cuv. Thamnophilus, Vieddl. 
T. fuscus, Pr. Max. G'uer. Mag. de Zool., t.10. M. longirostris, 
Cuv. Th. caudacutus, Vieill. Ox. scansor, Venetr. 

Formicartius, Bodd. (1783). Myrmecophaga, Lacep.(1800-1801 ). 
Myiothera, Z//. (1811). Myrmothera, Vieill. (1816). Myiocin- 
cla, Swains. (1837). Turdus, Gm. Formicicapa, Daud. ? 
Pitta, 2nd div. Temm. 

F. cayanensis, Bodd., Pl. enl.821. T. colma, var. 3, Gm. 

Cuama#za, Vigors (1825). Grallaria, Swains. 
C. meruloides, Vigors. Jard. and Selby, Ul. Orn., pl. 11. 

GRALLARIA, Vieill. (1816). Myiothera, Cuv. Formicarius, Bodd. 

Myioturdus, Bote (1826). Turdus, Gm. Pitta, 2nd div. Temm. 

G. rex, (Gm.) Vieill., Pl. enl. 702. TT. grallaria, Zath.  F. varia, 

Cissa, Bote (1826). Corapica, Less. (1831). Coracias, Lath. Kitta, 
Temm. Chlorisoma, Swains. (1837). 
C. sinensis, (Lath.) Bote, Pl. enl. 620. C. bengalensis, Less. C. 
speciosa, Shaw. 

Bracuyurus, Thunb. Myiothera, Kuhl. Pitta, Viedll. (1816). 
Citta, Wagl. Corvus, Gm. Sparr. 
B. triostegus, (Sparr.) Zhunbd., Pl. enl.258. C.brachyurus, G'm. 

MyiorHoneus, Temm. (182?). Arrenga, Less. (1831). Turdus, 
Horsf. Myiophonus, (olim) Temm. 
M. flavirostris, (Horsf.) G. R. Gray, Pl. col. 170. M.metallicus, 

Hyprozata, Vieill.(1816). Cinclus, Bechst.(1802). Sturnus, L. 
H. cinclus, (L.) G. A. Gray, Pl. enl. 940. C. aquaticus, Bechst. 
H. albicollis, Viedll. 

Subfam. II. TURDINA. 

Prrrocossypuus, Bote (1826). Monticola, (olim) Bote (1822). 
Petrocincla, Vigors (1825). Turdus, Z. Merula, Burn. 
P. saxatilis, (L.) Boze, Pl. enl. 562. 

a The generic name was given in one of the numerous papers written 
for candidates for academical honours by Thunberg, which I have been 
unable to find again, although I have carefully searched his numerous tracts. 
There can be no doubt of the fact that the name does exist, as it is noticed 
by Sundevall, and I have also referred to it as a synonym of other genera, 
as well as from the statement of Sparrmann (Mus. Carls., t. 84.1799), that 
he had the specimen from Thunberg on which the latter had established this 
genus. Thus it was certainly proposed long before 1816, when Vieillot gave 
the name of Pitta for the same typical division. 



Orocetes, G. R. Gray (1840). Pheenicura, Vigors. Petrophila®, 
Swains. (1837). 
O. cinclorhynchus, (Vigors) G. R. Gray. Gould's Cent., pl. 19. 
P. cyanocephala, Swazns. 

Larvivora, Hodgs. (1837). 
L. cyanea, Hodgs. 

Brssonornis, Smith (1836). Cossypha>, Vigors (1825). Turdus, 

Vieill. Petrocincla, Swains. Merula, Burn. Gossypha, Less. 

B. reclamator, (Vieill.) G. R. Gray. Levaill. Ois. d Afr., pl. 104. 
T. vociferans, Swains. 

SaxicotipEs, Less. (1837). Turdus, Less. 
S. erythrurus, Less. 

Cuaiitors, Swains.(1831). Argya, Less.(1831). Malurus, Temm. 
C. frenatus, (Temm.) G. R. Gray, Pl. col. 385. C. Burchellii, 


GeocicuLa, Kuhl.(182?). Turdus, Lath. 
G. citrina, (Lath.) Kuhl. 

ZooTHERA, Vigors (1831). 
Z. monticola, Vigors. Gould’s Cent. of Him. Birds, pl. 

Myropnaca, Less. (1831). Myiothera, Temm. 
M. andromeda, (Temm.) Less., Pl. col. 392. 

OreocincLa, Gould (1837). Turdus, Horsf. 
O. varia, (Horsf.) Gould. 

Turpus, ZL. 
T. viscivorus, Z., Pl. enl. 489. 

Meruta, (Ray) Bote (1822). Turdus, LZ. 
M. vulgaris, Ray, Pl.enl.2.555. T. merula, Z. 

Mimus, (Briss.) Bote (1826). Orpheus, Swains. (1827). Turdus, LZ. 
M. polyglottus, (L.) Bote. Wiéils. Am. Orn., pl. 10.f. 1. 

Toxostoma, Wagl. (1831). Pomatorhinus, Temm. Orpheus, 
Swains. ? 
T. vetula, Wagl. Or. curvirostris, Swains.? 

Subfam. II. TIMALIN. 

Donacosius, Swains. (1831). Cichla, Wagl.* (1827). Gracula, 
Pall. Mimus, Pr. Max. Oriolus, Gm. Xanthornus, Cuw. 
Turdus, Z. e¢ Vieill. 

D. atricapillus, (L.) G. R. Gray. Pall. Spic., vi. t. 2. f. 2. 
T. brasiliensis, Gm. O. Japacani, Gm. D. vociferans, 
Swains. 'T. pratensis, Viedll. X.longirostris, Cuv. C.lon- 
girostra, Wagl. G. longirostra, Pall. 

* Employed in Botany. » Used in Entomology ending in us. 
© Previously used in Ichthyology. 

PeLLORNEUM, Swains. (1831). Cinclidia, Gould (1837). 
P. ruficeps, Swains. C. punctata, Gould. 

AipunEMIA®, Sw. (1831). /Epyenemia, Strickl. 

CraTeropus, Swains. (1831). Ixos, Rupp. Moho, Less. 
C. Reinwardtii, Swains. Zool. Ill., pl. 80. 

GarRULAX, Less. (1831). Ianthocincla, Gould (1835). Cinclo- 
soma, Vigors. Turdus, Z. Corvus, Lath. Brachypus? Steph. 
Garrulaxis, Lafr. (1840). 

G. perspicillatus, (Gm.) G. R. Gray, Pl. enl. 604. G. Belangeri, 

ActinopuRA, Gould (1836). 
A. Egertoni, Gould. 

Crnctosoma, Vig. and Horsf. (1825). Turdus, Lath. 
C. punctatum, (Lath.) Vig. and Horsf. Griff: An. Kingd., pl. 

Suya, Hodgs. (1837). Prinia? Hodgs. 
S. criniger, Hodgs. 

Sipia, Hodgs. (1837). 
S. Picaoides, Hodgs. 

Testa, Hodgs. (1837). ‘Aipunemia, Swains.?? Hodgs. 
T. cyaniventris, Hodgs. 

Matacocercus, Swains. (1832). Timalia, Frank. Philanthus ? 
M. striatus, Swazns. Zool. IIl., 2. 5. pl. 

TrmatiA, Horsf. (1820). Pitta, Zemm. Myiothera, Menetr. Mo- 
tacilla, Tick. 
T. pileata, Horsf. Zool. Res. in Java, pl. 

Pomatoruinus, Horsf. (1820). Pomatorhynchus, Bote (1826). 
P. montanus, Horsf. Zool. Res. in Java, pl. 

? Paludicola, Hodgs. 
? nipalensis, Hodgs. 

IcrertA, Vieill. (1816). Pipra, Wils. Muscicapa, Gm. Ampelis, 
I. viridis, (Gm.) Bonap. Wils. Am. Orn., pl. 6. f.2. I. dumi- 
cola, Vieill. I. polyglotta, Véerll. 

« This genus is not noticed by Mr. Swainson in his Classification of Birds, 
nor does he mention why he has suppressed it. 
> Previously employed in Herpetology. 


TurnaGra, Less.(1837). Keropia, G. R. Gray (1840). Turdus, 
Lath. Tanagra, Quoy et Gaim. Garrulus, Vigors. Lanius? 

T. crassirostris, (Lath.) G. R. Gray. Lath. Hist. B., pl. 80. T. 
macularia, Quoy et Gaim. 

T. striata, (Vigors) G. R. Gray. Gould's Cent. of H. Birds, pl. 

Subfam. 1V. ORIOLINZ. 

Dutus, Viel. (1816). Turdus et Tanagra, Z. Tachyphonus, 
Vieill. (1823). 
D. palmarum, (.) Vierdl., Pl. enl. 539. f. 1. T. dominica, Z. 

SpHECOTHERES, Vieill. (1816). Graucalus, Quoy et Gaim. Sphe- 
cothera, Less. 

S. viridis, Veedll. Gal. des Ois., pl. 147. 

Ortotus, L. Turdus, Mehr. (1752). Galbula, (Ray, ) Scop. (1777). 
Coracias, Jl. 
O. galbula, Z., Pl. enl. 26. 

Mimeta, Vig. and Horsf. (1826). Mimetes, King. Gracula, Lath. 
Oriolus, Zemm. 

M. viridis, (Lath.) V. and H. Jard. and Selby’s Ill., pl. 61. 

Awnatcipus, Swains. (1831). Ocypterus, Temm. Artamia, J. 
Geoffr. (1832). Philocarpus, Mill. (1835). Erythrolanius, 
Less. (1840). Leptopteryx, Wagl. Psaropholus, Jard. and 
Selby (1839). Oriolus, Hodgs. Pastor, Vigors. 

A. sanguinolentus, (Temm.) Swains. Pl. col. 499. L. cruenta, 
A. Traillii, (Vigors) G. R. Gray. Gould’s Cent. of Birds, pl. 

SEricuLus, Swains. (1825). Meliphaga, Lewin. 
S. chrysocephalus, (Lewin) Swains. Birds of N.H., pl.1. O. re- 
gens, Q. et G. 

OrroxiA, J. Geoffr. (1838). 
O. Bernieri, J. Geoffr. Mag. de Zool. 1839, pl. 4. 


Microscetis, G. R. Gray (1840). Micropus*, Swains. (1831). 
Galgulus, Avtél. Turdus, Temm. 

M. amaurotis, (Temm.) G. R. Gray, Temm. Pl. col. 497. 

Microrarsus, Eyton (1839). 
M. melanoleucus, Hyton. 

Mavacopreron, Eyton (1839). 
M. magnum, “yéon. 

> Previously employed in other branches of Natural History. 


TricnopHorus, Temm. (182?). Criniger, (olim) Temm. (1820). 
Trichas, Gloger (1827). 
T. barbatus, Zemm., Pl. col. 88. T. strigilatus, Swans. 

Hypsiretes, Vigors (1831). 
H. psaroides, Vigors. Gould's Cent. Birds, pl. 

Yuutna, Hodgs. (1836). 
Y. gularis, Hodgs. 

PHYLLASTREPHUS, Swains. (1831). : 
P. capensis, Swains. Levaill. Ois. d’Afr., pl. 112. f. 1. P. ter- 
restris, Swains. 

Hamarornis*, Swains. (1831). Turdus, Lath. Vieill, Copsychus, 
Wagl. Ixos, Temm. Brachypus, Steph. 
H. aurigaster, (Vieill.) G. R. Gray. Levaill. Ois d Afr., pl. 107. 
f.2. T. chrysorrheeus, Temm. 

Pycnonotus, Kuhl. (182?). Brachypus”, Swains. (1824). Merles 
Turdoides et Ixos, Temm. (1827). Cyclarhis? Steph. 
P. capensis, (L.) Kuhl. Levaill. Ois. d’ Afr., pl. 105. 

Anpropapus, Swains. (1831). Polyodon, Zafr. (1832). Turdus, 
A. importunus, (Vieill.) G. R. Gray. Levaill. Ois. d Afr., pl. 
106. f.2. T.clamosus, Steph. A.vociferans, Swains. TT. 
brachypodioides, Jard. 

? Tricurxos, Less. (1839). (Napothera, Mull. ?) 
T. pyrropyga, Less. 

? Serornis, Less. (1839). 
S. criniger, Less. 

* I have adopted Mr. Swainson’s generic name of Hematornis in pre- 
ference to the one given by Temminck, which Mr. Strickland thinks should 
be employed, though in a restricted form. M. 'Temminck first noticed his 
division in the letter press of Pl. col. t. 137, under the French name of 
Merles Turdoides, but he did not give a Latin name until t. 380, which was 
published some time afterwards. In the latter place he informs us, that his 
deceased friend Kuhl had given a designation to this group (Pyenonotus) 
from the downiness of the uropygium, but which he proposes should not be 
adopted, as all the species of this subfamily are more or Jess furnished with 
down on that part: he therefore applies the ‘‘more vague term of Jzos,” 
thus showing that these groups are identical; for which reason Temminck’s 
name should at all events be cancelled. 

If this had not been the case, I could not have retained the word Jzos, as 
proposed by Mr. Strickland, because I do not consider it correct for writers 
to restrict genera unless with the original type. All other restrictions must 
necessarily cause difficulties to students, inasmuch as they would have to 
learn whether Jos, for example, is to be looked upon as the genus of the 
original founder, or the restricted one of some modern writer, and applied 
perhaps to birds of very different characters from the proper type. 

5 Previously employed in other branches of Natural History. 

Family III. MUSCICAPIDA. Muscicapa, L. 
Subfam. I. QUERULINA. 

QuERULA, Vieill. (1816). Coracina, 2nd div. Temm. (1820). Musci- 

capa, Gm. 
Q. rubricollis, (Gm.) Vieill., Pl. col. 381. 

Lieancus, Bote (1828). Lathria, Swains. (1831). Muscicapa, 
Licht. Querula, Vieill. Coracina, 2nd div. Temm. 
L. plumbeus, (Licht.) G. R. Gray. Levaill. Ois. de V Amér., 
pl. 44. Q. cinerea, Vieill. 


TaniorpTerA, Bonap. (1825). Xolmis, Boie (1826). Nengetus, 
Swains. (1827). Blechropus, Swains. (1837). Lanius, L. 
Fluvicola, Swains. Pepoaza, Azara. “ Xolmus, Bote.” Swains. 
Tyrannus? Steph. Tyrannus, 3rd div. Viei/l. (1816). Musci- 
capa, Spiz. Orsipus, Nordm. (1835). 

T. nengeta, (L.) G. &. Gray. M. polyglotta, Spix, Av. Br., pl. 
24. 'T. pepoaza, Vieill. 

Licuenops, Comm. (17??). Ada, Less. (1831). D’ Orb. et Lafr. 
Perspicilla, Saains. (1837). Motacilla, Gm. Sylvia, Lath. 
Fluvicola, D’ Orb. et Lafr. 

L. perspicillata, (Gm.) G. R. Gray. A. Commersoni, Less. P. 
leucoptera, Swazns. Nat. Lib. x. Flyc., pl. 9. 

Kniro.ecus, Bote (1826). Platyrhynchus, Spix. Blechropus et 
Ptilogonys, Swains. Hirundinea, D’Orb. et Lafr. (1837). 
Muscicapa, Licht. Ada, Less. Tzenioptera, Bonap. 

K. comatus, (Licht.) G. RB. Gray. M. lophotes, Temm. B. 
cristatus, Swains. Nat. Libr. x. Flyc., pl.7.. K.lophkotes, Bote. 

Fiuvicota, Swains. (1827). CEnanthe, Viel. Entomophagus, 
Pr. Max. (1831). Muscipeta, Cuv. Xolmis, (Boie) Sundev. 
(1835). Platyrhynchus, Vieill. 

F. clymazura, (Vieill.) G. R. Gray. F. cursoria, Swains. Ill. 
Zool., pl. 47. M. mystax aut mystaceus, Spix. 

ArunpinicoLa, D’ Orb. et Lafr. (1839). Todus, Pall. Platy- 
rhynchus, Viedll. Alectura, D’ Orb. et Lafr. Muscipeta, Cuv. 
A. leucocephala, (Pall.) D’ Orb. et Lafr. M. dominicana, Spia, 
Av., pl. 29. f. 1 ; M. albiventer, f. 3.9. 

Axvrectrurus, Vieill. (1816). Alectura, Swains. Yetapa, Less. 
(1831). Xenurus, Bote (1826). Gallita, Viel. Platyrhyn- 
chus, Spix. Muscipeta, Cuv. Muscicapa? Steph. Muscipipra, 
Less. (1831). 

A. tricolor, Vieill. M. alector, Pr. Mazx., Pl. col. 155. M. alec- 
tura, Viel. A. Azarii. Swains. 


GuBERNETES, Such. (1825). Muscicapa, Licht. Tyrannus, Cuv. 
G. yiperu, (Licht.) Strickl. Muse. longicauda, Spia's Av. Br., 
pl. 17. G.Cunninghami, Such. G. forficatus, Swains. 


Piraneus, Swains. (1827). Saurophagus, Swains. (1831). Ty- 
rannus, Vieill. et Cuv. Apolites, Sundev.(1836.) Muscicapa, 

Ist div. Zemm. Lanius, LZ. 
P. sulphuratus, (L.) Swains. Pl.enl.212. T.magnanimus, Viedll. 

Macuerornis, G. R. Gray (1841). Chrysolophus*, Swans. 
(1837). Muscicapa, Spix. Tyrannus, Vieill. Pepoaza, 
D Orb. et Lafr. 
M. rixosa, (Vieill.) G. R. Gray. M. Joaziero, Spix’s Av. Br., 
pl.23. C.ambulans, Swazns. 

ScarpHoruyncuus, Pr. Max. (1831). Tyrannus, Ist div. Vieill. 
(1816). Megastoma, Swains. (1837). Lanius, Z. Tyrannus, 
Briss. et Cuv. (1817). 

S. pitangua, (L.) Stérickl., Pl. enl. 296. T. carnivorus, Vieill. 
S. sulphuratus, Pr. Max. T. brasiliensis Briss. 

TYRANNUS, (Briss.) Cuv. (1799-1800). Tyrannus, 2nd div. Viedll. 
(1816). Drymonax, Gloger (1827) 2? Lanius, £. Muscicapa, 
Briss. et Licht. Muscicapa, Ist div. Cuv. (1797). 

T. intrepidus, Vieil/. L. tyrannus, Z., Pl. enl.676. M. animosa, 

Myiosius, G. R. Gray (1838). Tyrannula>, Swains. (1827). 
Muscicapa, Gm. Muscipeta, Cuv. Myiagra, p. Vig. and Horsf. 
(1826). Tyrannus, (d.) Sundev. 

M. barbatus, (Gm.) G. R. Gray. Swains. Zool. Ill., pl. 116. 

PyrocerHatus, Gould (1838). Muscicapa, Gm. Tyrannula, 
Swains. Suiriri, D’ Orb. et Lafr. Muscipeta, Cuv. 
P. coronatus, (Gm.) Gould, Pl. enl. 675. f. 1. 

Mitvutus, Swains. (1827). Muscipipra, Less. (1831). Musci- 
capa, Gm. Tyrannus, Briss. 
M. savanus, (Vieill.) Swans. 

Subfam. JV. TITYRIN. 

Trryra, Vieill. (1816). Psaris, Cuv. (1817). Lanius, LZ. 
T. cayana, (L.) Vieddl., Pl. enl. 304. et 377. T. cayanensis, Swams. 

Pacuyrampuus, G. R. Gray (1838). Pachyrhynchus*, Spix 
(1825). Psaris, Cuv. 
P. Cuvieri, (Swains.) G. R. Gray. Swains. Zool. Ill., t. 32. 

* Previously used in Entomology. 
> Previously used by Vieillot, ending in ws. 



PLatystEIRA, Jard. and Selb. (1827). Arses, Less. Batis, Boie, 
(183?). Musceylvia, Less. (1831). Platyrhynchus, Véedll. 
Muscipeta, Cuv. 

P. melanoptera, (Gm.) G. R. Gray, Pl. enl. 567. f. 3. P. col- 
laris et Desmaresti, J. and S. 

PLatyRuyncuus, Desm. (1805). Platyrhynchus, 2nd div. Vieill. 
(1823). Muscipeta, 2nd div. Cuv. (1817). Cotinga, Thunb. 
Todus, Lath. 

P. rostratus, (Lath.) Desm. TT. platyrhynchus, Pall., Spic. VI. 

? Platyrhynchus, Smith. 
? capensis, (Smith). Ill. Zool. of S. Afr. Aves, pl. 27. 

CycLoruyncnus, Sundev. (1835). Platyrhynchus, Desm. Mus- 
cipeta, 2nd div. Cuv. 

C. olivaceus, (Desm.) Sundev., Pl. col. 12. f.1. P. sulfurescens, 

Conoropuaca, Vieill. (1816). Brachyurus, Thunb. Myagrus, 
Bote (1826), Myiothera, 77. Platyrhynchus, Viedll. Mus- 
cipeta, 3rd div. Cuv. (1817). Tyrannus, Swains. Turdus et 
Pipra, Gm. 

C. aurita, (Gm.) Véeill., Pl. enl. 822. P. leucotis, Gm. 

? Todirostrum, D’ Orb. et Lafr. Euscarthmus, Pr. Maz. 
Todus, Swains. 
? cinereocollis, (Pr Max.) T. megacephalus, Swains., Nat. Libr. 
x. Flyce., pl. 19. 

Toprrostrum, Less. (1831). Muscipeta, Cuv. (1829). Ist div. 
Temm. (1820). Onychorhynchus, Steph. Muscicapa, 2nd div. 
Temm. (1820). Todus, L. 

T. cinereum, (L.) Less., Desm. Todiers, pl. 2. 

Musctivora 4, Cuv. (1799-1800). Onychorhynchus, Fisch. (18 ??). 
Muscicapa, 2nd div. Cuv. (1797). Muscipeta, Ist div. Cuv. 
1817). Trepsiphone, Gloger (1827). Megalophus, Swains. 
f 1837). Platyrhynchus, Veezll. Todus, Gm. 
M. regia, (Gm.) G'. &. Gray, Pl. enl. 289. 

TcuiTrReA, Less. (1831). Muscipeta, 2nd div. Cuv. (1817). Zemm. 
Muscicapa, Ist div. Sundev. (1835). Platyrhynchus, Vieill. 
Muscicapa, Gm. Upupa, Z. Pyrrhocorax, Monedula et Cur- 
ruca, Mehr. (1752)? 

T. paradisi, (L.) Zess., Pl. enl. 234. 

a J had in my previous edition used the name of Muscivora in the place 
of Milvulus of Swainson ; but have since made up my mind that that name 
should be considered as more properly belonging to the group to which it was 
given by Cuvier in 1799-1800, viz. to the second division of Muscicapa, to 
which Cuvier had himself previously, in 1797, given the French name of 
Moucherolles. Cuvier employed this name in 1799-1800, although in 1817 
he substituted that of Muscipeta for the same division. 


Monarcna, Vig. and Horsf. (1825). Drymophila, Temm. (182 ? ). 
Muscipeta et Monacha, Swains. Irena, Steph. 
M. carinata, (Swains.) V. and H. Sw. Zool. fll. pl. 147. 

Arses, Less. (1831). Monacha, Swains. Muscicapa, Less. Mus- 
cipeta, Cuv. 
A telescophthalma, (Less.) Less., Zool. de la Coqu., pl. 18. f. 1. 

Puiveritta, J. Geoffr. (1838). 
P. sericea, J. Geoffr., Mag. de Zool. 1839. Ois., pl. 8. 

Myracra, Vig. and Horsf. (1825). Hypothimis, Bote (1828). 
Muscylva, Less. (1831). 
M. rubeculoides, Vig. and Horsf. 

Micraca, Gould (1841). Myiagra, Vig. and Horsf. 
M. macroptera, (V. & H.) Gould. 

Seisura, Vig. and Horsf. (1825). Turdus, Lath. 
S. volitans, (Lath.) Vig. and Horsf. Nat. Libr. x. Flye., pl. 12. 

Rurerura, Vig. and Horsf. (1825). Muscicapa et Parus, Gm. 
Muscipeta, Zemm. 

R. flabellifera, (Gm.) Vig. and Horsf. Lath. Hist. of, pl. 99. 

Leucocerca, Swains. (1838). Muscivora, Less. (1831). Musci- 
capa, Sparr. Platyrhynchus, Vievdl. 
L. javanica, (Sparr.) Swatns., Mus. Carl., pl. 75. P. perspicil- 
latus, Vieddl. 

Myi1apestes, Swains. (1838). Muscicapa, Viedll. Myadestes, 
M. armillatus, (Vieill.) Zafr. M. genibarbis, Swains., Nat. Libr. 
x. Flyc., pl. 13. 

CryproLopHa, Swains. (1837). Platyrhynchus et Seicercus, 
C. ceylonensis, (Swains.) Strickl. C. poiocephala, Swains., Nat. 
Libr. x. Flyc., pl. 23. 

Muscicapa,Z. Butalis, Sundev. Ficedula, Briss. (1760). 
M. atricapilla, Z. Gould’s B. of Eur. M. luctuosa, Zemm. 

Burais, Bote (1826). Muscicapa, LZ. Sundev. 
B. griseola, (L.) Bote, Pl. enl. 565. f. 1. 

EryTHRosTERNA, Bonap. (1838). Muscicapa, Bechst. 
E. parva, (Bechst.) Bonap. Grould’s B. of Eur. 

Miro, Less. (1831). Turdus, Gm. Muscicapa, Less. et Garn. 
M. albifrons, (Gm.) G. R. Gray. Forst. Dr., t. 148. 


? Lepturus *, Swains. (1837). 
? ruficeps, Swains., Nat. Libr. x. Flye., pl. 20. 

Euscartumus, Pr. Max. (1831). Culicivora, D’Orb. et Lafr. 
Serpophaga, Gould (1838). Musciphaga, Less. (1837). 
E. meloryphus, Pr. Maz. 

Pirzoruyncuus, Gould. 
P. nitidus, Gould. 

SeTopHAGA, Swains. (1827). Cetophaga, Less. Erythrosoma, 
Swains. Muscicapa, L. Motacilla, Gm.  Pericrocotus, 3rd 
div. Bote (1828). 
S. ruticilla, (L.) Swains. Wils. Am. Orn., pl. 6.f.6. M. flavi- 
cauda, Gm. 

Cuxictvora, Swains. (1827). Muscicapa, Temm. Hypothimis, 
2nd div. Boie (1828). Muscicapa, 2nd div. Sundev. (1835). 
C. stenura, (Temm.) Swains., Pl. col. 167. f. 2. 

Hyxiota, Swains. (1827). Bias, Less. ? (1831). 
H. flavigaster, Swains., Nat. Libr. x. Flyc., pl. 23. 

Exanta, Sundev. (1835). Moucherolles paroides, Less. (1831). 
Paroides, Less. (1837). Muscicapa,Zicht. Muscicapara, D’ Orb. 

et Lafr. (1840). 
E. pagana, (Licht.) Sundev. 

Muscicratya, D’ Orb. et Lafr. (1837). 
M. brevicauda, D’ Orb. et Lafr., Voy. d’ Amér. Mer. Ois., pl. 39. 
Subfam. VI. VIREONIN A. 

Vireo, Vieill. (1807). Muscicapa, Gm. Curruca, Less. Lanius, 
Qnd div. Cuv. (1829). Muscicapa, 3rd div. Temm. (1820). 
Thamnophilus, Spiz. 

V. noveboracensis, (Gm.) Bonap. Wils. Am. Orn., pl. 18. f. 6. 

Vireosyivia, Bonap. (1838). Muscicapa, LZ. 
V. olivacea, (L.) Bonap. 

Family IV. AMPELIDA. Ampelis, L. 

Leiorurix, Swains. (1831). Furcuria, Less. (1831). Parus, Temm. 
L. furcatus, (Temm.) Swains., Pl. col. 287. f. 1. 

Minta, Hodgs. (1838). 
M. ignostineta, Hodgs. 

* Previously employed in other branches of Natural History. 


Mesta, Hodgs. (1838 ). 
M. argentaurus, Hodgs. 

BauiLa, Hodgs. (1838). 
B. calopyga, Hodgs. 

Stva, Hodgs. (1838). 
S. eyanouroptera, Hodgs. 

Syiviparus, Burt. (1835). 
S. modestus, Burt. 

Prervutuius, Swains. (1831). Allotrius, Mill. (1835). Temm. 
Lanius, Vigors. Pterythrius, Strick/. (1841). 
P. erythropterus, (Vigors) Swains. Gould's Cent. H. B., pl. 

PAcHYCEPHALA, Swains. (1825). Laniarius, Vieill. Turdus, Lath. 
P. gutturalis, (Lath.) V. and H. Levail. Ois. d’Afr., pl. 115. T. 
lunularis, Shaw. L. albicollis, Viedll. M. dubia, Shaw. 

Eopsattria, Swains. (1831). Muscicapa et Todus, Lath. Pa- 
chycephala, Vig. and Horsf. 
E. australis, (Lath.) G. R. Gray. Lewin’s B. of N. H., pl. 23. 
E. flavicollis, Swaims. ‘T. flavigaster, Lath. ? 

Pritocutoris, Swains. (1837). Collurampelis, Less. (1839). La- 
niisoma, (olim) Swais. (1831). Tricophorus, J. H. Gray. 
Lanius, Cuv. 

P. arcuatus, (Cuv.) Lafr., Mag. de Zool., 1833, pl. 12. P.lunatus, 
Swains. 'T.lunatus, J. B. Gray. 

Subfam. II. PIPRINA. 

Pua@nicercus, Swains. (1831). Pipra, Wagl. Ampelis, Z. Cora- 
cias, Shaw. Querula, Cuv. Carnifex, Sundev. (1836). 
P. carnifex, (L.) Swains., Pl. enl. 378. 

Meroprta, Swains. (1831). Pipra, Licht. 
M. galeata, (Licht.) Swains. 

PrprEoLa, Swains. (1838). 
P. chlorolepidota, Swains. 

Pipra, Z. Parus, £. Manacus, Briss. (1760). 
P. aureola, Z., Pl. enl. 34. f. 3. 

PrpRAEIDEA, Swains. (1827). Piproidea, Strick. 
P. cyanea, Swains. 

IopopLeurA, Less. (1839). Pardalotus, Less. Euphone, Sundev. 
I. pipra, (Less.) Less., Cent., pl. 26. 

CarypturA, Swains. (1831). Pardalotus, Vieill. Regulus, Licht. 
Pipra, Wagl. 
C. cristata, (Vieill.) Swains., Braz. Birds, pl. 24. R.tyrannulus, 


Parpvatotus, Vieill. (1816). Pipra, Lath. 
P. punctatus, (Lath.) Viedll., Pl. col. 78. 

ZEtutors, Strickl. (1841). 
/E. canicapilla, Strick. 

Prionocuitus, Strickl. (1841). Pardalotus, Temm. 
P. percussus, (Temm.) Sérickl., Pl. col. 394. f. 2. 


PurpaturA, Viedll. (1816). Chelidis, Gloger (1827). Pipra, Wagl. 
P. flavirostris, Vieill., Gal. des Ois., pl. 74. P. cristata, Swans. 
“P. chrysopogon, (Licht.)” Wagl. 

AmpeEtis, L. (1735). Bombycilla, (Briss.) Vietd/. (1807). Bom- 
bycivora, Temm. (1815). Bombyciphora, Meyer (1810). Cor- 
vus, p. Z//. (1811). Garrulus, Daud. 

A. garrulus, Z., Pl. enl. 261. 3B. bohemia, Br.  B. poliocella, 

Tersina, Vieill. (1825). Tersa, (olim) Viedll. (1816). Hirundo, 
Temm. Cotinga, Thunb. Procnias, (Ill.) Temm. 
T. ventralis, (Ill.) G. R. Gray. T. cerulea, Viedll. Gal. des Ois., 
pl.119. P. cyanotropus, Pr. Max. A. tersa, L. 

Ruricoia, Briss. (1760). Pipra, Z. Orinus, Nitzsch (1840). 
_ R. aurantia, Viel. P. rupicola, Z., Pl. enl. 39.747. R. cayana, 
Swains. R. elegans, Steph. 

CatypTromeEna, faffi. (1821). Rupicola, Temm. Pipra, Wagl. 
C. viridis, Raffl. Horsf. Zool. Res., pl. . C. Rafilesia, Swans. 

Tisuca, Less. (1830). Chrysopteryx, Swains. (1831). Attila, 
Less. (1831). Ampelis, Nordm. 
T. nigra, Less. Cent., pl. 6. A. brasiliensis, Less. 9. C. erythro- 
rhynchus, Swains. A. chrysoptera, ordm. 

Procnias, Hoffm. (1811). Casmarhynchus, Temm. (1820). Co- 
tinga, Thunb. Arapunga et Averano, Less. ‘Ampelis, Vieill.’, 

P. variegatus (Gm.) Jil, Pl. col. 51. Cuv. Rég. An., pl. 4. f. 4. 
A. earnobarba, Cuv. 

CotinecA, Briss. (1760). Ampelis, Z.  Fringilla adfinis, Mehr. 
C. ceelestis, G. &. Gray, Pl. enl. 186.188. Am. cotinga, Z. 


Pritoconys, Swains. (1824). Ptiliogonatis, (olim) Swains. Hy- 
pothymis, Licht. (1831 ?). 
P. cinereus, Swains. Zool. Ill. n. s.11., pl. 62. et 120. H. chry- 
sorrhoéa, Licht. 


Pericrocotus, Bote (1826). Pheenicornis, Bote (1827), Swains. 
(1832). Acis, Less. (1831). Muscicapa, 3rd div. Cuv. 
(1817). 4th div. Temm.  Parus, L. 

P. miniatus, (Temm.) Bote, Pl. col. 156. 

Graucatus, Cuv. (1817). Coracina, Vieill. Ceblepyris, (Cuv-) 
Swains. Corvus, Gm. Muscicapa, Gm. Ptilonorhynchus, 

G. papuensis, (Gm.) Cuv., Pl. enl. 630. G. caledonicus, Less. 

Campepuaca, Vieill. (1816). Ceblepyris, Cuv. (1817). 
C. nigra, Vieill. Levaill. Ois. d Afr., pl. 165. C. atra, Less. C. 
atrata, Swains. 

Lanicterus, Less. (1839). 
L. xanthornoides, Less. 

Latace, Bote (1826). Erucivora, Swains. (1831). Ceblephyris, 
Horsf. Notodela, Less. Turdus, Gm. Saxicola, Cuv. Ixos, 
(Temm.) Cuv. Lanius?, Steph. Sylvia, Vierll. 

L. orientalis, (Gm.) oie, Pl. enl. 273. f.3. C. striga, Horsf. S. 
leucophzea, Viecll. 

Votvocivora, Hodgs. (1837). ‘ Erucivora? Swains.” Hodgs. 
V. melaschistos, Hodgs. 

Oxynotus, Swains. (1831). Acanthinotus, (olim) Swains. Schetha, 
Less.(1831). Lanius, Lath. 
O. ferrugineus, Swains. Freyc. Voy. Zool. Atl., pl. 17. 

Subfam. V. DICRURINA. 

Anats, Less. (1840). 
A. Clemenciz, Less. 

Artamus, Viel. (1816). Ocypterus, Cuv. (1817). Leptopteryx, 
Horsf. (1820). Lanius, L. 
A. leucorhynehus, (L.) Vieill., Pl. enl. 9. f. 1. 

Metznornis, G. R. Gray (1840). Melasoma*, Swains. (1837). 
M. edolioides, (Swains.) G. R. Gray. Nat. Libr. B. of W. Afr., 
pl. 29. 

Dicrurvus, Vieill. (1816). Edolius, Cuv. (1817). Bhuchanga, 
Hodgs. (1837). Corvus, Z. Monedula, Briss. 
D. balicassius, (L.) Vierll., Pl. enl. 603. 

Cuaptia, Hodgs. (1837). Dicrurus Veerll. ? 
C. muscipetoides, Hodgs. D. zneus, Veerll. ? 

CurBiA, Hodgs. (1837). Edolius, J. E. Gray. 
C. barbata, (J. E. Gray) G. &. Gray. EE. crishna, Gould. C. 
casia, Hodgs. 

* Used in Entomology. 


Burinca, Hodgs. (1837). 
B. tectirostris, Hodgs. 

Irena, Horsf. (1820). Coracias, Lath. Edolius, Temm. 
I. puella, (Lath.) Horsf. Zool. Res., pl. 

Family V. LANIDA. Lanius, L. 
Subfam. I. LANINA. 

Treruropornts, Swains. (1831). Keroula, J. H. Gray (1833-34). 
Lanius, Sykes. Muscicapa, Temm. 
T. indica, (J. E. Gray) G. R. Gray, Ind. Zool., pl. .f. . LL. 
muscicapoides, Frankl. T. superciliosa, Swains. 

Corvine La, Less. (1831). Lanius, Shaw. 
C. corvina, (Shaw) Less. Levaill. Ois. d’Afr., pl.’78. L. mel- 
livorus, Licht. 

Lantus, LZ. Falco, p. Z. (1735). Ampelis, p. Z. (1748). Collyrio, 
Mehr. (1752). Collurio, Vigors (1831). Tchagra, Less. 
L. excubitor, Z., Pl. enl. 445. 

EnneEoctonus, Bote (1826). Collurio, Briss. Tchagra, Less. 
E. collurio, (L.) Bote, Pl. enl. 31. f.2. 

Tentueca, Hodgs. (1837). 
T. petrica, Hodgs., Smith (1836). Chetoblemma, Swains. (1837). 
E. anguitimens, Smith. C. leucocephala, Swazns. 

Oreoica, Gould (1837). Faleunculus, V. and H. 
O. gutturalis, (V.and H.) Gould. Crested Thrush, Lewin’s Birds 
of NOH. pliix. 9: 

Fatcuncutus, Vieill.(1816). Lanius, Lath. Lanius, 1st div. Temm. 
F. frontatus, (Lath.) Vieill., Pl.col.77. F. frontalis, Swains. 

Cyctornis, Swains. (1824). Tanagra, Gm. Lanius, Licht. La- 
niagra, D’ Orb. (1837). Faleunculus, Sw. Thamnophilus, 
Licht. Lanio, Less. Lanius, 2nd div. Cuv. (1817). Tham- 
nophilus, 2nd div. Temm. (1820). 

C. guianensis, (Gm.) Swains. Levaill. Ois. d’ Afr., pl. 76. f. 2. 

Lanie.tus, Swains.(1831). Telophonus, Swains. Crocias, Temm.? 
Laniocera, Less. (1840). 
L. leucogrammicus, (Reinw.) Sw. 

TeLopnorus, Swains. (1831). Laniarius, (V.) Bote (1826). Sphe- 
nura, Licht. Telephonus, Swains. Lanius et Turdus, Z. 
Lanius, 2nd div. Temm. 

T. bacbakiri, (Shaw) G. R. Gray. Levaill. Ois. d’ Afr., pl. 67. 
T. zeylonus, Z. T. collaris, Swains. LL. ornatus, Licht. 

—- = = 


Niraiis, Swains. (1827). Lanius, Shaw. Entomovorus, Less. 
N. brubru, (Lath.) Sérickl. Levaill. Ois. d’Afr., pl. 71. L. ca- 
pensis, Shaw. 

NapoTHERA, Bote (1835). (Non vidi.) 
N. pyrrhoptera, Bote. 

Prionops, Vieill. (1816). Lanius, Shaw. 
P. plumatus, (Shaw) Swains.  Levaill. Ois. d’Afr., pl. 80. 81. 
P. Geoffroyi, Vell. 

Corturrocincia, Vig. and Horsf. (1825). Collurisoma, Swazns. 
C. cinerea, V. and H. Jard. and Selby’s Mlustr., pl. 71. 


Taamnopuitus, Vieill. (1816). Taraba, Less. (1831). Batara, 
Azara. Lanius, Z. Vanga, Less. Lanius, 4th div. Cuv. 
T. doliatus, (L.) Vieill. Pl. enl. 297. f. 2. 

Cympitaimus, G. R. Gray (1840). Lanius, Leach. Lanius, 5th 
div. Cuv. 
C. lineatus, (Leach) G. R. Gray. Zool. Misc., pl. 6. 

Pityriasis, Less. (1837). Barita, Temm. 
P. gymnocephalus, (Temm.) Less. Pl. col. 572. 

Vanea, (Buff.) Vieill. (1816). Malaconotus, Swains. Lanius, Gm. 
Thamnophilus, Vieddl. 

V. curvirostris,(Gm.) Viedll. Pl. enl.228. V.leucocephala, Less. 

Lanrarivus, Vieill. (1816). Malaconotus, Swains. (1824). Pele- 
cinius, Bote (1826). Melaconotus, Smith. Tchagra, Less. 
Lanius, £. Lanius, 2nd div. Cuv. 3rd div. Temm. 

L. barbarus, (L.) Viedll. Pl. enl. 56. 

Dryvoscopus, Bote (1826). Hapalophus, G. R. Gray (1837). La- 
nius, Lath. Malaconotus, Swains. Entomovorus, Less. Lanius, 
Ind div. Temm. 

D.cubla, (Lath.) Bote. Levaill. Ois. d’ Afr., pl. 72. 

Cuaunonotus, G. R. Gray (1837). Thamnophilus, J. £. Gray. 
Malaconotus, Jard. and Selby. 
C. Sabinei, (Gray) G. R. Gray. Jard. and Selby’s Ml. Orn., n. 
s., pl. 27. 

Cracticus*, Vieill. (1816). Barita, Cuv. (1817). Vanga, Temm. 
Coracias, Gm. 
C. varius,(Gm.) Vie7ll. Pl. enl.628. B. Sonnerati, Less. 

2 This genus has been hitherto confounded by Temminck and modern 
authors with Vanga, which is decidedly a distinct genus. _ Vieillot’s genus 
Cracticus is coequal with Barita of Cuvier, and both have for their type C. 
varius (Lath.),as givenabove. This genus should also contain C. nigrogu- 
laris (Gould), which is the C. varius (Vig. and Horsf.), = C. destructor 
(Temm.), = C. cinereus (Gould) ; while those usually considered as Crac- 
ticus of Vieillot, should form a distinct genus, for which I have given the 
name of Gymnorhina. 




Family I. CORVIDA. Corvus, L. 

Subfam. I. PHONYGAMIN&. 

Gymvyoruina, G. PR. Gray (1840). Gracula, Shaw. Cracticus, 
Vieill. Barita, Cuv. Coracias, Lath. 
G. tibicen, (Lath.) G. R. Gray. Voy. de la Coqu., pl. 20. 

StrepeRA, Less. (1831). Coronica, Gould (1837). Coracias, Gra- 
cula, Corvus, Awet. Cracticus, Vieill. Barita, Cuv. 
S. graculina, (White) Zess.  Vieill. Gal. des Ois., pl. 109. C. 
strepera, Lath. 

Puonycama, Less. (1828). Chalybzeus, Cuv. (1829). Paradisea, 
£. Barita, (Cuv.) Less. Cracticus, Vieill. 

P. viridis, (L.) G. R. Gray. Pl. enl.634. C. chalybeeus, Vieill. 

C. paradiseus, Cuv. 

Subfam. Il. GARRULINA. 

Lornocirta, G. R. Gray (1840). Platylophus *, Swans. (1831). 
Corvus, Cuv. Pica, Wagl. Wanga, Vigors. Thamnophilus, 
Vieill. Lanius, Licht. 

L. galericulata, (Cuv.) G. R. Gray. Levaill. Ois. de Par., pl. 42. 
L. scapulatus, Licht. 

Garruus, Briss. (1760). Pica, Antig. Glandarius, Koch. Cor- 
vus, Z. 

G. glandarius, (L.) Cuv. Pl. enl. 481. G. pictus, Koch. 

Cyanocorax, Bote (1826). Cyanurus, Sreains. (1831). Corvus, Z. 
Garrulus, Vieill. 
C. pileatus, (Ill.) Bote. Temm. Pl. col. 57. 

Carocitta, G. R. Gray (1841). Cyanurus, (Swains.) Bonap. 
(1838). Corvus, Licht. Pica, Wagl. Garrulus, Gray. 
C. Bullockii, (Wagl.)G. R. Gray. P.gubernatrix, Temm. Pl. col. 
436. P. formosa, Swains. G. Burnettii, Gray. P. Colliei, 
Vigors. G.ultramarinus, (Bonap.) Audub. 

Pertsoreus, Bonap. (1831). Dysornithia, Swains. (1831). Cor- 
vus, LZ. Pica, Wagl. 
P. canadensis, (L.) Bonap. Pl. enl.530. P. nuchalis, Wagl. D. 
brachyrhynchus, Stains. (young bird). 

* Used in Botany. 



Crypstrina, Vieill.(1816.) Temia, (Levaill.)Cuv. (1817). Corvus, 
Lath. Glaucopis, Temm. Phrenothrix, Horsf. (1820).  Cry- 
ptorhina, Wagl. 

C. varians, (Lath.) Vieill. Gal. des Ois., pl. 100. P.temia, Horsf. 
C. caudatus, Shaw. 

Temnurus, Less. (1831). Glaucopis, Temm. Crypsirina, Swains. 
T. leucopterus, (Temm.) Less. G.leucoptera, Temm., Pl.col. 265. 

Pritostomus, Swains. (1837). Cryptorhina, Wagl. Pica, Vierll. 
Corvus, Gm. 
P. senegalensis, (L.) Swains. PI. enl. 538. 
Catiaras, Forst. (1788). Glaucopis, Gmel. (1788). Cryptorhina, 
C. cinerea, Forst. Daud. Orn., t. 21. 

StRUTHIDEA, Gould (1836). Brachystoma, Swains. (1837). 
S. cinerea, Gould, Syn. of Austr. Birds, pl. 

Denprocitta, Gould (1833). Crypsirina, ( Vieill.) Swans. Pica, 
Vieill. Coracias, Lath. 
D. vagabunda, (Lath.) Gould. Ill. Ind. Zool. pl. 

Subfam. IV. CORVIN. 

NucirraGa, Briss. (1760). Caryocatactes, (Antiq.) Cuv. (1817). 
Corvus, L. 
N. caryocatactes, (L.) Briss. Pl. enl. 50. C. nucifraga, Nils. 
Pica, (Antiq.) Briss. (1760). Cissa, Barr. Corvus, L. 
P. caudata, Ray. Pl. enl.488. P.melanoleuca, Vieill. 

Psitoruinus, Riipp. (1837). Corvus, Licht. Pica, Wagl. 

P. morio, (Licht.)G. R.Gray. Mus. Senck. 1837. pl. 4. f. 3. P. 
morio, Wagl. P. fuliginosa, Less. Ps. mexicanus, Riipp. 

Corvus, ZL. 
C. corax, Z. Pl. enl. 495. 

Monepw ta, (Antiq.) Brehm (1828). Corvus, L. 
M. turrium, Brehm. C. monedula, Z. 

Corvutrour, Less.(1831). Corvus, Lath. 
C. albicollis,(Lath.) Less. Levaill. Ois. d’Afr., pl. 50. C. vul- 
turinus, Shaw. 

Povoces, Fisch. (1823). Pica, Wagl. Corvus, Licht. 
P. Panderi, Fisch. Mém. de la Soc. Imp. Moscow, vi. pl. 21. 

Gymnocorvus, Less.(1831). Corvus, Less. 
G. tristis, Less. Voy. de la Coqu., pl.24. C. senex, Garn. 

PicaTHARTES, Less. (1831). Galgulus, (Briss.) Wagl. (1827). 

Corvus, Temm. 
P. gymnocephalus, (Temm.) Less. Temm. Pl. col. 327. 


Pyropverus, G. R. Gray (1840). Coracias, Shaw. Ampelis, Licht. 
Coracina, Temm. Coronis, Gloger (1827). 
. scutatus, (Shaw) G.R. Gray. Pl. col. 40. A. sanguinicollis, 

CreHALopTervs, Geoffr. (1809). Coracina, Vieill. Coracina, 
Ist div. Temm. (1820). 
C.ornatus, Geoffr. Ann.du Mus., C.cephaloptera, Viedll. 

GymnocePHALus, Geoffr. (1809). Coracina, Vieill. Gymnops, 
Cuv. Corvus, Gm. Calvifrons, Daud. ? 
G. calvus, (Gm.) Hahn. Ph. enl. 521. G. capucinus, Geoffr. 

GymnovERus, Geoffr. (1809). Coracina, Vierll. (1816). Ampelis, 
Licht. Querula,Cuv. Corvus,Gm. Gracula,Z. Coracina, 2nd 

div. Temm. 
G. foetidus, (L.) Sérickl. Pl. enl.609. G.nudicollis, Shaw. C. 
gymnodera, Vieill. G. cayanensis, Geoffr. C. nudus, Gm. 


Pyrruocorax, (Antiq.) Vieill. (1816). Corvus, Z. 
P. alpinus, Viedll. Pl. enl. 531. C. pyrrhocorax, L. 

Frecitus, Cuv. (1817). Coracia*, (Antiq.) Briss. (1760). Cor- 
vus, Z. Graculus, Koch. (182 ?). 
F. graculus, (L.) Cuv. Pl. enl.255. C. erythrorhamphus, Véedll. 
Fr. europeus, Less. Fr. erythropus, Swains. 

Corcorax, Less. (1831). Fregilus, V. and H. 
C. leucopterus, (V. and Horsf.) G. R. Gray. C. australis, Less. 


ParapisEA, L. Manucodiata, Briss. (1760). 
P. apoda, Z. Pl. enl. 254. 

Cicinnurus, Vieill. (1816). Paradisea, L. 
C. regius, (L.) Viel. Pl. enl. 496. C. spinturnix, Less. 

ParoriA, Vieill. (1816). Paradisea, Gm. 
P. aurea, (Gm.) G. R. Gray. Pl. enl. 633. P. sexsetacea, Lath. 

Lornorina, Vieill. (1816). Paradisea, G'm. 
L. superba, (Gm.) Vieill. PI. enl. 632. 

« Not employed, being too near Coracias. 

7? — a 


Dienytiopes, Less. (1835). Paradisea, Gm. 
D. magnificus, (Gm.) G. R. Gray. Pl. enl. 631. D. seleucides, 

Family II. STURNIDA. Sturnus, L. 


Pritonoruyncuus, Kuhl. (1820). Pyrrhocorax, Viel. Kitta, 
Kuhl. Corvus, fll. Coracina, Viedll. 
P. holosericeus, Zemm., Pl. col. 395. 422. 

CuLamypeERA, Gould. Ptilonorhynchus, Jard. Calodera, (olim) 
Gould, (1836). 
C. nuchalis, (Jard. and Selby) Gould. J. and S. Ill. Orn. pl. 103. 

Catornis, G. R. Gray, (1841). Lamprotornis, 2nd div. Zemm. 
(1820). Turdus, Gm. Merula, Burn. 
C. cantor (Gm.) G. R. Gray. Pl. col. 149. T. chalybzeus, Horsf. 

Juma, Less. (1831). Lamprocolius, Sundev. (1835). Lampro- 
tornis, 2nd div. Zemm. Turdus, Z. Megalopterus, Smzth 

J. enea, (Gm.) Less. Pl. enl. 220. C. aureoviridis, Shaw. 

Spreo, Less. (1831). Turdus, Gm. Lamprotornis, Swains. 
S. bicolor, (Gm.) Less. Levaill. Ois. d’ Afr., pl. 88. L. albiven- 
tris, Swains. 

Aptonis, Gould (1836). Turdus, Gm. 
A. nove hollandie, (Gm.) G. R. Gray. A. fuscus, Gould ? 

Cocuoa, Hodgs. (1836). (Non vidi.) 
C. viridis, Hodgs. 


Mrno, Less. (1828). Gymnops, Cuv. (1829). Gracula, Z.  Phi- 
ledon, 3rd div. Cuv. (1817). Acridotheres, Vieill. Pastor, 
M. calvus, (L.) Less. Pl. enl. 200. 
GracuLA,Z. Mainatus, (Briss.) Less.(1831). Eulabes, Cu. (1817). 
Maina, Hodgs. 
G. religiosa, Z. Vierll. Gal. des Ois., i. pl. 95. E. javanus, Cuv. 
M. sumatranus, Less. 

? Gracupica, Less. (1831). 
G. melanoleuca, Less. 


Burnaca, £. Tanagra, Stanley. Buphagus, Briss. (1760). 
B. africana, Z. Pl. enl. 293. 



Pastor, Temm.(1815). Psaroides, Vieill. (1816). Thremmaphilus, 
Macgill. (1837). Boscis, Brehm. (1828). Turdus, Z. No- 
madites, Peteniz (183?). 

P. roseus, (L.) Temm. PI. enl. 251. 

AcrIDOTHERES, Vieill. (1816). Cossyphus, Dum. Gracula, Lath. 
Paradisea, L. 
A. tristis, (L.) Viel. Pl. enl. 219. 

Srurnia, Less. (1837). Oriolus, Gm. Pastor, Temm. Wagl. 
S. sinensis, (Gm.) Less. Pl. enl. 617. P. turdiformis, Wagl. 
P. elegans, Less. 

Cutia, Hodgs. (1836). 
C. nipalensis, Hodgs. 

Dixoruvs, Vieill. (1816). Sturnus, Lath. Pastor, Temm. Acri- 
dotheres, (Vieill.) Stains. (1837). Gracula, Gm. et Cuv. 
D. carunculatus, (Gm.) G. R. Gray. Levaill. Ois. d Afr., pl. 93. 
94. G.larvata, Shaw. Gr. gallinacea, Daud. D. gallina- 
ceus, Vierdl. 

Creanvion, Vieill. (1816). Oxystomus, Swains. (1837).  Phile- 
sturnus, J. Geoffr. (1832). Philedon, Cuv. Xanthornus, 
Quoy et Gaim. Icterus, Less. Sturnus, Lath. 

C. carunculatus, (Forst.) G. R. Gray. Lath. Hist., pl. 79.  C. 
pharoides, Vieil?. I. novee zealandie, Less. et Garn. I. ru- 
fusater, Less. 

Sturnus, L. 
S. vulgaris, Z. PI. enl. 75. 

StuRNELLA, Vieill.(1816). Cacicus, Daud. Alauda et Sturnus, LZ. 
S. ludoviciana, (L.) Swains. Pl. enl. 256. C. alaudarius, Daud. 
S. collaris, Vieell, A. magna, L. 

AMBLYRHAMPHUS, Leach. Oriolus,Gm. Sturnella, Vieill. Leistes, 
(V.) Swains. 

A. ruber, (Gm.) G. R. Gray. <A. bicolor, Leach, Zool. Mise., 

pl. 36. S. pyrrhocephalus, Licht. L.erythrocephala, Swains. 


AstrapiA, Vieill. (1816). Lamprotornis, 1st div. Zemm. (1820). 
Nisus, Mehr. (1752)? Paradigalla, Less. (1835). Paradisea, 
Gm. Lamprornis, Nitzsch. (1840). 

A. nigra, (Gm.) G. R. Gray. Véieill. Ois. de Par., pl. 8.9. P. 
gularis, Lath. 

ScoLecopHacus, Swains. (1831). Gracula, Wils.  Quiscalus, 
Bonap. Chalcophanes, Wagl. 
S. ferrugineus, (Wils.) Swains. Wils. Am. Orn., pl. 23. f. 3. 
C. nigra, Wag/. 


Quiscatus, Vieill. (1816). Icterus, Temm. Quiscala, Licht. Chal- 
cophanes, Wagl. (1827). Scaphidura, Swains. Gracula, L. 
Pica, Briss. 

Q. purpureus, (Licht.) G. R. Gray. Bonap. Am. Orn., pl. 5. f. 1. 
G. quiscala, Z. Q. nitens, Licht. Q. versicolor, Vieell. 

Scapuipurus, Swains. (1831). Cassidix, Less. (1831). Gracula, 
L. Corvus, Gm. Quiscala, Licht. Icterus, Temm. Chalco- 
phanes, Wagl. Scaphidura, Swains. (1837). 

S. niger (Gm.?) Swains. Véieill. Gal. des Ois., pl. 89. 


Cacicus, Cuv. (1799-1800). Cassicus, Briss. Icterus, Temm. 
Xanthornus, Pall. Psarocolius, Ist div. Wagl. (1827). Orio- 
lus, Z. 
C. hemorrhous, (L.) Cuv. Pl. enl. 482. 

Cassicutus, Swains. (1827). Icterus, Bonap. Xanthornus, Jard. 
and Selby. 
C. melanicterus, (Bonap.) G. R. Gray. C. coronatus, Swains. 
X. coronatus, Jard. and Selby’s Ill. Orn., pl. 45. I. diade- 
matus, Zemm. 

XANTHORNUS, (Briss.) Cuv. (1799-1800). Psarocolius, Wagl. 
Yphantes et Pendulinus, Veeidl. (1816). Oriolus, Z. Icterus, 

X. bonana, (L.) Cuv. Pl. enl. 535. f. 1. 

Icrerus, Briss. (1760). Xanthornus, Scop. (1777). Oriolus, (L.) 
Jil. (1811). Pendulinus, Viel. Psarocolius, 2nd div. Wagl. 
Rhyndace, Mehr. (1752) ? 

I. longirostris, (Vieill.) G. &.Gray. Pl. enl.532. O. icterus, L. 
I. vulgaris, Less. 

Curysomus, Swains. (1837). Pendulinus, Viel. Oriolus, L. 
Gracula, Merr. 
C. icterocephalus, (L.) Swains. Pl. enl. 343. G. chrysoptera, 



Motorurus, Swains. (1831). Emberiza, Gm. Passerina, Vieill. 
Psarocolius, Wagl. Agelaius, Swains. Leistes, Vigors. 
M. pecoris, (Gm.) Swains. Wils. Am. Orn., pl.18.f.1. I. em- 
berizoides, Daud. 

Acevatus, Vieill. (1816). Oriolus, Z. Sturnus, Wils. Icterus, 
Briss. Psarocolius, 2nd div. Wagl. (1827). Xanthornus, 
Cuv. Leistes, Vigors (1825). 

A. pheeniceus, (L.) Vieil/. Pl. enl. 402. S. predatorius, Wils. 

A. guirahuro, Vieill. X.Gasqueti, Quoy et Gaim. Voy. Uranie, 
pl. 24. I. dominicensis, Licht. L. Suchii, Vigors. L. orio- 
loides, Swains. 


Dovicuonyx, Swains. (1827). Emberiza, Z. Passerina, Vieill. 
Icterus et Emberizoides, Bonap. Psarocolius, Wagl. (1832). 
Oriolus, Gm. Leistes, Vigors. Ploceus, Cuv. 

D. oryzivorus, (L.) Swains. Wils. Am. Orn., pl. 12.f.1. I. 
agripennis, Bonap. O. caudacutus, Gm. 

Family IV. FRINGILLIDAL.  Fringiila, L. 

Subfam. I. PLOCEINZE. 

Textor, Temm.(182?). Alecto, Less. (1831). Bubalornis, Smith 
(1836). Dertroides, Swains. (1837). 
T. alecto, Temm., Pl. col. 446. D. albirostris, Swains. 

PyroMELANA, Bonap. (1832). Oryx*, Less. (1831). Euplectes, 
Swains. (1832). Loxia, Z. Coccothraustes, Vieill. 
P. orix, (L.) Bonap. Pl. enl. 6. f. 2. et 309. f. 2. 

PuHILetairus, Smith (1837). Euplectes, Swains. Loxia, Lath. 
Ploceus, Cuv. Coccothraustes, Vierll. 
P. socius, (Lath.) G. R. Gray. P. lepidus, Smith, Ill. Zool. of 
S. Afr., Aves, pl. 8. P. Patersonii, Less. 

PLoceus, Cuv. (1817). Loxia, Gm. Agelaius, 3rd div. Viedll. 
P. philippinus, (Gm.) Cuv. Pl. enl. 135. f. 2. 

r GontapHeA, Bowd. 
G. leucocephala, Bowd. Exc. in Madeira, pl. 9. 

Sycostus, Vieill. (1816). Malimbus, Viel?. Ploceus et Symplectes, 
Swains. (1837). Eupodes, Jard.and Selby, (1837). Tanagra, 

S. cristatus, (Vieill.) Vieill. Ois. ch., pl. 42. 


Spermospiza, G. FR. Gray, (1840). Loxia et Coccothraustes, 
Vieill. Spermophaga?, Swains. (1837). 
S. hematina, (Vieill.)G. R. Gray. Ois. Chant., pl. 67. L. gut- 
tata, Vieill. S. cyanorhyncha, Swains. 

CarpinaLis, (Charl.) Bonap. (1831). Loxia, Z. Coccothraustes, 
C. virginianus, (Briss.) Bonap. Pl. enl. 37. L. cardinalis, Z. 

CaLamospiza, Bonap. (1838). Fringilla, Towns. 
_C. bicolor, (Towns.) Bonap. Audub. B. of Amer., pl. 390. f. 2. et 3. 

* Previously used in Mammalogy, &c. 
» Employed in Entomology, ending in ws. 


Guiraca, Swains. (1827). Loxia, £. Fringilla, Licht. Pyrrhula, 
Briss. Coccothraustes, Vieill. Coccoborus, Swains. (1837). 
G. cerulea, (L.) Swains. Wils. Am. Orn., pl. 24. f.6. 

PyRENESTES, Swains. (1837). Loxia et Coccothraustes, Viedll. 
Phytotoma, Leadb. ? 
P. ostrina, (Vieill.) G. R. Gray. Ois. Chant. pl. 48. P. san. 
guinea, Swains. 
P. albifrons, (Vig.) G. R. Gray. P. frontalis, Swains. Smith. 
Ill. Zool., pl. 

CoccorHraustEs, (Antiq.) Briss. (1760). Loxia, LZ. 
C. vulgaris, Fay. Pl. enl. 99. 100. lL. coccothraustes, ZL. C. 
europeus, Selby. 
Monta, Hodgs. (1836). 
M. rubroniger, Hodgs. 

Geospiza, Gould (1837). 
G. magnirostris, Gould. Zool. Voy. of Beagle, Birds, pl. 36. 

Camaruyncuus, Gould (1837). 
C. psittaculus, Gould. Zool. Voy. of Beagle, Birds, pl. 40. 

Cactornis, Gould (1837). Tesserin, Neboux. 
C. scandens, Gould. Zool. Voy. of Beagle, Birds, pl. 42. 

CEeRTHIDEA, Gould (1837). 
C. olivacea, Gould. Zool. Voy. of Beagle, pl. 44. 

Vinua, (Briss.) Cuv. (1799-1800). Loxia, LZ. 
V. regia, (L.) Cuv. Pl. enl. 8. f. 1. 

Co.iuspassER, tiipp. (1837). Emberiza?, Lath. 
C. flaviscapulatus, Rupp. Brown’s Ill. t.11.  E. longicauda? 


EmsBerizoipes, Temm. (182?). Sphenura, Licht. Tardivola, 
Swains. (1827). Emberiza, Gm. Embernagra, D’Orb. et 

E. macroura, (Gm.) G. R. Gray. E. marginalis, Temm., Pl. col. 
114. f. 2. 

Pirio, Vieill. (1816). Fringilla, Z. Pipillo, Swains. Emberiza, Gm. 
Hortulanus, (olim) Vieidl. (1807). 
P. erythrophthalmus, (L.) Vieill. Wils. Am. Orn., pl. 10. f. 5. 

EmBernacra, Less. (1831). Aimophila, Swains. (1837). Em- 
beriza, Gm. Saltator, Vier/l. 
E. viridis, (Vieill.) Less. T. fabialata, Mus. Par. 
ARREMON, Vieill. (1816). Tanagra, G'm. 

A. silens, (Lath.) D’Orb. et Lafr. Pl. enl. 742. Ar. torquatus, 
Vieill. C 

Cissopis, Vieill. (1816). Bethylus, Cuv. (1817). ‘Pitylus, Cuv.’ 

Swains. Corvus, Daud. Lanius, Shaw. 
C. Leverianus, (Shaw) G. R. Gray. Levaill. Ois. @ Afr., pl. 60. 
L. picatus, Lath. C. collurio, Daud. 

Pitytus, Cuv. (1817). Loxia, Gm. 
P. grossus, (Gm.) Cuv. PI. enl. 154. 

Tanacra, LZ. Thauspis, Bote (1826). Gracula, Sparr. Tana- 
gra, 4th div. Zemm. Tachyphonus, Vieill. (1823). Tanagra, 
Briss. (1760). 

T. episcopus, Z. Pl. enl. 178. f. 1.2. 

SacTaTor, Vieill.(1816). Spermagra, Swains. (1827). Tanagra, 
4th div. Temm. Tanagra, Gm. et Swains. Coracias. Gm. 
S. magnus, (Gm.)G@. R. Gray. Pl. enl. 205. 8. olivaceus, Viedll. 

SpInDALIS, Jard. and Selby (1837). Tanagra, Jam. 
S. nigricephalus, (James). Harél. S. bilineatus, J. and S. Il. 
Orn., n.s., pl. 9. 

Rampuopsis, Vierll. (1816). Tanagra, Z. Cardinalis, Briss. La- 
nius, Pall. Ramphocelus, Vell. Tanagra, 3rd div. Temm. 
R.jacapa, (L.) G.R.Gray. Pl. enl.128. f. 1.2. R. purpureus, Vieddl. 

Lamprortes, Swains. (1837). Tanagra, Spix. 
L. rubricollis, (Spix) Swains. Spix, Av. Br., pl. 56. f. 1. “rubri- 
gularis” on plate. 

PyrancGa, Vieill. (1807). Phoenisoma, Swains. (1837). Tanagra, 
Qnd div. Temm. Tanagra, LZ. Cardinalis, Briss. 
P. rubra, (L.) Swains. Wils. Am. Orn., pl. 11.f.3. P. erythro- 
melas, Vieill. 

Lanio, Vieill. (1816). Tanagra, Gm. 2nd div. Temm. 
L. atricapillus, (Gm.) Vieill. Pl. enl. 809. f. 2. 

Tacuypuonus, Vieill. (1816). Comarophagus, Bote (1826). Orio- 
lus, Gm. 
T. leucopterus, (Gm.) Viedld. Pl. enl. 179. f. 2. 

NemostA, Vieill.(1816). Tanagra, Gm. 7th div. Temm. 
N. pileata, (Gm.) Vieill. Pl. enl. 720. f. 2. 
TANAGRELLA, Swains.( 1837). Motacilla, Z. Tanagra,7th div. Temm. 
T. velia, (L.) Strickl. T. multicolor, Swains. Pl. enl. 669. f. 3. 
T. tenuirostris, Sw. 

EvruontA, Desm. (1805). Parus, Lath. Pipra,Gm. Tanagra, 6th 
div. Temm. 
E. musica, (Gm.) Desm. Pl. enl. 809, f. 1. 

CatospizA, G. R. Gray (1840). Aglaia*, Swains. (1827). Cal- 
liste’, Bote. (1826). Tanagra, Z. Euphone, Brown. 
C. tricolor, (Gm.) G. R. Gray. PI. enl. 33. f. 1. 

* Employed in Botany. > Used in Entomology, ending in us. 


STEPHANOPHORUS, Strick. (1841). Tanagra, Temm. Pyrrhula, 
S. ceruleus, (Vieill.) Sérickl. T. diademata, Natt. Temm., Pl. 
col. 243. 

CypsnaGra, Less. (1831). Leucopygia, Swains. (1837). 
C. hirundinacea, Less. L. ruficollis, Swazns. 2 


Estre_pa, Swains. (1827). Loxigilla, Less. (1831). Loxia et 
Fringilla, Z. 
E. astrild, (L.) Swains. Vieill. Ois. Chant., pl. 12. 

AmaADINA, Swains. (1827). Fringilla, Gm. Coccothraustes, Vieill. 
Loxigilla, Less. Pyrgita, Dum. Maja, Antiq. 
A. fasciata, (Gm.) Swains. Brown’s Ill. pl. 27. 

Spermestes, Swains. (1837). 
S. cucullata, Swains. 

Eryturura, Swains. (1837). Lonchura?, Sykes (1832). Frin- 
gilla, Zemm. 
E. prasina, (Sparrm.) G. &. Gray. F.sphenura, Temm., Pl. col. 
96. E. viridis, Swains. E. quadricolor, Gm. 

PyTeLia, Swains. (1837). 
P. elegans, (Gm.) Swains. Gal.des Ois., pl. 64. 

Trarts, Swains. (1827). Fringilla, Temm. 
T. ornata, (Temm.) Swains. PI. col. 208. 

Carvbvue tis, (Antiq.) Briss.(1760). Fringilla, Z. Spinus, Koch. 
C. elegans, Steph. Pl. enl.4.f.1. F. carduelis, Z. 

CurysomitTris, Boie (1828). Spinus, (Antiq.) Brehm (1898). 
Fringilla, Z. Carduelis, Steph. Ligurinus, Briss. 
C. spinus, (L.) Bote. Pl. enl. 485. f. 3. 

CirRINELLA, Bonap. (1838). Fringilla, Z. Carduelis, Gould. 
Chrysomitris, Bote. Spinus, Koch (182?). 
C. serinus, Bonap. Pl. enl.658.f.2. F. citrinella, Z. 

Serrnus, (Antiq.) Brehm (1828). Fringilla, Z. Carduelis, Dum. 
S. meridionalis, Brehm. Pl. enl. 658. f. 1. F.serinus, Z. S. fla- 
vescens, Gould. 

Paroaria, Bonap. (1832). Fringilla, Vieill. Loxia, Lath. 
P. cucullata, (Lath.) Bonap. PI. enl. 103. 

Cannasina, Brehm (1828). Fringilla,Z. Linaria®, (Antiq.) Briss. 
Linota, Bonap. (1838). Ligurinus, Koch. 
C. linota, (Gm.) G. R. Gray. Pl. enl.151.f.1. F.cannabina, Z. 

* Used in Ichthyology. > Employed in Botany, 


Licurinus, (Briss.) Koch (182?). Chlorospiza, Bonap. (1832). 
Loxia, Z. Chloris*, (Antiq.) Mehr. (1752). Coccothraustes, 

L. chloris, (L.) Koch. Pl. enl. 267.f.2. C. flavigaster, Swains. 

PerroniA, (Ray) Bonap. (1838).  Fringilla, Z. Pyrgita, Bote. 
Coccothraustes, Cuv. Passer, Koch. 
P.rupestris, Bonap. Pl. enl.225. F. petronia, L. 

Passer, (Antiq.) Briss. (1760). eres: (1817). Fringilla, Z. 
P. domesticus, (L.) Ray. Pl.enl.6.f.1.2 

ATLAPETES, Wagl. (1831). 
A. pileatus, Wagl. 

Frincitia, L. Struthus, Boie (1826). Celebs, Cuv. (1799, 
1800). Montifringilla, Antiq. 
F. celebs, Z. Pl. enl. 54. f. 1. 

Nipuza, Aud. (1839). Struthus, (Boie) Bonap. (1838). Em- 
beriza, Gm. Passerina, Viezll. 
N. hiemalis, (Gm.) Bonap. Em. nivalis, Wils. Am. Orn., pl. 16. 

MontTIFRINGILLA, Brehm (1828). | Fringilla, Z. Chionospiza, 
Kaup. (1836). 
M. nivalis, (L.) Brehm. Gould’s B. of Eur., pl. 
PASSERELLA, Swains.(1837). Fringilla, Gm. Zonotrichia? Swains. 
P. iliaca, (Merr.) Swains. F. ruta, Wils. Am. Orn., pl. 22. f. 4. 

ZoNnoTRICHIA, Swains. (1831). Emberiza, Wils. Spiza, Bonap. 
Passerina, Vell. 
Z. leucophrys, (Wils.) Swains. Wils. Am. Orn., pl. 31. f. 1. 

Passercutus, Bonap. (1838). Fringilla, Wils. Zonotrichia ? Jard. 

Passerina, Vieid/. Cynchramus, ore. 
P. savanus, (Wils.) Bonap. Wils. Am. Orn., pl. 34.f.4. P. sa- 

vannarum, Vieill. 
Peucma, Aud. (1839). Fringilla, dud. Passerculus, Bonap. 
P. Bachmanni, Awd. 

CorurnicuLus, Bonap. (1838). Fringilla, Wils. Spiza, Bonap. 

Cynchramus, Bove. 
C. passerinus, (Wils.) Bonap. Wils. Am. Orn., pl. 24. f. 5. 

Euspiza, Bonap. (1832). Emberiza, Scop. 
E. melanocephala, (Scop.) Bonap. Véeill. Ois. Chant., pl. 27. 

Spiza, Bonap. (1828). Emberiza, Gm. S. Tanagroides, Bonap. 
Passerina, Vieill. (1816). Tanagra, Z. Fringilla, Wils. 
S. cyanea, (L.) Bonap. Am. Orn., pl. 6. f. 5. 

* Employed in Botany. 


Sp1zeLua, Bonap. (1832). Fringilla, Wils. Emberiza, Jard. Pas- 
serina, Vieill. Linaria, Boze. 
S. pusilla, (Wils.) Bonap. Am. Orn., pl. 16. f. 2. 

AmmopRaAmus, Swains. (1827). Oriolus, Gm.  Fringilla, Wils. 
Passerina, Vieill. ,Spiza, Bonap. 
A. caudacutus, (Gm.) Swains. Wéls. Am. Orn., pl. 34. f. 3. 

Cuonpestes, Swains. (1831).  Fringilla, Say. Plectrophanes, 
Jard. Spiza Emberizoides, Bonap. 
C. grammaca, (Say) Bonap. Amer. Orn., pl. 5. f. 3. C. strigata, 

? Junco, Wagl. (1831). Fringilla, Swains. 
J. cinereus, (Swains.) G. R. Gray. J. phenotus, Wagl. 

Subfam. V. EMBERIZIN A. 

EmperizA, £. Fringilla, Z. (1735). Passerina, Vieill. Cynchra- 
mus, Bote. Citrinella et Hortulanus, Anéiq. 
E. citrinella, Z. Pl. enl. 30. f. 1. 

GuBERNATRIX, Less. (1837). Lophocorythus, G. R. Gray (1840). 
Emberiza, Temm. 
G. cristatella, (Vieill.) G. R. Gray. E. gubernatrix, Temm., Pl. 
col. 63. E. cristata, Swains. 

FRINGILLARIA, Swains.(1837). Emberiza, Gm. Pyrgita, Less. 
F. capensis, (Gm.) Swains. Pl. enl. 664. f. 2. P. flaviventris, 
CorypuaspizA, G. R. Gray (1840). Leptonyx *, Swains. (1837). 

C. melanotis, (Swains.) G. R. Gray. Swains. 2 Cent. and a 
Quart., p. 314. fig. 62. (head and claw). 

Metoruus, Swains. (1837). Emberiza, J. 2. Gray. 
M. Lathami, (Gray) G. R. Gray. E. cristata, Vigors. 

PLocepassER, Smith, (1836). Ploceus, kupp. Leucophrys®, Swains. 
P. Mahali, Smith. 

AGRoPHILus, Swains. (1837). Ploceus, Riipp. 
A. superciliosus, (Riipp.) Swains. Riipp. Zool. Atl., pl. 15. 

Spinus, Mehr. (1752). Cynchramus, (Antiq.) Bonap. (1838). 
Miliaria®, Brehm. (1831). Emberiza, Z. 
S. miliarius, (L.) G. #.Gray. Pl. enl. 233. M. europea, Swains. 

PLECTROPHANES, Meyer. Emberiza, Z. Passerina, Viedll. Monti- 
fringilla, Ray. 
P. nivalis, (L.) Meyer. Pl. enl. 497. f. 1. 

« Employed in Mammalogy. > Employed in Botany. 


Subfam. VI, ALAUDIN AE. 

A. arvensis, Z. Pl. enl. 363. f. 1. 

GALERIDA, Bote. Alauda, LZ. 
G. cristata, (L.) Bote. Pl. enl. 503. f. 1. » 

Orocoris, Bonap. (1839). Philammus, G. R. Gray (1840). 
Alauda, Z. Eremophila*, Bote (1828). Phileremos”, Brehm 
(1831). Brachonyx, (Sw.) Less. 

O. alpestris, (L.) Bonap. PI. enl.650. f. 2. 

Meranocorypua, Boie (1828). Londra, Sykes (1838)  Alauda, 
£. Calandra, (Antiq.) Less. (1837). 
M. calandra, (L.) Bote. Edwards, t. 268. 

SaxiLaupA, Less. (1837). Melanocorypha, Bote. Alauda, Pall. 
Tanagra, Sparrm. Calandra, Less. 
S. tartarica, (Pall.) Less. T. sibirica, Sparrm., Mus. Carls., fase. 
ipl. 19. A. nigra, Falck. A. mutabilis, Morst. Tracal, 

Erana, G. R. Gray (1840). Alauda, Z. Calendula’, Swains. 
Melanocorypha, Bote. 
E. crassirostris, (Vieill.) G. R. Gray. Levaill. Ois. d Afr., pl.193. 

C. magnirostris, Swains. 

MrraFra, Horsf. Alauda, Temm. 
M. javanica, Horsf. 

FrincaLaupA, Hodgs. (1836). 
F. nemoricola, Hodgs. 

Mercatopuonus, G. R. Gray. Corypha*, G. R. Gray, (1840). 
Brachonyx °®, Swains. Alauda, Vierll. 
M. apiatus, (Vieill.)G. R.Gray. Levaill. Ois. d’ Afr., pl. 194. A. 
clamosa, Steph. 

AGrRopRomA, Swains. (1837). Alauda, Temm. 
A. rufescens, (Bechst.) Strickl. Temm., Pl. enl. 661. f. 1. 

Macronyx, Swains. Alauda,Z. Anthus, Tem. 
M. eapensis, (L.) G. R. Gray. Levaill. Ois.d Afr., pl. 195. M. 

flavicollis, Swains. 

CERTHILAUDA, Swains. (1827). Corydalis4, Temm. Alauda, 
C. africana, (Gm.) G. R. Gray. Levaill. Ois.d Afr., pl. 192. C. 

longirostra, Swains. 

* Previously used. > Similar to a word used in Entomology. 
© Employed in Botany, &c. 4 Used in Botany. 
“ Previously used in Entomology. 


PyrrnuLaAupa, Smith. (1829). Fringilla, Temm. Megalotis*, Sw. 
P. australis, Smith, Ill. Zool. S. Afr., Aves, pl 24. 

Eryrurina, Brehm (1828). Erythrospiza, Bonap. (1830). Ery- 
throthorax, Brehm (1831). Hemorrhous, Swains. (1837). 
Loxia, Pall. Pyrrhula, Zemm. Corythus, Cuv. 

E. rubrifrons, Brehm. Naum., tab. 113. f.1.2. L. erythrina, 

Leucosricte, Swains. (1831). Linaria, Swazns. Erythrospiza, 
L. tephrocotis, Swans. Faun. B. Amer., pl. 50. 

Criruacra, Swains. (1827). Loxia, Z. Coccothraustes, Briss. 
C. sulphurata, (L.) Swains. Jard. and Selby’s Ill. Orn., t. 109. 

SpermMopuHILa”, Swains. (1827). Pyrrhula, 2nddiv. Temm. Loxia, 
S. falcirostra, (Temm.) Swains. Pl. col. 11. f. 2. 

Pyrruuta, (Antiq.) Mehr. (1752). Loxia, Z. Fringilla, Temm. 
P. vulgaris, Temm. Pl. enl. 245. L. pyrrhula, Z.  P. europea, 

StroBiLopHaGa, Vieill. (1816). Corythus, Cuv.(1817). Loxia, 
£L. Coccothraustes et Pinicola, (olim) Véeidl. (1807). Frin- 
gilla, Zacht. Densirostra, Wood. 

S. enucleator, (L.) Vieill. Pl. enl. 135. f. 1. 

Uracus, Keys. e¢ B1.(1840). Loxia, Pall. Pyrrhula, Cuv. Cory- 
thus, Gould. Erythrospiza, Bonap. 
U. sibiricus, (Pall.) A. e¢ B. P.longicauda, Temm. Gould, B. 

of Eur., pl. 

Subfam. VIII. LOXINA. 

Loxia, LZ. Curvirostra, Scop. (1777). Crucirostra, Cuv. (1799- 

L. curvirostra, Z. Pl. enl.218. Cr. vulgaris, Daud. C. abietina, 
Meyer. L. vulgaris, Ranz. 

PsirtrrostRa, Temm. (1820). Psittacopis, Mitzsch. (182?) Loxia, 
Gm. Strobilophaga, Viecdl. 

* Previously used in Mammalogy. 
> Proposed in Mammalia, but not employed. 


P. psittacea, (Gm.) Swazns. P.icterocephala, Temm., Pl. col. 457. 
P.sandwichensis, Steph. P. olivacea, Ranz. 

Parapoxornis, Gould (1836). Suthora, Hodgs. (1838). Bathy- 
rhynchus, Waclell. (1838). 

P. flavirostris, Gould, Icon. Av., i. pl. S. nipalensis, Hodgs. B. 
brevirostris, Waclell. 


Puytotoma, Mol. 
P. rara, Mol. 

Hyreus, Steph. (1815). Loxia, Gm. Phytotoma, Daud. Pogo- 
nias, Fipp. 
H. abyssinicus, (Lath.) Steph. P. tridactyla, Daud. Orn., xi. pl. 
28.f.1. BP. Brucii, Riépp. 

Family V. COLIDA. Colius, Briss. 

Subfam. [. COLIN. 

Cottvus, Briss. (1760). Loxia, L. 
C. capensis, Gm. Pl. enl. 282.f.1. L. colius, Z. 

Family VI. MUSOPHAGIDA. Musophaga, Isert. 

Turacus, Cuv. (1799-1800). Touraco, Lacep. (1800-1801). 
Corythaix, Z//. (1811). Opethus, Vieill.(1816). Spelectos, 
Wagl. (1827). Cuculo adfinis, Mehr. (1752). Cuculus, Z. 
Musophaga, Temm. 

T. persa, (L.) G. R. Gray. Edw.,t.7. O. Buffoni, Viel. O. 
africanus, Steph. 

MusopnacGa, IJsert. (179?). Phimus, Wagl. (1827). Cuculus, 
Shaw. Crax, Griff. 

M. violacea, Jsert. Levaill. Prom., t.18. C. regius, Shaw. 

Cuize@ruis, Wagl. (1827). Coliphimus, Smith (1836). Phasia- 
nus, Lath. Musophaga, Vieill. Corythaix, Less. 
C. africana, (Lath.) G. R. Gray. Levaill. Prom. et Guép.,pl. 20. 
M. variegata, Vieill. C. variegata, Wagl. 


OpistHocomus, Hoffm. (1811). Orthocorys, Vieill.(1816) Pha- 
sianus, Gm. Sasa, Vieill. 
O. cristatus, (Gm.) Jil. Pl. enl. 337. 


Family VII. BUCEROTIDA:. Buceros, L. 

Subfam. I. BUCEROTIN 2. 

Euryceros, Less. (1830). 
E. Prevostii, Less. Cent., pl. 74, et Ilustr. de Zool., pl. 13. 

Tracopan, Mehr. (1752). Bucorvus, Less. (1831). Buceros, Gm. 
T. abyssinicus, (Gm.) G. R. Gray. Pl. enl. 779. 

ae <i Caryocatactes, Mehr. (1752). Hydrocorax, Briss. 
B. coronatus, Shaw. Levaill. Ois. d’Afr., pl. 234. 235. 

Tocxus, Less. (1831). Buceros, Gm. 
T. erythrorhynchus, (Briss.) Less. Pl. enl. 260. 

Order III. SCANSORES, Ili. Pice, p. L. Zygo- 
dactyli, Vieill. Prehensores, Blainv. 

Family I. RAMPHASTIDIDA. Ramphastos, L. 


Rampuastos, £Z. Bucco, Mehr. (1752). Tucana, Briss. (1760). 
Pica, Gesn. 
R. toco, Z. Pi. enl. 82. 

Preroctossus, Ji. (1811). Ramphastos, LZ. 
P. aracari, (L.) Zi. Pl. enl. 166. 

SELENIDERA, Gould (1837). Ramphastos, Z. Pteroglosssus, Wagl. 
S. Gouldii, (Natt.) Gould. Gould’s Icon. Av.,i. pl. 

AvuLacorHampuus, G. R. Gray (1840). Aulacorhynchus *, Gould 
(1834). Ramphastos, Z. Pteroglossus, Sw. 
A. sulcatus, (Swains.) G. R. Gray. Gould’s Mon. Ramph., pl. 

Family 1. PSITTACIDA. Psittacus, L. 


Coracopsis,Wagl. (1830). Psittacus, Z. Muscarinus, Less. (1831). 
Vigorsia, Swains. (1837). Conurus, div. B. Kuhl. 
C. nigra, (L.) Wagl. Edwards, t. 5. 

* Employed in Botany. 


Prionirurus, Wagl. (1830). Psittacus, Viel. Conurus, div. D. 
P. platurus, (Vieill.) Wagl. P. setarius, Temm., Pl. col. 15. 

Piatycercus, Vigors (1825). Psittacus, Lath. Conurus, div. D. 
Kuhl. Psittacus, 6th div. Temm. Pezoporus, Cuv. 
P. Pennantii, (Lath.) Vigors. Phill. Voy., pl. p. 154. 

Nympuicus, Wagl. (1830). Calopsitta, Less. (1831). Leptolophus, 
Swains. (1832). Psittacus, Lath. 
N. nove hollandiz, (Gm.) Wagl. Lear’s Psitt., pl. 8. _L. auri- 
comis, Swains. 

Pezororus, Jil. (1811). Psittacus, Shaw. Conurus, div. D. Kuhl. 
Psittacus, 6th div. Temm. 
P. formosus, (Lath.) Zi.  P. terrestris, Shaw’s Zool. of N. H., 

Patzornis, Vigors (1825). Psittacus, Z. Psittaca, Br. Conu- 
rus, div. C. Kuhl. 
P. Alexandri, (L.) Vigors. Edw., t. 292. 

? Polytelis ?, Wagl. (1830). Psittacus, Swains. Paleeornis, 
Vig. and Horsf. 
?. Barrabandi, (Swains.) Sw. Zool. Ill., xi. t. 59. 

Evpuema, Wagl. (1830). Lathamus, Zess. (1830). Nanodes , 
Vig. and Horsf. (1826). Psittacus, Lath. Conurus, div. D. 
Kuhl. Psittacus, 6th div. Temm. 

E. discolor, (Lath.) Wagl. White's Journ., pl. p. 263. 

Metopsirtracus, Gould (1840). Psittacus, Shaw. Nanodes, V. 
and H. Euphema, Wag. 
M. undulatus, (Shaw) G'ould’s Birds of Austr. 

TricnocLossus, Vig.and Horsf. (1826). Psittacus, £. Austra- 
lasia, Less. (1831). Conurus, div. C. Kuhl. 
T. hematodes, (L.) Swains. Jard. and Selby’s Ill., pl. 111. 

Subfam. II. ARINZ. 

Ara, Briss. (1760). Psittacus, Z. Macrocercus, Vierll. (1816). 
Sittace, Wagl. Arara, Spix. (1824). Psittacus, Ist div. Temm. 

A. ararauna, (L.) G. R. Gray. Pl. enl. 36. 

AwnoporuyncHus, Spix (1824). Psittacus, Lath. Macrocercus, 
Vieill. Psittacus, Ist div. Temm. 
A. hyacinthinus, (Lath.) G. R. Gray. Shaw's Zool. Misce., pl. 
609. P. augustus, Shaw. A. Maximiliani, Spx. 

« Used in Entomology, ending in es. 
> Previously employed in Entomology. 



Conurus, Kuhl (1820). Psittaca, Briss. (1760). Psittacus, Shaw. 
Aratinga, Spix (1824). Psittacara, Vigors (1825). Sittace, 
Wagl. (1830). Macrocercus, 2nd div. Vieedl. 

C. guianensis, (L.) Kuhl. Levaill. Perr., pl. 14. 15. 

Enicoenatuus, G'. R. Gray (1840). Psittacara, King. Sittace, 

Wagl. Leptorhynchus, Swains.* (1837).  Psittacaria, Meyen. 

K. leptorhynchus, (King,) G. R. Gray. Lear’s Parrots, pl. 11. 
P. rectirostra, Meyen. LL. ruficaudus, Swains. 

Subfam. III. LORIN. 

Cuarmosyna, Wagl. (1830). Psittapous, Less. (1831). Pyrrhodes, 
Swains. (1837). Paleornis, Vigors. Psittacus, Gm. Buteo, 
Mehr. (1752) ? 

C. papuensis, (Gm.) Wagl. Levaiil. Perr., pl. 77. 

Broroceris, Vigors (1826). Psittacus, Lath. Trichoglossus, 
Wagl. Steph. Coriphilus, Wagl. (1830). Lorius et Lathamus, 

B. pyrrhopterus, (Lath.) Vigors, Zool. Journ. Suppl., pl. 4. 

Lorius, Briss. (1760). Domicella, Wagl. (1830).  Psittacus, Z. 
Conurus, div. C. Kuhl. 
L. domicella, (L.) Vigors. Pl. enl.119. 

Eos, Wagl. (1830). Psittacus, Gm. 
E. indica, (Gm.) Wagl. Pl. enl. 143. 

Eciectus, Wagl. (1830). Psittacus, G'm. 
E. grandis, (Gm.) Wagl. PI. enl. 683. 

Psirtacopis, Wagl. (1830). Psittacus, 2. | Muscarinus, Less. 
Lorius, Briss. 
P. paraguanus, (Gm.) Wagl. 

Subfam. 1V. PSITTACIN A. 

Tanyenatuus, Wagl. (1830). Psittacus, Gm. Muscarinus, Less. 
(1831). Erythrostomus, Swains. (1837). Conurus, div. C. 

T. macrorhynchus, (Gm.) Wagl. Pl. enl. 713. 

Triciartra, Wagl. (1830). Psittacus, Pr. Max. Erythrostomus, 
Swains. Maximilicus, Less. Psittacus, div. A. Kuhl. 
T. cyanogaster, (Pr. Max.) Wagl. P. melachitaceus, Spix, Av. 
Br., pl. 28. 

Derortyus, Wagl. (1830). Psittacus, Z. Psittacus, 5th div. Temm. 
D. accipitrinus, (L.) Wagl. Pl. enl. 526. 

* Previously employed. 


Psitracus, L. Jaco, Less. Psittacus, 6th div. Temm. 
P. erithacus, Z. Pl. enl. 311. 

————-?  Psittacus, Swains. 
? Fieldii, (Swains.) 

Curysotis, Swains. (1837). Psittacus, £. Androglossus, Vigors? 
(1825). Amazona, Less. (1831). 
C. amazonicus, (Gm.) Swains. Pl. enl. 130. 

Pronus, Wagl. (1830). Psittacus, L. 
P. menstruus, (L.) Wagl. Pl. enl. 584. 

PoicepHatus, Swains. (1837). Psittacus, Z. Pionus, 6, Wagl. 
Pceocephalus, Strickl. (1841). 
P. senegalus, (L.) G. R. Gray. Pl. enl.288. P. senegalensis, Sw. 


? Psittacus, Scop. Geoffroys et Caicas, Less. Psitta- 
cula, Wagl. Psittacus, div. A. Kuhl. 
? pileatus, (Scop.). P. mitratus, Pr. Max. Temm. Pl. col. 207. 

AcApornis, Selby (1836). Psittacus, Kuhl. Psittacula, div. B. 
Kuhl. Poicephalus, Swains. 
A. Swinderiana, (Kuhl) Selby, Nat. Libr. Parr., pl. xi. 

PsirracuLa, Briss. (1760). Psittacus, Lath. Psittaculus, Spex 
P. passerina, (L.) Kuhl. Pl. enl. 455. f. 1. P. cyanopterus, 


NasiTernA, Wagl. (1830). Micropsitta, Less. (1831). Psittacus, 
Quoy et Gaim. 
N. pygmea, (Quoy et Gaim.) Wagl. Voy. de l’ Astrol., pl. 

Subfam. V. CACATUINA:. 

Cacatua, Briss. (1760).  Psittacus, LZ. Plyctolophus, Viedll. 
(1816). Kakatoe, Cuv. (1799-1800), Kuhl. Psittacus, 7th 
div. Zemm. 

C. philippinarum, (Gm.) G. R. Gray. Pl. enl. 191. 

CatypToruyncuus, Vig. and Horsf. (1826). Banksianus, Less. 
(1831).  Psittacus, Lath. Cacatua, Viedll. Plyctolophus, 
Swains. Kakatoe, div. D. Kuhl. 

C. Banksii, (Lath.) V.and H. Phill. Voy. Bot. Bay, pl. in p. 267. 

CaLLocePHALon, Less. (1837). Corydon*, Wagl. (1830). Plye- 
tolophus, Swains. Calyptorhynchus, V. and H.  Psittacus, 

C. galeatum, (Lath.) G. R. Gray. Lath. Synop. supp., xi. t. 140. 
C. australe, Less. 

* Previously used in Ornithology. 


Licmetis, Wagl. (1830). Psittacus, Kuhl. Cacatua, Less. 
L. tenuirostris, (Kuhl) Wagl. P. nasicus, Zemm. Pl. col. 331. 

Microcrossum, Geoffr. (1809). Probosciger, Kuhl (1820). 
Solenoglossus, Ranz. (1823). Eurhynchus, Latr. (1825). 
Psittacus, Gm. Cacatua, Vieill. Psittacus, 2nd div. Temm. 
Microglossus, Wagl. 

M. aterrimum, (Gm.) Geoffr. Edw. t. 316. P. gigas, Lath. 

Nestor, Wagl. (1830). Psittacus, Forst. Plyctolophus, Gould. 
Psittacus, div. D. Kuhl. Centrourus, Swains. (1837). Cen- 
trurus, Strickl. (1841). 

N. hypopolius, (Forst.) Wagl. Ps. Nestor, Lath. Ps. australis, 
Shaw, Mus. Lev., p. 87. P. meridionalis, G'm. 

Dasyrtitus, Wagl. (1830).  Psittrichas, Less. (1831). Cen- 
trourus, Swains. Psittacus, Less. 
D. Pecquetii, (Less.) Wagl. Less. Ill. Zool., pl. 1. 

Family UT. PICIDA. Picus, L. et Bucco, L. 

Larmopon, G. R. Gray (1841). Pogonias*, Zi. (1811). Bueco, 
L. Pogonia, Vieill. (1816). Pogonius, Leach. 
L. dubius, (Gm.) G. R. Gray. PI. enl. 602. 

Bucco, LZ. Capito, Viedll. 
B. grandis, Gm. PI. enl. 871. 

BarBatuta, Less. (1837). Bucco, Bodd. Barbions, Less. (1831). 
B. nana, (Bodd.) G.R. Gray. B. parvus, Gm. PI. enl. 746. f. 2. 
B. barbatula, Zemm. 

Psttopocon, Bote (1835). Bueco, Mull. 
P. pyrolophus, Mudl. Pl. col. 597. 

Capito, Vieill. (1816). Capito, 2nd div. Temm. (1820). Nyctac- 
tes, Gloger (1827). Micropogon, Jemm. (182?). Bucco, L. 
C. cayanensis, (Briss.) Vieil/. Pl. enl. 206. f. 1. 

CaLorampuus, Less. (1839). Megalorhynchus, Eyton (1839). 
Micropogon, Temm. 
C. Lathami, (Gm.) G. R. Gray. C.sanguinolentus, Less. M. 
fuliginosus, Temm. M. spinosus, Hyton. 

Tracuyruonus, Ranz. (1823).  Polysticte, Smith (1835). Mi- 

cropogon, Temm. Bucco, Riipp. Tamatia, Ehrenb. Picus, Gm. 

T. cafer, (Gm.) G. R. Gray. Levaill. Prom., pl. 32. T. Vail- 
lantii, Ranz. M. sulphuratus, Zafr. P. quopopa, Smith. 

Previously used in Ichthyology. 


Picumnus, Temm.(182?). Asthenurus, Swains. (1827). Piculus, 
J. Geoffr. (1832). Picus, Lath. Yunx, Temm. 
P. minutissimus, (Gm.) Temm. PI. enl. 786. f. 1. 

Microcoraptes, G. R. Gray (1840). Picumnus, 2nd div. Temm. 
M. abnormis, (Temm.) G. #. Gray. Pl. col. 371. f. 3. 

Sasia, Hodgs. (1836). (Non vidi.) 
S. ochracea, Hodgs. 

Vivia, Hodgs. (1837). 
V. nipalensis, Hodgs. 

Subfam. I1I. PICIN/AE. 

PicorpEs, Lacep. (1800-1801). Picus, £. Tridactylia, Steph. 
(1815). Dendrocopus, Koch. Apternus, Swains. (1831). 
Picus, 2nd div. Temm. 

P. tridactylus, (L.) G. R. Gray. 

Hemicercus, Swains. (1837). Picus, Reinw. Dryocopus, 3rd 
div. Boie. 
H. coneretus, (Reinw.) Swains. Temm. P\. col. 90. 

CamPepHitus, G. R. Gray, (1840). Picus, Z. Sw. Dryocopus, 
2nd div. Boie. 
C. principalis, (L.) G. #. Gray. Pl. enl. 690. 
DenproBaTEs, Swains. (1837). Picus, Zl. 
D. fulviseapus, (Ill.) Swains. Levaill. Ois. d Afr., pl. 253, 

Picus, £. Dryobates, Bote (1826). Dendrocopus, Koch: 
P. major, Z. Pl. enl. 196. P. pipra, Macgill. 

Subfam. 1V. DRYOCOPINA. 

CAMPETHERA, G. R. Gra 1841 ). Dendromus® Swans. Picus 
Z ? ? 

C. brachyrhyncha, (Swains.) G. R. Gray. 

Dryocopus, Bote (1826). Picus, Z. Dryotomus, Swains. (1831). 
Diomedea, Mehr. (1752)? 
D. martius, (L.) Bote. Pl. enl. 596. 

CHLORONERPES, Swains. (1837). Picus, Swans. 
C. rubiginosus, Swains. Zool. Ill., pl. 14. 

Curysopritus, Swains. (1831). Picus, Gm. Gecinus, p. Boie. 
C. cayanensis, (Gm.) Swains. Pl. enl. 613. 

* Used in Mammalogy 



MELANERPES, Swains. (1831). Picus, Z. Dryobates, Boie. 
M. erythrocephalus, (L.) Swains. Pl. enl. 117. 

Triesurus, Swains. (1837). Picus, Vieddl. 
T. flavifrons, (Vieill.) Swains. Spix, Av. Br., pl. 25. f. 2. 

Subfam. V. CELEINA:. 

Gecinus, Bote (1831). Picus, Z. Cornix, Mahr.(1752)? Bra- 
chylophus, Stains. (1837). Colaptes, (Sw.) Brehm. 
G. viridis, (L.) Bote. Pl. enl. 371. 879. 

HemiLoruus, Swains. (1837). Picus, Temm. 
H. pulverulentus, (Temm.) Swains. Temm. Pl. col. 389. 
Cexeus, Bote (1831). Picus, Z. Malacolophus, Swains. (1851). 
C. flavescens, (Gm.) Bote. Spix, Av. Br., pl. 49. 

Metciypres, Swains. (1837). Picus, Horsf. 
M. tristis, (Horsf.) G. R. Gray. P. poicilolophus, Zemm. PI. 
col. 197. f. 1. 

Tica, Kaup (1836). Chrysonotus, Swans. (1837). Picus, Horsf. 
T. tridactyla, (Swains.) Sérickl. P. tiga, Horsf. \ 

BracuypTernus, Strickl. (1841). Picus, L. 
B. aurantius, (L.) Streckl. P. bengalensis, G'm. 

Centurus, Swains. (1837). Picus, L. 
C. carolinus, (L.) G. BR. Gray. Pl. enl. 597. P. carolinensis, 

LEUCONERPES, Swains. (1837). Picus, Viedll. 
L. dominicanus, (Vieill.) G. R. Gray. Spixz, Av. Br. pl. 50. P. 
candidus, O¢to. P.melanopterus, Pr. Max. P.bicolor, Swains. 
Subfam. VI. COLAPTIN A. 

Co.arrtes, Swains. (1837). Picus, L. 
C. auratus, (L.) Swains. Pl. enl. 693. 

GeocoLaptes, Burch. (18??). Picus, Lath. 
G. olivaceus, (Lath.) G. R. Gray. Levaill. Ois. d’Afr., pl. 254. 
255. P.arator, Cuv. G. terrestris, Burch. 

Subfam. VII. YUNCIN#. 
Yunx, Z. Torquilla, Briss. (1760). Cuculus, p. LZ. (1735). 
Y. torquilla, Z. Pl. enl. 698. 
Family IV. CUCULIDA. Cuculus, L. 

InpicaTor, Vieill.(1816). Prodotes, Miézsch.(182 7). Cuculus, Gm. 
I. major, Viel. C. indicator, Gm. Levaill. Ois. d’Afr., pl. 241. 


Grococcyx, Wagl. (1831). Cuculus, Licht. Saurothera, Less. 

Leptostoma, Swains. (1837 ?). Diplopterus, Bote. 

G. viaticus, (Licht.) Wagl. S. Botte et californiana, Less. S. 

longicauda, Swains. (1824 ?). Ann. du Mus. 1835, pl. ix. 

SauroTHERA, Vieill. (1816). Coccyzus, 1st div. Temm. (1820). 

Cuculus, Z. Coiia, 2nd div. Cuv. (1817). 
S. vetula, (L.) Vietld. Pl. enl. 772. 


Cenrropus, Ji. (1811). Polophilus, Leach (1814). Corydonyx, 
Vieill. (1816). Cuculus, LZ. 
C. senegalensis (L.) Strickl. C. egyptius, Gm. C. nigrorufus, 
Cuv. Levaill. Ois. d’ Afr., pl. 220. 

Cowa, (Levaill.) Cuv. (1817). Serisomus, Swains. (1837). Coc- 
cyzus, Temm. Cuculus, LZ. 
C. madagascariensis, (Gm.) Cuv. PI. enl. 815. 

Praya, Less. (1831). Coccyzus, Vieill. Coccyzus, 2nd div. Temm. 
Macropus, Spix. Cuculus, LZ. 
P. cayana, (L.) Less. Pl. enl. 211. C. macrocercus, Vieill. C. 
cayanensis, Swains. 

Coccyzus, Vieill. (1816). Coceyzon, Gloger (1827). Cureus, 
Boie (1831). Erythrophrys, Swains. (1837). Coceygius, 
jitzsch (1840). Piaya, Less. Cuculus, Z. Cuculus, 3rd div. 
Cuv. (1817 et 1829). 
C. americanus, (L.) Vieidl. Pl. enl. 816. 

Coccycua, Less. (1831). 
C. monacha, (Cuv.) Less. 

DirLorrerus, Bote (1826). Macropus, Spix (1824). Dromo- 
coccyx, Pr. Max.? Cuculus, 
D. nevius, (L.) Bote. Pl. enl. 812. 

Guira, Less. (1831). Octopteryx, Kaup (1836).  Ptiloleptus, 
Swains. (1837). Crotophaga, Vieill. Coccyzus, 2nd div. 
Temm. Cuculus, Gm. Cuculus, 5th div. Cuv. (1829). 

G. piririgua, (Vieill.) Strickl. C.guira,Gm. P. cristatus, Swains. 


CrotopHaGca, £. Crotophagus, Briss. (1760). 
C. ani, Z. ) Pl. enk, 102.72. 

DasyLopuus, Swains. (1837). 
1D. superciliosus, Swains. 

—— | 


ZANCLOSTOMUS, Swains. (1837). Phcenicophaus, Horsf. 
Z. javanicus, (Horsf.) Swains. 

Puanicopuaus, Vieill. (1816). Melias, Gloger (1827). Cuculus, 
L. Malcoha, (Levaill.) Cuv. (1817). 
P. pyrrhocephalus, (Forst.) Vieill. Gal. des Ois., pl. 37. P. leuco- 
gaster, Dum. 

Taccocua, Less. (1831). 
T. Leschenaultii, Less. 

Carpococcyx, G. R. Gray (1841). Calobates?, Dentin 
C. radiceus, (Temm.) G. R. Gray. Temm. PI. col. 538. 

Iprococcyx, Temm. 
I. (Type not yet mentioned.) 

Rurnortua, Vigors (1830). Bubutus, Less. (1831). Anadeenus, 
Swains. (1837). Pheenicophaus, Raffi. Cuculus, Cuv. Coce- 
cyzus, J. BE. Gray. 

R. chlorophea, (Raffl.) V. and H.  B. Isidori, Less. Belanger, 
Voy., pl.2.. C.sumatrensis, Cuv. C. badius, J. H.Gray. 
Zool. Mise., pl. 9. B. Duvaucelii, Less. PP. viridirostris, 

Scyturopes, Lath. (1790). 
S. nove hollandie, Lath. White's Journ., pl. 5. S. australasiee, 
Steph. SS. australis, Swains. 

Subfam. V. CUCULINA. 

Eupynamys, Vig. and Horsf. (1826). Surniculus, Less. (1831). 
‘Dynamene, Vig. and Horsf’? Swains. Cuculus, LZ. Coc- 
eystes, Gloger (182 ?). Cuculus, 3rd div. Cuv. (1817). 2nd 
div. (1829). 

E. orientalis, (L.) V. and Ht. Pi. enl. 274. f. 1. 

Oxytopnus, Swains. (1837). Edolius”, Less. (1831). Pseudornis, 

Hodgs. (1839). Cuculus, £. Cuculus, 2nd div. Cur. (1829). 

O. ater, (Steph.) G. R. Gray. Levaill. Ois. d Afr., pl. 209. O. 
Vaillantii, Swans. 

Cucutus, L. 
C. canorus, Z. Pl. enl. 811. 

Curysococcyx, Bote (1826). Chalcites, Less. (1831). Lampro- 
morpha, Vigors (1831). Cuculus, Zath. Cuculus, 2nd div. 
Cuv. (1817). Vig. and Horsf: (1826), 4th div. Cuv. (1829). 

C. cupreus, (Lath.) Bote. Shaw, Lev. Mus., pl. 

* Similar to a word used in Entomology. 
" Previously proposed by Cuvier. 


? Leprosomus, Vieill. (1816). Cuculus, Gm. Bueco, Steph. 
L. afer, (Gm.) G. R. Gray. Pl. enl. 587. LL. viridis, Vieill. B. 
africanus, Steph. 

Order IV. COLUMBE, Lath. Gyratones, Bonap. 

Family COLUMBIDAL. Columba, L. 


Pritonopus, Swains.(1825). Columba, Gm. Ptilopus? Strickl. 
P. purpuratus, (Gm.) Swains. Temm. Pig., pl. 34. 

Treron, Vieill. (1816). Vinago, Cuv. (1817). Toria, Hodgs. 
(1836). Palumbus, Mehr. (1752)? Columba, Z. Colom- 
bar, Levaill. 

T. aromatica, (Gm.) G. R. Gray. Pl. enl. 163. Temm. Pig., pl. 5. 

C. curvirostra, Gm. 

SpHEenocercus, G. R. Gray (1840). Sphenurus*, Swains. (1837). 
Columba, Temm. ‘Treron, Steph. Columbar, Less. Vinago, 

S. oxyurus, (Temm.) G. R. Gray. Pl. col. 240. S. semitorqua- 
tus, Sains. 


CarpopHacGa, Selby (1835). Columba, Z. Muscadivores, Less. 
Ducula, Hodgs. (1836). 
C. wnea, (L.) Selby. Temm. Pig., pl. 3. et 4. 

————? Lophorhynchus?, Swains. (1837). Columba, Shaw. 
L. antarcticus, (Shaw). ? Zool. of N. Holl., pl. 5. C. dilopha, Zemm. 

Cotumsa, Z. Palumbus, Fay. 
C. palumbus, Z. PI. enl. 316. 

VerruLia, Flem. (1822). Geophilus, Selby (1835). Colom- 
galles, Less. Colombi-gallines, Levaill. Goura, Steph. Co- 
lumba, Zemm. 

V. carunculata, (Temm.) Flem. Levaill. Ois. d’ Afr., pl. 278. 

ALrecTRa@NAS, G. R. Gray (1840). Columba, Gim. Colomgalles. 
Less. (1831). 
A. francie, (Gm.) G. R. Gray. Levaill. Ois. d Afr., pl. 267. 
C. jubata, Wagl. 
Ecropistes, Swains. (1827). Columba, Z. QEénas et Turtur, 
Briss. Columbi turtures, Zess. (1831). 
E. migratorius, (L.) Swains. Wils. Am. Orn., pl. 44. f. 1. 

@ Previously employed ending in a. 
b p> ; aye . 3 Dy ay P : . 
Previously proposed for a generic name in Ornithology. 


GrorEtia, Swains. (1837). Columba, £. Peristera, Bote. 
G. striata, (L.) G. R. Gray. Col. malaccensis, Gm. Temm. 
Pig., pl. 47. G. lineata, Swains. 

Macropyeta, Swains. (1837}. Columba, Z. Turtur, Briss. Ec- 
topistes, Less. 
M. amboinensis, (L.) G.R. Gray. C. phasianellus, Temm. PI. 
col. 100. 

Cina, Selby (1837). Columba, Z. LEctopistes? Selby. 
CE. capensis, (L.) Selby. Pl. enl. 140. C. atrogularis, Wagl. 

Perropuassa, Gould. (1841). 
P. albipennis, Gould B. of Austr. pl. 

Turtur, (Ray) Selby (1835). Columba, Z. Peristera, Bote (1828). 
T.auritus, Ray. Pl.enl.394. C.turtur, Z. T.migratorius, Selby. 

Subfam. III. GOURINZ. 

Cotumpina, Spiz (1825). Columba, Wagl. 
C. strepitans, Spiz. Av. Br. ii. pl. 75. f. 1. 

ZENAIDA, Bonap. (1838). Columba, Bonap. Peristera, Selby. 
Z. amabilis, Bonap. Am. Orn., pl.17.f.2. C. zenaida, Bonap. 

CHAM@pPELIA, Swains. (1827), ‘Columbi-gallina, Véedll. Bote 
(1826). Columbi gallines, Less. (1831). C. colins, Less. 
(1837). Columbina, Spix. Goura, Steph. Columba, L. 

C. passerina, (L.) Swains. Pl. enl. 243. 

PERISTERA, Swains. (1827), Selby (1835). Leptoptila, Swazns. 
(1837). Goura, Steph. Columba, Temm. 
P. cinerea, (Temm.) Swains. 

Puaps, Selby (1835). Peristera, Swains. (1837). Columbines, 
Less. Columba, Lath. 
P. chalcoptera, (Lath.) Selby. Temm. Pig., pl. 8. 

Srarna@nas, Bonap. (1838). Columba, Z. Turtur, Less. Co- 
lumbi-perdix, Levaill. Lophyrus, Less. Goura, Steph. Geo- 
philus, ? Selby. 

S. eyanocephala, (L.) Bonap. PI. enl. 174. 

Cata@nas, G. R. Gray (1840). Columba, Gm. Les nicombars, 
Less. Goura, Steph. Geophilus, Selby. Colombi gallines, 

C. nicobarica, (L.) G. R. Gray. Pl. enl.491. C. gallus, Wag. 

Goura, Steph. (1819). Lophyrus, Vieill. (1816). Megapelia, 
Kaup (1836). Ptilophyrus, Swaims. (1837). Columba, Z. 
Phasianus, Griss. Columbi galline, Cuv. Columbi hocco, 

G. coronata, (L.) Steph. Pl. enl. 118. 


Order V. GALLINAS, L. Gallinacées, Lacep. 
Rasores, JIl. 

Family I. CRACIDA. Craz, L. 


Cuame@petes, Wagl. (1832). Ortalida, Merr. 
C. Goudotii, (Less.) Wagl. 

Saxpiza, Wagl. (1832). Gallopavo, Briss. Penelope, Gm. 
S. marail, (Gm.) Wagl. PI. enl. 338. 

Penetorr, Merr. Guanus, Hdw. Gallopavo, Briss. Crax, Jacq. 
Gouan, Lacep. (1800-1801). 
P. pipile, (Jacq.) Gm. Jacq. Beitr., pl. xi. P. jacatinga, Spix. 

OrtTALIDA, Merr. Phasianus, Lath. 
O. motmot, (Gm.) Wagl. Pl. enl. 146. P. parraqua, Lath. 

Subfam. II. CRACINZ:. 
Crax; J. 
C. alector, Z. 

Ourax, Cuv. (1817). Crax, £. Pauxi, Temm. Lophocerus, 
Swains. (1837). 
O. pauxi, (L.) Cuv. Pl. enl. 78. 

Miru, (Mareg.) Less. (1831). Crax, Lath. Ourax, (Cuv.) Swains. 
Mitua, Sérickl. (1841). Mutu, Antig. 
M. galeata, (Lath.) Less. Pl. col. 153. C. tomentosa, Spix. O. 
erythrorhynchus, Swazns. 

Family UI. MEGAPODIDAL. Megapodius, Quoy et Gaim. 

TaLecaLius, Less. (1826). Alectura, Lath. Talegalla, Less. 
(1828). Meleagris, Jamies. Catheturus, Swains. (1837). 
T. Cuvieri, Less. Voy. de la Coqu. Zool., pl. 38. 

Letopa, Gould (1840). 
L. ocellata, Gould. Birds of Austr., pl. 

Mecapopius, Quoy et Gaim. (1824). 
M. La Peyrousii, Q. et G. Voy. de l’Uranie, pl. 33. 

? Mesirtes, J. Geoffr. (1838). (Non vidi.) 
M. variegata, J. Geoffr. Mag. de Zool. 1839, Ois., pl. 5 et 6. 

ALECTHELIA, Less. (1826) (nec Swains.). 
A. D’Urvillei, Less. Voy. de la Coqu., pl. 37. 

Family III. PHASIANIDA:. Phasianus et Pavo, L. 

Subfam. I. PAVONIN. 

PotyeLectron, Temm. (1815). Diplectron, Viedll. (1816). Pavo, L. 
P. bicalearatum, (L.) Temm. Pl. enl. 492. P. chinquis, Temm. 

CrossoptTiton, Hodgs. (1838). Phasianus, ? Hodgs. 
C. tibetanus, Hodgs. Journ. Asiat. Soc. Beng. viii., t. 46. 

Pavo, LZ. 
P. cristatus, Z. Pl. enl. 433. 


Arcus, Temm. (1815). Phasianus, L. 
A. giganteus, Temm. A. pavoninus, Vieill. Gal. des Ois., pl. 203. 
Malay peacock, Lath. Hist. 

Puasitanus, LZ. Tetrao, p., Z. (1735). 
P. colchicus, Z. Pl. enl. 121. 122. 
P. torquatus, Gm. P. albotorquatus, Bonn. 
P. versicolor, Vieill. Gal. des Ois., pl. 205. P. Diardi, Temm. 
P. Wallichii, (Hardw.) G. R. Gray. Linn. Trans. xv., pl. P. Sta- 
‘cei, Vigors. 
P. Soemmeringii, Temm. Pl. col. 487. 

Syrmaticus, Wagl. (1832). Phasianus, J. . Gray. Phasianus, 
3rd div. Temm. 
S. Reevesii, (J. E. Gray) Wagl. Ill. Ind. Zool., pl. P. veneratus, 

THaumMaLeA, Wagl. (1832). Chrysolophus, J. #. Gray (1833- 
1834). Nycthemerus, Swains. Phasianus, LZ. 3rd div. Temm. 

T. picta, (L.) Wagl. Pl. enl. 217. 
T. Amherstiz, (Leadb.) Wagl. Linn. Trans. xvi., pl. 15. 

Subfam. III. GALLIN. 

Euptocomus, Temm. (182 ?) ‘Houppiféres, Temm.’ Cuv. (1817). 
Lophura, Flem. (1822). Gallophasis, Hodgs. (1827). Ma- 
cartneya, Less. (1831). Gennzeus, Wagl. (1832). Nycthe- 
merus, Swains. (1834). Spicifer, Kaup (1836). Phasianus, 
L. 2nd div. Temm. (1820). Gallus, 2nd div. Temm. (1815). 

E. ignitus, (Shaw) G. &. Gray. Embas. to China, pl. 13. G. 
Macartneyi, Temm. Ph. rufus, Raffi. ? . 

E. Vieilloti, G. R. Gray. G. ignitus, Vieill. Gal. des Ois., pl. 
207. g. E. ignitus, Ill. Ind. Zool., pl. 2. 

E. nycthemerus, (L.) J. £. Gray. Pl. enl. 123. 124. N.argen- 
tatus, Swains. P. lineatus, Jard. and Selby’s Ill. Orn., n.s., 
pl. 12. 


E. lineatus, (Lath.) G. R. Gray. P. Reynaudi, Less. Belang. 
Voy. Ind. Or. Zool., pl. viii. et ix. 

E. Hamiltoni, (J. E. Gray) G. R. Gray. Ill. Ind. Zool., pl. P. 
Lathami, J. #. Gray. P. albocristatus, Vigors. 

ALECTROPHASIS, G. &. Gray.(1841). Lophophorus, Temm. Mo- 
naulus, Veetdd. Lophyrus, Steph. Euplocomus, J. &. Gray. 
Phasianus, Lath. 

A. leueomelanos, (Lath.) G. R. Gray. L. Cuvieri, Temm. PI. 
col. 1. M. melanion, Véell. 

A. erythrophthalmus, (Raffl.) G. F. Gray. 

A. pyronotus, G. R. Gray. E. erythrophthalmus, J. #. Gray. 
Ill. Ind. Zool., pl. 

A. purpureus, (J. E. Gray) G. R. Gray. Ill. Ind. Zool., pl. 

A. muthura, (J. E. Gray) G. R. Gray. 

A. Crawfurdii, (J. E. Gray) G. R. Gray. 

Gaius, Z. Gallina, £.(1735). Alector, Bechst. Phasianus, Gm. 
G. Bankiva, Temm. Jard. and Selby’s Ill. Orn., t. 139. 

Saryra, Less. (Aott 1828). Tragopan, Cuv. (Oct. 1828). Ce- 
riornis, Swains. (1837). Penelope, Gm. Meleagris, Z. Pha- 
sianus, Briss. 

S. cornuta, (Briss.) G. R. Gray. M.satyra, Z. Edwards, t. 116. 
S. Lathami et Pennantii, J. #. Gray. Ill. Ind. Zool., pl. 

S. melanocephala, J. &. Gray. Ill. Ind. Zool. pl. S. nepalensis, 
J. E. Gray. T. Hastingsii, Vigors. 

S. Temminckii, J. &. Gray. Ill. Ind. Zool., pl. 


Mereaanis, £. Gallopavo, Briss. (1760). Cenchramus, Mehr. 
M. gallopavo, Z. PI. enl. 97. 

Numipa, £. Meleagris, Mehr. (1752). 
N. meleagris, Z. Pl. enl. 108. 

GutrerA, Wagl. (1832). Numida, Pall. 
G. cristata, (Pall.) Wagl. Vierll. Gal. des Ois., pl. 209. 

AcryLuium, G. R. Gray. (1840). Numida, Hardw. 
A. vulturinum, (Hardw.) G. R. Gray. Gould’s Icon. Av., pl. 


Lorpnornorus, Temm. (1815). Monaulus, Véedl/. (1816). Lopho- 
fera, Flem. (1822). Impeyanus, Less. (1831). Phasianus, 
Lath. Pavo, Cuv. (1797-1798). 

L. Impeyanus, (Lath.)G. &. Gray. L. refulgens, Temm. PI. col. 
507. P. recurvirostris, Shaw. 

TetrraocA.ius, J. #. Gray (1833-1834). Lophophorus, Jard. and 

T. Nigellii, J. &. Gray. Ill. Ind. Zool., pl. 


PucrastiA, G. R. Gray (1841). Eulophus*, Less. (1837). Pha- 
sianus, J. E&. Gray. Tragopan, Yemm. Satyra, Less. Ce- 
riornis, Swains.  . 

P. macrolopha, (Less.) G. R. Gray. P. pucrasia, J. E. Gray. 
Ill. Ind. Zool., pl. T. Duvaucelii, Temm. 

Family 111. TETRAONIDA. Tetrao, L. 

Subfam. I. PERDICINA. 

Rurzotuera, G. R. Gray (1841). Perdix, Temm. Tetrao, Raff. 
Francolinus, Steph. 
R. longirostris, (Temm.) G. R. Gray. T.curvirostris, Raffi. Ill. 
Ind. Zool. 11., pl. f. 2. 

Pritopacuus, Swains. (1837). Perdix, Vieill. Petrogallus, J. 
E. Gray (183?). Ptilopachys, Sérickl. (1841). 
P. fuscus, (Vieill.) G. #&. Gray. Gal. des Ois., pl. 212. P. ery- 

throrhynchus, Swains. 

IrHacinis, Wagl. (1832). Plectrophorus, J. &. Gray (183?). 
Plectropus, Less. (1837). Phasianus, Hardw. Perdix, Temm. 
Tetrao, Gm.  Francolinus, Deless. 

I.cruentus, (Hardw.) Wagl. Temm. Pl. col.332. P. Gardneri, 
Hardw. 2. 

I. lunulatus, (Valenc.) G. R. Gray. P. Hardwickii, J.B. Gray. 
Ill. Ind. Zool., pl. F.nivosus, Deless. 

Lerwa, Hodgs. (1837). Perdix, Hodgs. 
L. nivicola, Hodgs. P. Lerwa, Hodgs. Ill. Ind. Zool., pl. 
L.? Heyii, (Temm.) G. R. Gray. Pl. col. 328. 329. 

Prernistis, Wagl. (1832). Tetrao, Gm. Perdix, Lath.  Fran- 
colinus, Steph. 
P. capensis, (Gm.) Wagl. Forst. Dr. 135. 
P. Cranchii, (Leach) Wagl. P. punctulata, J. #. Gray. Ill. Ind. 
Zool., pl. 

Franco.inus, (Briss.) Steph. (1819). Tetrao, Z. Cheetopus, 
Swains. (1837).  Perdix, div. B., Vieill.  Attagen, Keys. et 
Bl. (1840). 
F. vulgaris, Steph. Pl. enl. 147.148. TT. francolinus, Z. 

Cuacura, Hodgs. (1837). Perdix, Briss. Tetrao, L. 
C. greca, (L.) G. R. Gray. Gould’s Birds of Eur., pl. 261. f. 2. 
P. saxatilis, Meyer. 

* Used in Entomology. 


Perpix, (Antig.) Briss. (1760). Starna, Bonap. (1838). Tetrao, L. 
P. cinerea, (L.) Briss. Pl. enl. 27. 

ArBoROPHILA, Hodgs. (1837). Tetrao, Gm. Perdix, Lath. 
A. olivacea, (Lath.) Hodgs. P. megapodia, Temm. Pl. col. 462. 
A. javanica, (Gm.) G. R. Gray. Pl. col. 148. 

Coturnix, (Antiq.) Mehr.(1752). Tetrao, Z. Perdix, Lath. Orty- 
gion, Keys. et Bl. (1840). 
C. communis, Bonn. T. coturnix, Z. Pl.enl.170. C. dactyliso- 
nans, Temm. C. europeeus, Swains. C. major, Briss. 

Rotiutus, Bonn.(1790). Cryptonyx, Temm. (1815). Liponyx, 

Vieill. (1816). Perdix, Lath. Tetrao, Gm. Phasianus, Sparr. 

R. cristatus, (Gm.) G. R. Gray. Mus. Carls., t.64. P. coronata, 
Lath. TT. viridis, Gm. C. coronata, Temm. 

OvontorHorus, Vieill. (1816). Tetrao, Gm. Perdix, Lath. Colins, 
Cuv. Ortygia, Bore. 
O. guianensis, (Gm.) Steph. OO. rufus, Vieill. Gal. des Ois., pl. 
211. P.dentata, Temm. 

Ortyx, Steph. (1819). Tetrao, Z. Perdix, Lath. Colinus, Less. 
(183?). Ortygia, Bote (1826). Perdix, div. C., Vieill. Odon- 
tophorus, Wagl. 

O. virginiana, (L.) Bonap. Pl.enl. 149. T. marylandus, Z.  P. 
borealis, Zemm. Ortyx borealis, Steph. 

Lopuortyx, Bonap. (1838). Tetrao, Shaw. Ortyx, Steph. 
L. californica, (Shaw) Bonap. Nat. Misce., pl. 345. 

CaiipePLa, Wagl. (1832). Ortyx, Vigors. 
C. squamata, (Vigors) Wagl. C.strenua, Wagl. 


Tetrao, Z. Urogallus, (Briss.) Scop. (1777). Grygallus, Gesn. 
T. urogallus, Z. Pl. enl. 73.74. 

Lyrurus, Swains.(1831). Tetrao, Z. Urogallus, Briss. 
L. tetrix, (L.) Swains. Pl. enl. 172 et 173. 

Bonasa, (Briss.) Steph. (1819). Tetrao, Z. Attagen, Briss. 
Bonasia, Bonap. (1828). Tetrastes, Keys. et Bl. (1840). 
B. sylvestris, (Brehm) G. R. Gray. Pl. enl. 474. 475. T. bona- 
sia, L. 

B. umbellus, (L.) Steph. Wils. Am. Orn., pl. 49. 

Crentrocercus, Swains. (1831). Tetrao, Bonap. 
C. urophasianus, (Bonap.) Swains. Bonap. Am. Orn., pl. 21.f.2. 

Lacopus, Briss. (1760). Tetrao, LZ. 
L. mutus, Leach. Pl. enl. 129.494. T. lagopus, LZ. 


Subfam. Il]. PTEROCLINA. 

Prerocies, Temm. (1815). CEénas, Vierll. (1816).  Tetrao, ZL. 
Bonasa, Briss. 
P. alchata, (L.) Steph. Pl.enl.105.106. P. setarius, Temm. 

Syrruaptes, f//.(1811). Heteroclitus, Vieill. (1816). Nematura, 
Fisch. (1813). Tetrao, Pall. 
S. paradoxus, (Pall.) Zi/. 8S. Pallasii, Temm., Pl. col. 95. 

Family V. CHIONZIDIDAE. Chionis, Forst. 


Arraais, J. Geoffr. et Less. (1830). Tetrao, Gm. Perdix, Lath. 
Ortyx, Steph. 
A. Gayii, J. Geoffr. et Less. Cent. Zool., pl. 47. 

Ocyretes, Wagl. (1829). 
O. torquatus, Wagl. 

Tuinocorus, Eschsch. (1829). Tinochorus, Less. 
T. rumicivorus, Hsehsch. Zool. Atl., pl. 2. T. Eschscholtzii, J. 
Geoffr. et Less. 


Curonts, Forst. (1788). Vaginalis, Gmel. (1788). Coleorhamphus, 

Dum. (1806). 
C.alba, Horst. Shaw's Nat. Mise., pl. 148. C. necrophaga, Vieill. 
C. nove hollandiz, Temm. Col. nivalis, Dum. 

Family VI. TINAMIDA. Tinamus, Lath. 

Subfam. I. TURNICINE. 

Turnix, Bonn. (1790). Tetrao, Gm. Tridactylus, Lacep. (1800- 
1801). Ortygis, Zi. (1811). Hemipodius, Temm. (1815). 
Ortygodes, Vieill. (1816). 

T. gibraltaricus, (Gm.) Bonn. H. lunatus, Temm. 

Subfam. II. TINAMINA. 

Trnamus, Lath. (1790). Tetrao, £. Crypturus, Ji. (1811). Wagl. 
(1827). Cryptura, Vieill. (1816). Pezus, Spix (1825). 
T. brasiliensis, (Briss.) Zath. Pl.enl.476. Tetr. major, Gm. 


Notuura, Wagl.(1827). Crypturus, Zl. Cryptura, Vieill. No- 
thurus, Swains. Tinamus, Spix. 
N. boraquira, (Spix) Wagl. Spia’s Av. Br., pl. 79. 

Ruyncnotus, Spix (1825). Tinamus, Temm. Cryptura, Vieill. 
R.rufescens,(Temm.) Wagl. R. fasciatus, Spix, Av. Br., pl. 76. 
C. guazu, Vieill. 

Tinamoris, Vigors (1836). Eudromia *, D’ Orb. et J.Geoffr. (1832). 
T. Pentlandii, Vigors. 

Order VI. STRUTHIONES, Lath. Cursores, 

Lacep. Brevipennes, Cuv. 

Family I. STRUTHIONIDA. Sitruthio, L. 


Srrutuio, L. 
S. camelus, Z. Pl. enl. 457. 

Casuarius, LZ. (1735). Cela, Mehr. (1752). Struthio, £Z. Ca- 
soarius, Bont. Rhea, Lacep. (1800-]801). 
C.emu, Lath. Pl. enl.313. C. galeatus, Vieill. Str. casuarius, LZ. 

Dromatvs, Vieill. Casuarius, Lath. Rhea, Temm. Tachea, Flem. 
(1822). Dromiceius, Viedll. (1816). Struthio, Meyer. Dro- 
meus, Ranz. 

D. nove hollandiz, (Lath.) G. R. Gray. White's Journ., pl. 1. 
D. ater, Vieill. D. australis, Swainms. Dr. emu, Steph. 

Ruea, Mehr. (1752). Struthio, Z. Touyou, Cuv. (1797-1798). 
R. americana, Lath. Vieill. Gal., pl. 224. Str. Rhea, Z 


Arteryx, Shaw. Dromiceius, Less. Apternyx, Swains. 
A. australis, Shaw, Nat. Misc., pl. 1057. 1058. D. nove zea- 
landiz, Zess. Apterous Penguin, Lath. Hist. 

? Subfam. HI. DIDINA. 

Dipus, Z. Raphus, Mehr. (1752). 
D. ineptus, Z. Edw., t.294. Shaw's Nat. Misc., pl. 143. (leg), 
pl. 166. (head). 

* Previously used, ending in as. 


Subfam. IV. OTIDINA. 

Ors, L. 
O. tarda, Z. Pl. enl. 245. 

Terrax, Leach, Steph. (1819). Otis, LZ. 
T. campestris, Leach. Pl. enl. 10. et 25. Ot. Tetrax, Z. 

Sypurotipes, Less. (1839). Otis, Z. 
S. auritus, (Lath.) Less. Jard.and Selby’s Ill. Orn., pl. 40. 92. 

Hovusara, Bonap. (1832). Chlamydotis, Less. (1839). Otis et 
Psophia, Gm. Otis, 2nd div. Temm. 
H. undulata, (Gm.) G. R. Gray. O.houbara, Gm. Acad. des 
Sci., 1787. pl. 10. O. Macqueeni, J. £. Gray. 

Evpoporis, Less. (1839). Otis, Gm. 
E. rhaad, (Gm.) Less. Mus. Senckenb., ii. 3. pl. 15. 

Order VII. GRALLA, ZL. Grallatores, Jil. 
Pinnatipedes, Lath. 

Family I. CHARADRIDA. Charadrius, L. 

(Epicnemus (Antiq.) Zemm. (1815). Charadrius, Z. Otis, Lath. 
Pluvialis, Briss. Fedoa, Leach. 
CE. crepitans, Temm. Pl. enl.919. Ch. Cidicnemus, Z. 

Esacus, Less. (1831). Carvanaca, Hodgs. (1836). CEdicnemus, 
E. recurvirostris, (Cuv.) Less. 
E. magnirostris, (Geoffr.) G. R. Gray. Pl. col. 387. C. grisea, 
Hodgs. Qk&d. recurvirostris, Swains. 

Buruinus, Jil. (1811). CEdicnemus, Shaw. Charadrius, Lath. 
B. magnirostris, (Lath.) Zd/. 


Cursortius, Lath. (1790). Charadrius, Gm. Tachydromus, Ji. 
C. europzus, Lath. Pl. enl.795. C.gallicus, Gm. C. isabellinus, 

OreorHitus, Gould (183 ?). 
O. totanirostris, Gould. Jard. and Selby’s Mi. Orn., t. 151. 


OrtyxeLos, Vieill. (1825). Ortygodes, Vieill. Hemipodius, Swains. 
Ortygis, Steph. 
O. Meifreni, Vieil/. Gal. des Ois., t. 300. H.nivosus, Swains. 

Pepionomus, Gould (1840). 
P. torquatus, Gould’s B. of Austr., pl. 

Piuvianus, Vieill. (1816). Charadrius, Z. Cursor, Wagl. (1827). 
Hyas, Gloger (182?). Ammoptila, Swains. (1837). Cheilo- 
dromas, Fiipp. (1837). 

P. egyptius, (L.) Strickl. Pl. enl. 918. P. chlorocephalus, Vieill. 
Am. charadroides, Sw. CC. melanocephalus, Gm. 

Subfam. II]. CHARADRINA‘?*. 

GLaAREOLA, Briss. (1760). Trachelia, Scop. (1777). Hirundo, LZ. 
G. pratincola, (L.) Leach. Pl. enl. 882. G. torquata, Mey. G. 
austriaca, neevia et senegalensis, Gm. 

SQuATAROLA, Cuv. (1817). Vanellus, Mehr. (1752). Tringa, 
Gm. Charadrius, Pall. 
S. helvetica, (L.) Cuv. Pl. enl. 854. 858. T. squatarola, L. 

VaneELius, £. (1735). Parra, Lacep. (1800-1801). Tringa, ZL. 
Charadrius, Wagl. Gavia, Klein. 
V. cristatus, Mey. Pl. enl. 242. T.vanellus, Z. V.gavia, Steph. 

Cuetusra, Bonap. (1839). Charadrius, Pall. 
C. gregaria, (Pall.) Bonap. 

Hoptoprerus, Bonap.(1831). Philomachus, (Mcehr.)G. R. Gray 
(1840). Acanthopteryx, Leach, MSS. Parra, Gm. Chara- 
drius, Z. Pluvialis, Briss. 

H. spinosus, (L.) Bonap. Briss. Orn., v. t. 7. f. 2. 

SarciopHorus, Sérickl. (1841). Charadrius, Gm. 
S. pileatus, (Gm.) Strickl. Pl. enl. 834. 

Losivanevius, Strickl. (1841). Parra, Gm. 
L. goensis, (Gm.) Strickl. Pl. enl. 807. 

Eryruroconys, Gould (1837). 
E. cinctus, Gould. 

Cuaraprivs, £. Pluvialis, (Antiq.) Briss. (1760). 
C. pluvialis, Z. Pl. enl. 904. 

* Temminck speaks of a seriesof drawings collected together by Levail- 
lant that contained a figure of a “petit gralle bidactyle,” which perhaps 
would belong to this subfamily. He has proposed the generic name of 
Autruchon, in the event of this very curious bird being rediscovered. 


Eupromias, Boie (1827). Charadrius, Z. Pluvialis, Briss. Mo- 
rinellus, Antiq. 
E. morinella, (L.) Bote. Pl. enl. 832. 

Hraricura *, (Antiq.) G. R. Gray (1840). Agialites”, Bove 
(1822). Charadrius, Z. Pluvialis, Briss. 
H. annulata, G. R. Gray. Ch. biaticula, Z. PI. enl. 920. 

Pipis, Licht. (1793). Charadrius, Licht. 
P. heteroclitus, Licht. 

ANnaRuyNcHUS, Quoy et Gaim. (1833). Scolopax, Raffl.? 
A. frontalis, Quoy et Gaim. Voy. de Y Astrol., pl. 31.1.2. S. su- 
matrana, Raffi.? 


Cincius, Mehr. (1752). Strepsilas, Zi/.(1811). Arenaria, Briss. 
(1760). Morinella, Meyer (1810). Tringa, L. 
C. morinellus, (L.) G. R. Gray. Pl. enl. 856. S. interpres, Jil. 
S. collaris, Zemm. 


Hamaroprvs, LZ. Ostralega, Briss. (1760). Scolopax, Scop. 
H. ostralegus, Z. Pl. enl. 929. 

Apuriza, Aud. (1839). 
A. Townsendii, Aud. B. of Am., pl. 428. 2. 

Family I. ARDEIDA. Ardea, L. 
Subfam. I. PSOPHIN/. 

PsopnuiA, £. Grus, Pall. Phasianus, Briss. 
P. crepitans, Z. Pl. enl. 169. 

CarrtamA, Briss. (1760). Palamedea, £. Microdactylus, Geoffr. 
(1809). Dicholophus, Ji. (1811). Lophorhynchus, Veerdl. 

C. cristata, (L.) Cuv. Pl. col. 237. M. Marcgravii, Geoffr. 
L. saurophagus, Vievdl. 

Subfam. If. GRUINA. 
Mecatornis, G. R. Gray (1841). Grus, Mehr. (1752). Ardea, 

M. grus, (L.) G. R. Gray. Pl. enl. 769. G. cinerea, Bechst. 

4 First proposed by Mcehring in 1752; but as its type cannot be decided, 
I have therefore adopted it as applied by the old authors. 
> Employed in Botany. 


Scops, Mehr.(1752). Anthropoides, Vieill. (1816). Ardea, L. 
Grus, Briss. Tetrapteryx, Thunb. (1797). 
S. Virgo, (L.) G. R. Gray. PI. enl. 241. 

Grus, £. (1735). Ciconia, Mehr. (1752).  Balearica, Briss. 
(1760). Ardea, Z. Anthropoides, Viedll. 
G. pavonina, Z. PI. enl. 265. 

Subfam. III. ARDEINA. 

Eurypyea, Jil. (1811).  Helias, Vieill. (1816). Ardea, Pall. 
Scolopax, Lath. 
E. Helias, (Pall.) 22d. Pl. enl. 782. Se. solaris, Bodd. H. pha- 
lenoides, Vieill. 

A. cinerea, £. Pl. enl. 755.787. A. major, L. 

Heropras, Bote (1822). Egretta, (Briss.) Bonap. (1831). Ardea, 

H. garzetta, (L.) Bote. Pl. enl. 901. 

ArvEoLA, Bote (1822). Buphus, Bote (1826). Ardea, Z. Can- 
croma, odd. 
A. leucoptera, (Bodd.) G. R. Gray. Pl. enl.911. Ar. malaccen- 
sis, Gm. Ar. speciosa, Horsf. Wagl. 

Boraurus, (Briss.) Steph. (1819). Ardea, Z. ‘ Butor, Antig.,’ 
Swains. (1837). 
B. stellaris, (L.) Steph. Pl. enl. 789. 

? Ardeola, (Briss.) Bonap. (1828). Ardea, £. Butor, 
Swains. Botaurus, Bote (1826). 
?. minuta, (L.) Pl. enl. 323. 

Ticrisoma, Swains. (1827). Ardea, Gm. 
T. lineatum, (Gm.) Swains. Pl. enl. 860. Ar. tigrina, Gm. 
Pl. enl. 790. 

NycticorAx, (Briss.) Steph.(1819). Ardea, Z. Nyctiardea, Swains. 
(1837). Ardea, div. F. Scotaeus, Keys. e¢ Bl. (1840). 
N. Gardeni, (Gm.) Jard. Pl. enl. 758. A. nycticorax, Z. N. 
europzeus, Steph. 

Scorus, Briss. (1760). Cepphus, Wagl. (1827). 
S. umbretta, Gm. PI. enl. 796. 

Cancroma, £. Cochlearius, Briss. (1760). Cymbops, Wagl. 
C. cochlearia, Z. Pl. enl. 38. 869. 

Piataea, LZ. Pelecanus, Mehr. (1752). Platea, Briss. (1760). 
P. leucorodia, Z. Pl. enl. 405. 



Subfam. JV. CICONIN.E. 

Anastomus, Bonn. (1790). Hians, Cuv. (1799-1800). Ardea, 
A. oscitans, (Bodd.) G. R. Gray. Pl. enl. 932. A. ponticeriana, 
Gm. A.typus, Temm. 

Dromas, Payk. Erodia, Stanley. Corrira, Briss.? 

D. ardeola, Payk. Pl. col. 362. E.amphilensis, Stanley. 
Ciconta, L. (1735). Ardea, (L.) Mehr. (1752). 

C. alba, Bel. Pl.enl. 866. Ard. Ciconia, Z. 

SpHENorayNcuHUs, Hemp. et Hhre. Ciconia, Licht. 
S. Abdimi, (Licht.) #. e¢ H. Rupp. Zool. Atl., pl. 

Mycteria, £. Ciconia, Briss. 
M. americana, Z. PI. enl. 817. 

Leptortitos, Less.(1831). Ardea, Gm. Ciconia, Temm. Argala, 
Leach, Hodgs. Mycteria, Vieill. 
L. argala, (Gm.) G. R. Gray. Pl. enl.300.° C. marabou, Zemm. 
A. dubia, Gm. 

Subfam. V. TANTALINA. 

Tantatus, ZL. Numenius, Briss. 
T. loculator, Z. Pl. enl. 868. 

Isis, Mehr. (1752). Tantalus, Gm. Scolopax, Tantalus et Ardea, 
. Eudocimus, Wagl. (1832). 

I. rubra, (L.) G. R.Gray. Wils. Am. Orn., pl.66.f.2. T. fuscus, 
I. (young). ; 

I. zthiopica, (Lath.) J. Hist. d’Egypte, pl. 7. I. religiosa, Cuv. 

Geronticus, Wagl. (1832). Tantalus, Bodd. 
G. calvus, (Bodd.) Wagl. Pl. enl.867. orst. Dr., 116. 

Cercisis, Wagl. (1832). Ibis, Spix. 
C. oxycerca, (Spix) Wagl. Spix, Av. Br., pl. 87. 

Tueristicus, Wagl. (1832). Tantalus, G'm. 
T. melanopis, (Gm.) Wagl. Lath. Hist., ix. pl.150. Forst. Dr., 

Putimosus, Wagl. (1832). Ibis, Licht. 
P. infuseatus, (Licht.) Wagl. I. nudifrons, Spix, Av. Br., pl. 86. 

Harpiprion, Wagl. (1832). Tantalus, Gm. Ibis, Temm. 
H. cajennensis, (Gm.) Wagl. Pl.enl. 820. 

FALcINELLuS, (Ray) Bechst. (1803?). Tantalides, Wagl. (1832). 
Tantalus, Z. Numenius, Briss. ' 
F. igneus, (Gm.) G. R. Gray.  T. falcinellus, Z. Hist. d’Egypte, 
Ois., pl. 7. 

oy ree 


Aramus, Vieill. (1816). Notherodius, Wagl. (1827). Ardea, Gm. 
Rallus, J/2. 
A.scolopaceus, (Gm.) Vieill. Pl. enl. 848. R.ardeoides, Spiz. 
R. gigas, Bonap. 

Family IIT. SCOLOPACIDA. Scolopaz, L. 
Subfam. I. LIMOSINZ. 

Cracticornis, G. R. Gray (1841). Numenius, p. L. (1735): 
Mehr. (1752). Lath.(1790). Seolopax, Z. Tantalus, Lacep- 
(1800-1801). Pheeopas, Steph. (1824). 

C. arquata, (L.) G. &. Gray. Pl. enl. 816. 

Puopus, Cuv. (1817). Scolopax, LZ. 
Be ? Pl. enl. 842. S. pheopus, LZ. 

Limosa, Briss. (1760). Scolopax, Z. Recurvirostra, Gm. /Ego- 
cephalus, Ray. Actitis, Zi. (1811). Limicula, Vieddl. (1816). 
Fedoa, Steph. (1824). Numenius, p. £. (1735). 

L. rufa, Briss. Pl.enl.900. S.lapponica, LZ. 

Terekia, Bonap. (1838). Tringa, Horsf. Scolopax, Guld. Li- 
mosa, Pall. Limosa, div. A. Simorhynchus, Keys. et Bl. 

T. cinerea, (Guld.) G. R. Gray. TT. javanica, Horsf. Gould's 
Birds of Europe, pl. 307. Se.terek, Lath. L. indiana, Less. 
L. recurvirostra, Pall. L. terek, Temm. 

Erouta, Vieill. (1816). Falcinellus, Cuv. (1817). Scolopax, Gm. 
Numenius, Steph. 
E. pygmza, (Gm.) G. &. Gray. E. varia, Vieill. Pl.col. 510. F. 
Cuvieri, Bonap. F. pygmeus, Cuv. 

Isrporuyncua, Vigors (1831). Erolia, Hodgs. | Clorhynchus, 
Hodgs. (183 ?). 
I. Struthersii, Vigors. Gould’s Cent., pl. C. strophiatus, Hodgs. 

Subfam. II. TOTANINA. 

Toranus, (Ray) Bechst. (1803). Scolopax, Z. <Actitis, 2/1. 
T. stagnatilis, Bechst. Gould’s Birds of Eur., pl. 314. S. tota- 

nus, Z 

Guortis, ils. (1817). Seolopax, Z.  Limosa, Briss. Steph. 
(1824). Pluvialis, Ray. Totanus, Bechsé. Limicola, Leach. 
G.chloropus, Nils. Pl. enl. 876. S. glottis, Z. 

Trincoipes, Bonap. (1831). Actitis, JW. Bote (1822). Guinetta, 
Briss. Tringa, £. Totanus, Cuv. 
T. hypoleuca, (L.) G. R&R. Gray. Pl. enl. 850. A. hypoleucos, 



Acrtiturus, Bonap. (1832). Tringa, Wels. Totauus, Zemm. 
Bartramia, Zess. (1831). 
A. Bartramius, (Wils.) Bonap. Am. Orn., pl. 59. f.2. —T. longi- 
cauda, Bechst. Br. laticauda, Less. 

CatoptropnHorus, Bonap. (1828). Scolopax, Gm. Totanus, Cuv. 
Glottis, Nils. Totanus, 3rd div. Temm. 
C. semipalmatus, (Gm.) Bonap. Wéls. Am. Orn., 56.f. 3. — T. 
erassirostris, Vieill. 


Recurvirostra, L. Numenius, p. Z.(1735). Trochilus, Mehr. 
(1752). Avocetta, Briss. (1760). 
R. avocetta, Z. Pl. enl. 353. 

Ciaporuyncuus, G. R. Gray (1840). Himantopus, Gould. Lep- 
torhynchus*, Dubus. 
C. pectoralis, (Dubus) G. R. Gray. Mag. de Zool. 1836, pl. 45. 
H. palmatus, Gould. 

Himantopvs, (Antiq.) Briss. (1760). Charadrius, Z. Macrotar- 
sus, Lacep. (1800-1801). Hypsibates, Witzsch (182 7). 
H. vulgaris, Bechst. Pl. enl. 878. C. himantopus, Z. Hz. albi- 
collis, Meyer. 

Subfam. IV. TRINGINA. 

HemipaLama, Bonap. (1828). Tringa, Bonap. 
H. himantopus, Bonap. Aud. Birds of Am., pl. 344. T. Dou- 
glassii, Swains. 

Hereropropa, Bonap. (1838). Tringa, Wils. Hemipalama, Bo- 
nap. ‘Tringa, 3rd div. Temm. 
H. semipalmata, (Wils.) Bonap. Wils. Am. Orn., pl. 63. f. 4. 
T. brevirostris, Spix. 

Trinea, LZ. (1735). Calidris, Cuv. (1817). Actitis, Zl. Canu- 
tus, (Briss.) Brehm. (1830). 
T. canutus, Z. Pl. enl. 365. 366. T. grisea et nzevia, Gm. 

Puitomacuus, Mehr. (1752). Machetes, Cuv. (1817). Tringa, 
L. Actitis, Zil. Pavoncella, Leach. 
P. pugnax, (L.) G.R. Gray. Pl. enl. 305. 306. 

Scua@nicius, Mehr. (1752). Pelidna, Cuv. (1817). Tringa, LZ. 
Cinclus, Briss. Tringa, 2nd div. Temm. 
S. cinclus, (L.) G.R. Gray. Pl. enl. 851. 852. T. alpina, LZ. 

? Cocorli, Cuv. Tringa, Gm. Tringa, Ist div. Temm. 
? subarquata, (Gm.) Mawm., pl. 20. fig. 27. pl. 21. fig. 28, 

* Previously used in Ornithology, &c. 


Eurinoruyncuvs, ils. (1816). Platalea, Z. Tringa, 4th div. 
E. pygmeeus, (L.) Bonap. Thunb. Acad. Sue., pl. 4. E. griseus, 


Ereonertes, Jil. (1811). 
E. petrificatus, ZZ. 

Caxipris, Cuv.(1799-1800). Arenaria*, Mey. Morinellus, Ray. 
Charadrius, Z. Tringa, Linn. 
C. arenaria, (L.) Bonap. Gould’s B. of Eur., pl. 335.  C. cali- 
dris, Z. C. tringoides, Vieddl. 


MacroruAmpuus, Leach. Steph. (1824). Lymnodromus, Pr. 
Maz. (183?) Scolopax, Gm. 
M. griseus, (Gm.) Leach. Gould’s B. of Eur., pl. 323. S. nove- 
boracensis, Gm. S. Paykullii, ils. 

Ruyncua@a?, Cuv. (1817?). Scolopax, Z. Gallinago, Briss. Ro- 
stratula, Vieidl. (1816). 
R. capensis, (L.) Cuv. Pl. enl. 881.922. S. chinensis, Bodd. 

Scotopax, LZ. Rusticola, Mehr. (1752). 
S. rusticola, Z. Pl. enl. 885. 

PuHILoHELa, G. R. Gray (1841). Rusticola, Vieill. Scolopax, Gm. 
P. minor, (Gm.) G. R. Gray. Gal. des Ois., pl. 242. 

Xytocota, Bonap. (1839). Homoptilura, G. R. Gray (1840). 
Scolopax, Gm. Gallinago, Steph. Ascalopax, Keys. et Bl. 

X. undulata, (Bodd.) G. R. Gray. Pl.enl.895. S. paludosa, Gm. 

X. Sabini, (Vigors) Bonap. Jard. and Selby's Il. Orn., pl. 27. 

Numentus, LZ. (1735). Gallinago, (Ray) Steph. (1824). Telmatias, 
Boie (1826). Scolopax, L. 
N. scolopacinus, (Bonap.) G.R.Gray. S.gallinago,£. Pl.enl.883. 

Puitotimnos, Brehm, (1830). Gallinago, Ray. Scolopax, Z. 
Ascalopax, Keys. e¢ Bl. (1840). 
P. gallinula, (L.) Br. Pl. enl. 884. G. minima, Ray. 


Stecanopus, Viedll. (1823). Phalaropus, Wels. Lobipes, Jard. 
and Selby. Holopodius, Bonap. (1828). 
S. lobatus, (Wils.) G. R. Gray. Am. Orn., pl. 73. f. 3.  L. in- 
canus, J.and S.  P. frenatus, Viedll. P. fimbriatus, Temm. 
H. Wilsoni, (Sab.) Bonap.  E. tricolor, Viedll. ? 

* Used in Botany. > This word is used by Vieillot (1825). 



Puararopus, Briss. (1760). Tringa, £. Crymophilus, Vieill. 
P. fulicarius, (L.) Cuv. Edw.t. 142. P. platyrhynchus, Zemm. 
P. rufus, Bechst. 

Losrres, Cuv. (1817). Tringa, Z. Phalaropus, Briss. 
L. hyperboreus, (L.) Cuv. Pl. enl. 766. T. fusea, Gm. Edw., 
46. 143. 

Family IV. PALAMEDEIDA. Palamedea, L. 

Subfam. I. PARRINZE. 

Parra, Z. Jacana, Briss. (1760). Gallinula, Ray. 
P. jacana, Z. PI. enl. 322. 

Hypratecrtor, Wagl. (1832). Parra, Vieill. 
H. cristatus, (Vieill.) Wagl. 

Meropipivus, Wagl. (1832). Parra, Cuv. 
M. eneus, (Cuv.) Wagl. P.melanochloris, Viedll. Gal. des Ois., 
pl. 264. PP. superciliosa, Horsf. 
Hypropuasianus, Wagl. (1832). Parra, L. 
H. sinensis, (Gm.) Wagl. Lath. Syn. Suppl. t. 117. 


Cuauna, Jil. (1811). Opistolophus, Vietdl. (1816). Parra, Z. Pa- 
lamedea, Geoffr. 
C. chavaria, (L.) fil. Pl. col. 219. O. fidelis, Viedl?. 

PaLamepDEA, L. Mehr. (1752). Anhima, Briss. (1760). 
P. cornuta, Z. Pl. enl. 451. 

Family V. RALLIDA. Rallus, L. 
Subfam. I. RALLINZ. 

OrtycomeTRA, (Ray) Z. (1744). Rallus, Z. Porphyrio, Briss. 
Crex, Bechst. (1803). Gallinula, Lath. 
O. crex, Z. Pl. enl. 750. C. pratensis, Bechst. 

Porzana, Vieill. (1816). Rallus, Z. Gallinula, Lath. Ortygo- 
metra, Steph. Zapornia, Leach. Steph. (1824). Alecthelia, 

P. maruetta, (Briss.) G. R. Gray. Pl.enl. 751. R. porzana, LZ. 

Ratuus, Z. Gallina, fay. ’ 

R. aquaticus, £. Pl. enl. 749. 

Ocypromus,Wagl. (1830). Rallus, Gm. 
O. australis, (Sparrm.) Sérickl. Mus. Carl. pl. 14. Forst. Dr., 
126. R. troglodytes, Gi. 



Trisonyx, Dubus (1837). Brachyptrallus, Zafr. (1840). 
T. Mortierii, Dubus. Bull. Acad. Bruss., vii. 215.t. B. ralloides, 

Porruyrio, Briss. (1760). Fulica, Z. Gallinula, Zath. Crex, 
9nd div. Ll. 
P. hyacinthinus, Zemm. Edw., t. 87. F. porphyrio, L. 
GALLINULA, (Ray) Briss. (1760). Hydrogallina, Lacep. (1800- 

1801). Stagnicola, Brehm (1831). Fuliea, Z. Crex, 2nd 
div. Zl. 

G. chloropus, (L.) Zath. Pl. enl. 877. 
Fuuica, LZ. 
F. atra, Z. Pl. enl. 197. F. aterrima, Z. F. ethiops, Sparrm. 

Heviornis, Bonn. (1790). Podoa, fil.(1811). Plotus, Gi. Co- 
lymbus, Bodd. 
H. surivamensis, (Gm.) Bonap. Pl. enl. 893. C. fulica, Bodd. 
H. fulicarius, Bonn. 
Popica, Less. (1831). Heliornis, Vieill. Podoa, Bote. Rhigelura, 
Wagl. (1832). 
P. senegalensis, (Vieill.) Less. Gal. des Ois., pl. 280. 

Order VIII. ANSERES, L. Palmipedes, Lath. 
Natatores, Illig. 

Family I. ANATIDA. Anas, L. 

PHamnIcoPTeRus, L. 
P.roseus, Pall. Pl.enl.63. P.antiquorum, Zemm. P. ruber, LZ. 


ANSERANAS, Less. (1831). Anas, Lath. Bernicla, Steph. Den- 
drocygna, Swains. Choristopus, Hyton (1838). 
A. melanoleucus, (Lath.) Less. Mém. du Mus., xi. pl. 19. A. 
semipalmatus, Lath. 

Priectrroprerus, Leach, Steph. 1824. Anas, L. Anser, Klein. 
Anatigralla, Lafr. 
P. gambensis, (L.) Leach. Lath. Syn., vi. pl. 102. 

SARKIDIORNIS, Hyton (1838). Anas, Mol. Anser, Penn. Cai- 
rina, Steph. 
S. regia, (Mol.) Hyion. Pl. enl. 937. A.melanonotus, Penn. 


CuHENALOPEX, (Antiq.) Steph. (1824). Anas, Z. Tadorna, Boie 
C. egyptiaca, (L.) Steph. Pl. enl. 379. 982. 983. 


Crreopsis, Lath. Anser, Vieill. 
C. nove hollandiz, Lath. C. cinereus, Cuv. Pl. col. 206. <A. 
griseus, Vieill. C. australis, Swains. 

CuLra@puaca, Eyton (1838). Anas, Gm. Bernicla, Steph. Che- 
nalopex, Less. Chen, Bore. 
C. magellanica, (Gm.) Hyton. PI. enl. 1006. 

Netrapus, Brandé (1836). Anas, Bodd. Cheniscus, Brooke, 
MSS.? Bernicla, Cuv. 
N. auritus, (Bodd.) G. R. Gray. Pl. enl.770. A. madagasea- 

riensis, G'm. 

Bernicia, (Antiq.) Steph. (1824). Anas, Z. Brenta, Briss. 
Anser, Jil. Chenalopex? Less. Chen, Bote. Cygnus, LZ. 
B. brenta, Steph. Pi. enl. 342. A. bernicla, Z. 

Cuen, Boie (1822). Anas, Gm. Anser, Briss. 
C. hyperborea, (Gm.) Bote. Wils. Am. Orn., pl. 68. f. 5. pl. 69. 
i Bs 

Awser, (Antiq.) Briss. (1760). Anas, Z. Cygnus, p. LZ. (1735). 
A. ferus, (Gm.) Steph. Pl.enl. A. cinereus, Meyer. 

Cyenopsis, Brandt (1836). Anas, Z. Anser, Briss. Anas, 
Ist div. Zemm. Bernicla, Bote (1826). 
C. cygnoides, (L.) Brandt. Pl. enl. 347. 
C. canadensis, (L.) Brandt. Pl. enl. 346. 

Subfam. IV. CYGNINA. 

Cyenus, L. (1735). Anas, L. 
C. olor, (L.) Steph. Pl. enl. 913. C. gibbus, Bechst. 

Odor, (Antiq.) Wagl. (1832). Anas, LZ. 
O. ferus, (L.) G.R. Gray. Edw., t.150. C. musicus, Bechst. 
C. melanorhynchus, Meyer. 

Cuenoris, Wagl. (1832). Anas, Lath. Cygnus, Viedll. Anas, 2nd 
div. Zemm. 
C. atrata, (Lath.) Wagl. A.plutonia, Shaw's Nat. Misc., pl. 108. 

Microcyena, G. R. Gray (1840). Anas, Gm. Bernicla, Steph. 
Cheniscus, (Brooke) Hyton. Anserella, Swains. ? 
M. coromandeliana, (Gm.) G. &. Gray. Pl. enl. 949. 950. B. 
girra, J. E. Gray. 

Subfam. V. ANATINA. 

Denprocyena, Swains. (1837). Anas, Gm. Mareca, Sykes. 
Dendronessa, Wagl. (1832). 
D. arcuata, (Cuv.) Sw. Horsf. Res. Zool., pl. A.javanica, Horsf. 
M. awsarea, Sykes. 

Lerrotarsis, Gould (1838). 
L. Eytoni, Gould. 

Tavorna, Leach, Flem. (1822). Anas, £. Vulpanser, ( Antiq.) 

Keys. et Bl. (1840). 
T. vulpanser, Flem. T. familiaris, Bote. T. Belloni, Steph. PI. 

enl. 53. A. tadorna, L. 

Casarca, Bonap. (1838). Anas, £. Tadorna, Steph. 
C. rutila, (Pall.) Bonap. Gould's Birds of Eur., pl. A. casarea, LZ. 

Arx, Boie (1828). Dendronessa, Swains. (1831). Lampronessa, 
Wagl. (1832). Aia, Eyton. Anas, £. Querquedula, Briss. 
A. galericulata, (L.) Bote. PI. enl. 805. 806. 

Mareca, Steph. (1824). Anas, £. Marica, Swains. Penelope, 
M. penelope, (L.) Bonap. Pl. enl. 825. M. fistularis, Steph. 
PacitonitTa, Eyton (1838). Mareca, Steph. Anas, L. 
P. bahamensis, (L.) Ayton. 

Davita, Leach, Steph. (1824). Phasianurus, Wagl. (1832). Anas, 
Querquedula, Selby. 
D. acuta, (L.) Bonap. Pl. enl. 954. A. caudacutus, Ray. A. 
longicauda, Briss. 

Anas, Z. Boschas, Briss. Swains. 
A. boschas, Z. Pl. enl. 776. 777. 

QuERQUEDULA, (Antiq.) Steph.(1824). Anas, Z. Boschas, Swains. 
Q. crecea, (L.) Steph. PI. enl. 947. 

? Cyanopterus*, Hyton (1838). Anas, Z. Querquedula, 

?. Rafflesii, (King). Zool. Journ., pl. suppl. 29. 

CHAvuLeLasmus, G. R.Gray (1838). Chauliodus®, Swains. (1831). 
Ktinorhynchus, Eyton (1838). Anas, L. 
C. strepera, (L.) G. &. Gray. PI. enl. 958. 

Mavacoruyncuus, Swains. (1831). Wagl. (1832). Anas, Lath. 
M. Forsterorum, Wagl. An. malacorhyncha, Gm. Forst. Dr., '74. 
M. membranaceus, (Lath.) Swans. An. fasciata, Shaw's Nat. 

Misc., pl. 697. M. fasciatus, Wagl. 

4 Previously employed in Entomology in 1835, 
b Used in Ichthyology. 


SpatuLa, Bote (1822). Rhynchaspis, Leach. Steph. (1824). 
Spathulea, lem. (1822). Clypeata, Brehm (1831). Anas, L. 
S. clypeata, (L.) Bote. Pl. enl. 971. 972. 

Carrina, Flem. (1822). Moschatus, Less. (1831). Carina, Ayton. 
Moscha, Leach, MSS. Anas, ZL. 
C. moschata, (L.) lem. PI. enl. 989. 


MicrorpTerus, Less. (1831). Anas, Gm. 
M. cinereus, (Gm.) G. R. Gray. Voy. de lUranie, Zool., pl. 39. 
A. brachyptera, Lath. Forst. Dr., 68. 

Oremia, Flem. (1822). Anas, Z. Melanetta, Bote. Ania, 
Leach, MSS. C&demia, Strick. 
O. nigra, (L.) Flem. PI. enl. 978. 

MeE.LAneTrTA, Bote (1822). Anas, Z. Oidemia, Flem. 
M. fusea, (L.) Bote. Penn. Br. Zool., pl. 96. 

SomaTeriA, Leach, Flem. (1822). Anas, Z. Anser, Briss. Pla- 
typus, Leisl. Brehm. Cygnus, ZL. 
S. mollissima, (L.) Leach. PI. enl. 208. 209. 

Eniconetra,G. &.Gray (1840). Anas, Pall. Polysticta®, Hyton 
(1836). Macropus, Nudé. (18??). Stelleria>, Bonap. (1838). 
E. Stelleri, (Pall.) G. R. Gray. A. dispar, Sparr. Mus. Carl. 1. 

t. 7.8. 

Camptotaimus, G. R. Gray (1841). Camptorhynchus, Ayton 
(1838). Anas, Gm. Fuligula, Ray. Rhynchaspis, Steph. 
Somateria, Bote. 

C. labradorus, (Gm.) G. FR. Gray. Wils. Am. Orn., pl. 69. f. 6. 

Branta, Boie (1822). Callichen, Brehm (1830). Anas, Pail. 
Mergoides, Eyton (1836). Fuligula, Steph. 
C. rufina, (Pall.) Bote. Pl. enl. 928. C. ruficeps, Brehm. 

FuLicuLa, (Ray) Steph. (1824). Anas, Z. Glaucium, Briss. 
Platypus, Brehm. (1831). Nyroca, Flem. * Fulix, Cicero,’ 
Sundev. (1835). 

F. cristata, Ray. Pl. enl. 1001. A. fuligula, Z. 

Nyroca, Flem. (1822). Aythya, Bote (1822). Anas, Z. Fuli- 
gula, Steph. 
N. ferina, (L). Flem. PI. enl. 803. 

+ Previously employed, ending in e. 
® A similar word is employed in Botany, as Stellaria. 


CLANGULA, Flem. (1822). Anas, £. Querquedula, Briss. Glau- 
cion, (Antiq.) Keys. et Bl. (1840). 
C. glaucion, (L.) Bote. Pl. enl. 802. A. clangula, Z. C. vul- 
garis, lem. C. chrysophthalmus, Steph. 

Haretpa, (Ray) Leach. Steph. (1824). Anas, Z. Clangula, 

H. glacialis, (.) Leach. Pl. enl. 1008. A. hyemalis, Z. A. 
miclonia, Bodd. 


THa.assornis, Eyton (1838). Clangula, Smith. 
T. leuconota, (Smith) Eyton. 

Biziura, Leach. Steph. (1824). Anas, Shaw. Hydrobates, Temm. 
(182?). Hina, Leach, MSS. 

B. lobata, (Shaw) Eyton. Nat. Misce., pl. 255. B. nove hol- 
landiz, Steph. 

ErtsMaturA, Bonap. (1832). Anas, Scop. Oxyura, Bonap. 
(1828). Oidemia, Less. Rhynchaspis, Steph. Cerconectes, 
Wagl. (1832). Undina, Gould (1836). Aythya, Bote. Gym- 
nura, Nutt. (183?). Anas, 4th div. Temm. 

E. mersa, (Pall.) Bonap. Pall. Reise, 11.t.H. A.leucocephala, 

Subfam. VIII. MERGINZ:. 

Mercus, £. Merganser, Briss. (1760). 
M. castor, £. Pl. enl. 953. 

Family I, COLYMBIDA. Colymbus, L. 
Subfam. I. COLYMBIN:. 

CotymsBus, Z. Cepphus, Mehr. (1752)?. Urinator, Cuv. (1799- 
1800). Eudytes, 22/7. (1811). Mergus, Briss. 
C. glacialis, Z. Pl. enl. 952. 


Popicers, Lath. (1790). Colymbus, Briss. (1760). il. (1811). 
Podiceps, A. div. Viedll. (1825). 
P. cristatus, (L.) Lath. PI. enl. 400. 

Popitymeus, Less. (1831). Sylbeocyclus, Bonap. (1832). Co- 
lymbus, Z. Podiceps, Ray. Dasyptilus*, Swains. (1837). 
Podiceps, B. div. Viedll. (1825). 

P. carolinensis, (Lath.) Less. C. podiceps, Z. 

* Previously used in Psittacide. 


Family III. ALCIDA. Alca, L. 

Subfam. [. ALCIN/AL. 

Aca, £. Pinguinus, Bonn. (1790). Larva, 2nd div. Vieill. Che- 
nalopex, Mehr. (1752). 
A. impennis, Z. PI. enl. 367. 

Uramania, (Ray) Leach, Steph. (1825). Alcea, Z. Pinguinus, 
Bonn. Torda, Dum. Chenalopex, Mehr. Mormon, Sw. 
Diomedea, Scop. (1777). Pingouin, Cuv. (1799-1800). 

U. torda, (L.) Steph. Pl. enl. 1003. 

FRATERCULA, Briss. (1760). Brandt (1837). Mormon, Ji. (1811). 
Alea, Z. Anas, Ray. Ceratoblepharum, subg. a. Brandt 
(1837). Larva, Vieill. Spheniscus, Mehr. 

F. arctica, (L.) Cuv. PI. enl. 275. 

Lunpa, Pall. (17 ??). Alea, Pall. Mormon, Temm. Gymnoble- 
pharum, subg. b. Brandt (1837). Fratercula, Vieill. Sphe- 
niscus, Mohr. (1752) ?. 

L. cirrhata, Pall. Pl. enl. 761. 


CERATORHINA, Bonap. (1831). Cerorhincha (1828). Cerato- 

rhyncha (olim), et Phaleris, Bonap. Chimerina, Esch. ( 1829). 

C. occidentalis, Bonap. P. cerorhyncha, Bonap. C. cornuta, 
Esch. Zool. Atlas, pl. 12. C. orientalis, Brande. 

Ompria, Esch. (1829). Phaleris, Temm. Alca et Lunda, Pall. 
Mormon, £7. 
O. psittacula, (Pall.) Esch. Pall. Spic., v.t. 2. 5. 

Puateris, Temm. (1820). 
P. tetracula, (Pall.) Temm. Pall. Spic., v. t. 4.5. 

PrycuorHAmpuHus, Brandt (1837). Uria, Pall. 
P. aleuticus, (Pall.) Brandt. 

TyLtoruampuus, Brandi (1837). Alea, Pall. Phaleris, Temm. 
T. cristatellus, (Pall.) Brandt. Pall. Spic., v.t. 3. 5. 


Spueniscus, Briss. (1760). Aptenodytes, Forst. Diomedea, L. 
Eudyptes, Viedll. 
S. demersus, (L.) Temm. Edw., t. 94. f. 2. 

Eupyrtes, Vieill. (1816). Aptenodytes, Morst. Phaeton, Z. Sphe- 
niscus, Temm. Catarractes, Briss. (1760). Vieill. (1825). Chry- 
socoma, (Cuv.?) Steph. 

E. demersus, (L.) G. R. Gray. A. chrysocome, Forst. PI. enl. 
984. A.catarractes, Forst. 

Pycoscexis, Wagl. (1832). Aptenodytes, Forst. Catarrhactes, 

BP: papua, (Forst.) Wagl. Forst. Comm. Goett., iii. pl. 3. 

ApTenopyTeEs, Forst. (1788). Pinguinaria, Shaw. Eudyptes, 
Vieill. Spheniscus, Scop. (1777). Aptenodita, Gimel. (1788). 
A. patachonica, Forst. Pl. enl. 975. 

Subfam. IV. URINA. 

Cataractes, Mehr. (1752). Uria, Briss.(1760). Colymbus, L. 
Cepphus, Pall. Lomwia, Ray. Lomvia, subg. a. Brandt 

C. troile, (L.) Lath. Pl. enl. 903. 

Uria, Mehr. (1752). Grylle, subg. b., Brandt (1837). Colym- 
bus, Z 

lus groénlandica, (Briss.) G. R. Gray. C. Grylle, L. 

BracuyruAmpuus, Brandt (1837). Uria, Pall. Anobapton, subg. 
a., Brandt (1837). 
B. marmoratus, (Lath.) Brandt. Lath. Syn., vi. t. 96. 

SYNTHLIBORHAMPHUS, subg. b., Brandt (1837). Alcea, Gm. 
S. antiquus, (Gm.) Brandt. 

Arctica, Mehr. (1752). Mergulus, (Ray) Viedll. (1816). Alea, 
£. Mormon, Jil. Uria, Briss. Cephus, Cun. 
A. alle, (L.) Vieill. Pl. enl. 917. 

Family IV. PROCELLARIDA. Procellaria, L. 


PELECANoipEs, Lacep. (1800-1801). Procellaria, Gm. _ Hala- 
droma, /i/.(1811). Puffinuria, Less. (1828). Procellaria, div. 
C. Vieill. (1825). 
P. urinatrix, (Gm.) Cuv. Forst. Draw., t. 88. PP. Garnottii, 

Purrinus, (Ray) Briss. (1760). Procellaria, Z. Thiellus, Gloger 
(1827). Thalassidroma, Swains. Nectris, (Forst.) Kuhl. 
Procellaria, div. B. Viedll. (1825). 

P. anglorum, Ray. Edw., t. 379. 

Daption, Steph. Procellaria, L. 
D. capensis, (L.) Steph. PI. enl. 964. 

THALAsSsIDROMA, Vigors (1825). Procellaria, ZL. Mehr. (1752)- 
Hydrobates *, Bote (1822). 
T. pelagica, (L.) Vigors. Pl. enl. 993. 

* Previously proposed to be used (ending in a) by Vieillot. 


OceanitEs, Keys. et Bl. (1840). Procellaria, Bonap. 
O. Wilsoni, (Bonap.) A. e¢ B. 

Proceitaria, Z. Wagellus, Ray. Fulmarus, Leach. 
P. glacialis, Z. Pl. enl. 59. 

Prion, Lacep. (1800-1801). Procellaria, Gm. Pachyptila, Z7/. 
(1811). Procellaria, div. D. Vieill. (1825). 
P. vittatus, (Gm.) Cuv. Forst. Draw., t. 87. Pr. Forsteri, Lath. 

DiomepEA, L. Albatrus, Briss. (1760). 
D. exulans, Z. PI. enl. 237. 

Family V. LARIDA. Larus, L. 
Subfam. I. LARINZ. 

? Larus, Z. Lestris, ZU/. Catarracta, Ray. 
?. catarractes, (L.). 

STeRcorRARIUvS, Briss. (1760). Larus, £. Catarracta, Briin. Lestris, 
iil, (1811). Pradatrix, Vieill. (1816). Buphagus, Mehr. 

S. parasiticus, (L.) G. R. Gray. Pl. enl. 762. 

Ross1a, Bonap. (1838). Larus, Sabine. 
R. rosea, Bonap. Jard. and Selby’s Il. Orn., pl.14. L. Rossii, 

Larus, Z. Gavia, Mehr. (1752). 
L. glaucus, Briin. Gould’s Birds of Eur., pl. 432. 

Laroipgs, Brehm (1830). Larus, Brinn. 
L. argentatus, (Briinn.) Brehm. 

Xema, Leach, Steph. (1825). Larus, L. 
X. Sabini, Leach, Lin. Trans., xii. pl. 29. 

CuroicocerHaLus, Lyion (1836). Larus, Temm. Xema, Boie 
(1822). Chreecocephalus, Strickl. (1841). 
C. capistratus, (Temm.) Eyton. 

Rissa, Leach, Steph. (1825). Larus, £. Gavia, Briss. Laroides, 

R. tridactyla, (Lath.) Leach. Pl.enl.253.  L. rissa, Z. 

———? Gavia, Boie (1822). Larus, Gm. 
?. eburnea, (Gm.). PI. enl. 994. 


Ruyncuoprs, L. Rygchopsalia, Briss. (1760). 
R. nigra, Z. Pl. enl. 357. 
H 2 

i i 


Puztusa, Wagl. (1832). Thalassites, Swains. (1837). Sterna, 
P. magnirostris, (Licht.) Wagl. Spia’s Av. Br., pl. 104. 

GeLocHELIpon, Brehm (1830). Sterna, Mont. Laropis, Wag. 
(1832). Viralva, Steph. 
G. anglicus, (Mont.) Brehm. 

THAvassEus, Bote (1822). Sterna, Gm. 

T. cantiacus, (Gm.) Bote. Boy's Sandw., p. S. Boysii, 

SyLocHELipon, Brehm (1830). Sterna, Sparr. Helopus, Wagl. 
(1832). Thalesseus, Bore. 
S. caspius, (Sparr.) Brehm. Mus. Carls., iii. t.62. S. caspia, Lath. 

? Sterna, Forst. Planetis®, Wagl. 
? guttata, (Forst.). 

Gyais, Wagl. (1832). Sterna, Forst. 
G. candida, (Forst.) Wagl. 8. alba, Sparr. Mus. Carls., t. 11. 

Sterna, Z. Hirundo, Ray. Larus, L. (1735). 
S. hirundo, Z. PI. enl. 987. 
STERNULA, Bote (1822). Sterna, L. 
S. minuta, (L.) Bote. Pl. enl. 996. S. metopoleucus, Gm. 

Hyprocue1ipon, Boie (1822). Viralva, Leach, Steph. (1825). | 
Haliplana, Wagl. (1832). Sterna, L. | 
H. niger, (L.) Boie. 

Anois, Leach, Steph. (1825). Megalopterus, Bote (1896). Sterna, 
L. Noddi, Cuv. (1817). Gavia, (Briss.) Swains. (1837). 
Stolida, eo. (1831). Sterna, 2nd div. Temm. 

A. stolidus, (L.) G. R. Gray, Pl. enl. 997. A. niger, Steph. 

Onycuoprion, Wagl. (1832). Sterna, Forst. 
O. serratus, (Forst.) Wagl. Forst. Draw., t. 110. 

Petecanopus, Wagl. (1832). Sterna, King. 
P. pelecanoides, (King) Wagl. 

Family VI. PELECANIDA:. Pelecanus, L. 

Subfam. I. PLOTINZ. 

Protus, Z. Ptynx, Mehr. (1752). Anhinga, Briss. (1760). 
Plottus, Scop. (1777). * 
P. anhinga, L. 

* Similar to a word used in Entomology. 



Puarton, L. Lepturus, Mehr. (1752). Tropicophilus, Leach. 
P. ethereus, Z. Pl. enl. 998. 


Sura, (Ray) Briss. (1760). Pelecanus, Z. Graucalus, Mehr. 
Morus, Vieill. (1816). Dysporus, Z//.(1811). Moris, Leach. 
S. bassana, (L.) Briss. Pl. enl. 278. 

Onocroratus, (Briss.) Wagl. Pelecanus, Mol. 
O. thagus, (Mol.) G. R. Gray. O. Hernandezii, Wagl. 

PreLecanus, Z. Onocrotalus, Mehr. (1752). 
P. onocrotalus, Z. PI. enl. 87. 

Graucatus, £.(1735). Phalacrocorax, (Antiq.) Briss. (1760). 
Pelecanus, Z. Corvus, Ray. Halieus, Zi. (1811). Carbo, 
Lacep. (1800-1801). Hydrocorax, Vieill. (1816). 

G. carbo, (L.) G. R. Gray. Pl. enl. 927. 

AtaGen, Mehr. (1752). Fregata, (Ray) Cuv. (1799-1800). 
Pelecanus, Z. Halieus, 2nd div., Jil. Tachypetes, Véedll. 

A. aquila, (L.) G. R. Gray. Pl.enl. 961. P. leucocephalus et 
Palmerstoni, Lath. 


- Page 3. For Briss. (1760), read Mehr. (1752). 

Page 7. After Bonap. read (1831). Erase the date given after 
Otus, Cuv. 

Page 8. Read after Otus, (Ray) Cuv. (1799-1800). 

Page 23. For Agrilorhynchus read Agrilorhinus. 

Page 26. Erase the date after Cichla, Wagl. 

Page 27. Praticola being used as Pratincola by Koch (1816), it 
becomes necessary to adopt Gould’s name of Calamanthus. 

Page 28. Under Acrocephalus, read for the date after Meyer 
(1815), and Bote (1822). For the date after Meyer (1822), read: 


Page 29. Under Erythacus, for the date (1822) read (1815). 

Page 30. For Hylodes Mr. Gould has used the word Drymodes. 

Page 32. Sylvicola, Stains. (1827) must be placed before Parula, 


as the ‘americana’ is the true type of Swainson’s genus ; anda new 
generic name must be given for the ‘ coronata’ as the type. 

Page 47. Graucalus should be altered to a new generic name, 
as this word was previously employed by Linnzus. 

Page 49. Near Laniarius add the genus Lanioturpus, Waterh. 
(1838). LL. torquatus, Waterh. 

Page 55. Near Cacicus add OcyaLus, Waterh. (1840). O. po- 
payanus, Waterh. 

Page 56. To Calamospiza add Corydalina, Aud. eres 

Page 59. Add to Carduelis, Acanthis, Meyer (1815), and to 
Chrysomitris and Cannabina add Acanthis, Meyer. 

Page 60. To Euspiza add Hortulanus, Viedll. (1807). 

Page 61. Emberiza—after Bove add (1826). 

Page 63. Erythrina—this word having been long used in Botany, 
should therefore give place to Erythrospiza. 

Page 69. Perhaps it would be considered more correct if I had 
given the B. capensis as the type of Linnzus’s genus Bucco, and 
not the B. grandis, which is a species of Gmelin. The name of 
‘capensis’ has been altered by Latham to ‘collaris’ on account of the 
species being an inhabitant of South America and not of the Cape, 
as was supposed by Linnzus. Should others agree with me in this 
suggestion, it will be necessary to place Bucco, LZ. before genus 
Chaunornis, page 13, and a new name must be given to the typical 
B. grandis. To Trachyphonus add Cucupicus, Less. (1831). 

Page 78. For E. Hamiltoni (J. E. Gray), read E. leucomelanos, 
(Lath.) G. R. Gray. P. Hamiltoni, J. A. Gray, Ill. Ind. Zool. &e. 
Erase A. leucomelanos, Zath., and read A. Cuvieri, (Temm.) G. R. 
Gray, Pl. col. 1. &e. 

Page 79. For Family III. read Family IV. 

Page 83. E. recurvirostris should have for its synonyms C. 
grisea, Hodgs., Cd. recurvirostris, Swains., which are misplaced ; 
and Geoffroy’s GE. magnirostris is perhaps a true CEdicnemus. 

The following genera are supposed by me to belong to the Sub- 
family Luscininze :— 
Hylocharis, Mull. (1835). 
H. luscinia, Mull. 
Hylophila, Mull. (1835). 
H ig 
Both these generic names have been previously employed in this 
branch of science ; therefore cannot be again used. 
BarsiLanius, Dum. (1802), Sparactes, Vieill, (1816), was esta- 
blished on a made-up bird of a dealer. 
Oinobas, Swains., Pyrrota, Vieill., and Campylops, Licht. Three 
genera which I have met with, but am unable to refer them to 
places in this work for the present. 


*,* The smaller numbers refer to the pages at which the names are used 
generically, the larger are those in which they occur as synonyms. 

ACANTHINOTUS, 47 Aipunemia, 37 Annumbi, 23 
Acanthis, 102 Aix, 94 Anobapton, 98 
Acanthiza, 31, 33 Ajax, 34 Anodorhynchus, 66 
Acanthogenys, 21 Alaémon, xii Anothura, 26 
Acanthopteryx, 84 Alauda, 22, 54, 62 Anoiis, 100 
Acanthorhynchus, 19  Albatrus, 99 Anser, 92, 93, 95 
Acanthylis, 11 Alea, 97, 98 Anseranus, 92 
Accentor, 29, 31 Alcedo, 14 Anserella, 93 
Accipiter, 6 Alcemerops, 15 Anthochera, 20, 21 
Acis, 47 _ Alcyon, 14 Anthomyza, 20 
Acontistes, 26 “ Alcyone, 14 Anthornis, 20 
Acredula, xi Alecthelia, 76, 91 Anthracothorax, 17 
Acridotheres, 53, 54 Alecto, 56 Anthreptes, 17 
Acrocephalus,xi,28, 101 Alector, 78 Anthropoides, 86 
Acryllium, 78 Alectreenas, 74 Anthus, 23, 27, 33, 62 
Actinodura, 37 Alectrophasis, 78 Antrostomus, 9 
Actitis, 88, 89 Alectrurus, 40 Anumbius, 23, 26 
Actiturus, 89 Alectura, 40, 76 Apalis, 26 

Ada, 40 Allotrius, 45 Apaloderma, 13 
Adornis, 29 Aluco, 8 Aphriza, 85 
Aedon, 28 Amadina, 59 Apiaster, 15 
ZEgialites, 85 Amazona, 68 Aplonis, 53 
AXgithalus, xi, 31 Amblypterus, 10 Apolites, 41 
AKgithina, 32 Amblyrhamphus, 54 Aptenodita, 98 
fEigocephalus, 88 Amizilis, 19 Aptenodytes, 97, 98 
fEgolius, xi Ammodramus, 61 Apternus, 70 
Aigotheles, 9 Ammoptila, 84 Apternyx, 82 
AAgypius, | Ampelis, 37, 45, 46, 48, Apteryx, 82 
Aigythalus, 32 52 Apus, 10 
fEpycnemia, 37 Amytis, 27 Aquila, xi, 3, 4, 5, 6 
fEsalon, 5 Anabates, 23 Ara, 66 

Authiops, 46 Anadeenus, 73 Arachnothera, 16 
Aétos, 3 Anais, 47 Aramus, 88 
Agapornis, 68 Analcipus, 38 Arapunga, 46 
Agelaius, 55, 56 Anarhynchus, 85 Ayrara, 66 

Aglaia, 58 Anas, 92,93, 94,95,96,97 Aratinga, 67 
Agrilorhynchus, 23, 101 Anastomus, 87 Arborophila, 80 
Agriornis, 34 Anatigralla, 92 Archibuteo, 3 
Agrobates, 28 Androglossus, 68 Arctica, 98 
Agrodroma, 62 Andropadus, 39 Ardea, 85, 86, 87, 101 
Agrophilus, 61 Anhima, 91 Ardeola, 86 

Aia, 94 Anhinga, 100 Arenaria, 85, 90 

Aimophila, 57 Ania, 95 > Argala, 87 


Argus, 77 
Argya, 36 
Arremon, 57 
Arrenga, 35 
Arses, 42, 43 
Artamia, 38 
Artamus, 47 
Arundinaceus, 28 
Arundinicola, 40 
Ascalaphia, 7 
Ascalépax, 90 
Asilus, 28 

Msio, 7, '8 
Asthenurus, 70 
Astrapia, 54 
Astur, 6 
Asturina, 6 
Atagen, 101 
Athene, 7, 8 
Atlapetes, 60 
Attagen, 79, 80 
Attagis, 81 
Attila, 46 
Averano, 46 
Avicida, 5 
Aulacorhamphus, 65 
Aulacorhynchus, 65 
Avocetta, 89 
Avocettes, 18 
Australasia, 66 
Autruchon, 84 
Aythya, 95, 96 

Bahila, 45 
Balbuardus, 4 
Balearica, 86 
Banksianus, 68 
Barbatula, 69 
Rarbilanius, 102 
Barbions, 69 
Barita, 49, 50 
Bartramia, 89 
Baryphonus, 12 
Basilinna, 19 
Batara, 49 
Bathyrhynchus, 64 
Batis, 42 
Batrachostomus, 9 
Baza, 5 
Bellatrix, 19 
Bernicla, 92, 93 
Bessonornis, 36 
Bethylus, 58 
Bhringa, 48 
Bhuchanga, 47 

Bias, 44 
Bibia, 66 
Biblis, 11 
Bidens, 5 
Biziura, 96 
Blechropus, 40 
Bombycilla, 46 
Bombyciphora, 46 
Bombycivora, 46 
Bonasa, 80, 81 
Bonasia, 80 
Boschas, 94 
Boscis, 54 
Botaurus, 86 
Brachonyx, 62 
Brachylophus, 71 
Brachyotus, 8 
Brachypetes, 13 
Brachypteracias, 11 
Brachypternus, 71 
Brachypterus, 6 
Brachypteryx, 34 
Brachyptrallus, 92 
Brachypus, 10, 37, 39 
Brachyrhamphus, 98 
Brachystoma, 51 
Brachyurus, 35, 42 
Bradypterus, 26 
Branta, 95 
Brenta, 93 
Brotogeris, 67 
Bubalornis, 56 
Bubo, 7, 8 
Bubutus, 73 
Bucco, 13,14, 65, 69, 74, 
Buceros, 64 
Bucia, 15 
Bucorvus, 65 
Budytes, 33 
Bulaca, 8 
Buphaga, 53 
Buphagus, 53, 99 
Buphus, 86 
Burhinus, 83 
Busarellus, 6 
Butaétes, 3 
Butalis, 438 
Buteo, 3, 5, 6, 67 
Buteogallus, 3 
Butor, 86 

Cacatua, 68, 69 
Cachinna, 4 
Cacicus, 54, 55 


Cactornis, 57 
Czebera, 17 

Caicas, 68 

Cairina, 92, 95 
Calamanthus, 27 
Calamodyta, 28 
Calamoherpe, 21, 28 
Calamophilus, xi, 32 
Calamospiza, 56, 102 
Calandra, 62 
Calendula, 62 
Calidris, 89, 90 
Callzeus, 51 
Callichen, 95 
Calliope, xi, 29 
Callipepla, 80 
Calliphox, 19 
Calliste, 58 
Callocephalon, 68 
Calobates, 73 
Calocitta, 50 
Calodera, 53 
Caloenas, 75 
Calopsitta, 66 
Caloramphus, 69 
Calornis, 53 
Calospiza, 58 
Calothorax, 18 
Calurus, 13 
Calvifrons, 52 
Calyptomena, 46 
Calyptorhynchus, 68 
Calyptura, 45 
Camarhynchus, 57 
Campephaga, 47 
Campephilus, 70 
Campethera, 70 
Campicola, 30 
Camptolaimus, 95 
Camptorhynchus, 96 
Campylops, 102 
Campylopterus, 17, 18 
Campylorhynchus, 26 
Cancroma, 86 
Cannabina, xii, 59, 102 
Canutus, 89 

Capito, 13, 14, 69 
Caprimulgus, 9, 10 
Caracara, 2,3 
Carbo, 101 
Cardinalis, 56, 58 
Carduelis, xii, 59, 102 
Cariama, 85 

Carina, 95 

Carine, 7 

SS a 


Carnifex, 45 
Carpococcyx, 73 
Carpophaga, 74 
Carvanaca, 83 
Caryocatactes, 51, 65 
Casarca, 94 
Casmarhynchus, 46 
Casoarius, 82 
Cassiculus, 55 
Cassicus, 55 
Cassidix, 55 
Casuarius, 82 
Cataractes, 98 
Catarracta, 99 
Catarractes, 97 
Catarrhactes, 98 
Catharista, 1 
Cathartes, 1 
Catheturus, 76 
Catoptrophorus, 89 
Ceblyphyris, 47 
Ceblypyris, 47 
Cecropis, 11 
Cela, 82 
Celeus, 71 
Cenchramus, 78 
Centrocercus, 80 
Centropus, 72 
Centrourus, 69 
Centrurus, 69 
Centurus, 71 
Cephalopterus, 52 
Cephus, 98 
Cepphus, 86, 96, 98 
Ceratoblepharum, 97 
Ceratorhina, 97 
Ceratorhyncha, 97 
Cerchneis, 5 
Cercibis, 87 
Cerconectes, 96 
Cercotrichas, 29 
Cereopsis, 93 
Ceriornis, 78, 79 
Cerorhincha, 97 
Certhia, 16, 17, 19, 21, 
24, 25, 33 
Certhidea, 57 
Certhilauda, x1i, 22, 62 
Certhiola, 17 
Certhionyx, 17 
Ceryle, 14 
Cetophaga, 44 
Cettia, 27 
Ceyx, 14 
Chacura, 79 

Chzetoblemma, 48 
Chaétops, 36 
Cheetopus, 79 
Cheetura, 11 
Chalcites, 73 
Chalcophanes, 54, 55 
Chalybzeus, 50 
Chameepelia, 75 
Chameepetes, 76 
Chameza, 35 
Chaptia, 47 
Charadrius, 83, 84, 85, 
89, 90 
Charmosyna, 67 
Chaulelasmus, 94 
Chauliodes, 94 
Chauna, 91 
Chaunonotus, 49 
Chaunornis, 13 
Cheilodromas, 84 
Chelidis, 46 
Chelidon, 11 
Chelidoptera, 13 
Chen, 93 
Chenalopex, 93, 97 
Cheniscus, 93 
Chenopis, 93 
Chetusia, 84 
Chibia, 47 
Chimerina, 97 
Chionis, 81 
Chionospiza, 60 
Chizerhis, 64 
Chlamydera, 53 
Chlamydotis, 83 
Chloephaga, 93 
Chloris, 32, 60 
Chlorisoma, 35 
Chloronerpes, 70 
Chloropsis, 20 
Chloropygia, 11 
Chlorospiza, 60 
Chondestes, 61 
Chordeiles, 10 
Choristopus, 92 
Choucaleyon, 14 
Chreecocephalus, 99 
Chroicocephalus, 99 
Chrysococcyx, 73 
Chrysocoma, 97 
Chrysolampis, 19 
Chrysolophus, 41, 77 
Chrysomitris, xii, 59, 102 
Chrysomus, 55 
Chrysonotus, 71 


Chrysopteryx, 46 
Chrysoptilus, 70 
Chrysotis, 68 
Chrysures, 17 
Ciccaba, 7 
Cichla, 26, 36 
Cicinnurus, 52 
Ciconia, 86, 87 
Cinclidia, 37 
Cinclocerthia, 22 
Cinclodes, 22 
Cinclorhamphus, 27 
Cinclosoma, 37 
Cinclus, 35, 85, 89 
Cinnamolegus, 16 
Cinnyricinclus, 17 
Cinnyris, 16, 17 
Circaétus, 4 
Circus, 3, 6 
Cissa, 35, 51 
Cissopis, 58 
Cisticola, 27 
Citrinella, xii, 59, 61 
Citta, 35 
Cladorhynchus, 89 
Clangula, 96 
Climacteris, 24 
Clorhynchus, 88 
Clypeata, 95 
Coccoborus, 57 
Coccothraustes, 56, 57, 
59, 60, 63 
Coccyeua, 72 
Coccygius, 72 
Coccystes, 73 
Coccyzon, 72 
Coccyzus, 72, 73 
Cochlearius, 86 
Cochoa, 53 
Cocorli, 89 
Ceelebs, 60 
Ceeligena, 18 
Colibri, 18, 19 
Colaptes, 71 
Colaris, 11 
Coleorhamphus, 81 
Colins, 80 
Colinus, 80 
Coliphimus, 64 
Colius, 17, 64 
Coliuspasser, 57 
Collocalia, 11 
Collurampelis, 45 
Collurio, 48 
Colluriocincla, 49 


Collurisoma, 49 
Collyrio, 48 
Colombi-colins, 75 
Colom-galles, 74 
Columba, 74, 75 
Columbar, 74 
Columbi-gallina, 75 
Columbi-gallines, 74, 75 
Columbi-hocco, 75 
Columbina, 75 
Columbines, 75 
Columbi-perdix, 75 
Columbi-turtures, 74 
Colymbus, 92, 96, 98 
Comarophagus, 58 
Conirostrum, 17 
Conopophaga, 42 
Conurus, 65, 66, 67 
Copsychus, 29, 39 
Coquets, 19 
Coracia, 15, 52 
Coracias, 11, 12, 35, 38, 
45, 48, 49, 50,51, 52, 
Coracina, 40, 47, 52, 53 
Coracopsis, 65 
Corcorax, 52 
Coriphilus, 67 
Cornix, 11, 71 
Coronica, 50 
Coronis, 52 
Corrira, 87 
Corvinella, 48 
Corvultur, 51 
Corvus, 14, 35, 37, 46, 
47, 50, 51, 52, 58, 55, 
58, 101 
Corydalina, 102 
Corydalis, 62 
Corydalla, 33 
Corydon, 12, 68 
Corydonyx, 72 
Corypha, 62 
Coryphaspiza, 61 
Corythaix, 64 
Corythopis, 34 
Corythus, 63 
Cosmetornis, 10 
Cossypha, 36 
Cossyphus, 54 
Cotile, 11 
Cotinga, 42, 46 
Coturniculus, 60 
Coturnix, 80 
Coiia, 72 

Cracticornis, 88 
Cracticus, 49, 50 
Craspedophora, 15 
Crataionyx, 31 
Crateropus, 37 
Crax, 64, 76 
Craxirex, 3 
Creadion, 20), 54 
Crex, 91, 92 
Criniger, 39 
Crithagra, 63 
Crocias, 48 
Crossodera, 12 
Crossoptilon, 77 
Crotophaga, 72 
Crotophagus, 72 
Crucirostra, 63 
Crymophilus, 91 
Crypsirina, 51 
Crypticus, 12 
Cryptolopha, 43 
Cryptonyx, 80 
Cryptorhina, 51 
Cryptura, 81, 82 
Crypturus, 81, 82 
Cuculo adfinis, 64 
Cuculus, 13, 14, 64, 71, 
72, 73, 74 
Cucupicus, 102 
Culicivora, 44 
Cultrunguis, 7 
Cuncuma, 4 
Cureus, 72 
Curruca, 16, 27, 28, 29, 
31, 32, 42, 44 
Cursor, 84 
Cursorius, 83 
Curvirostra, 63 
Cutia, 54 
Cyanecula, xi, 29 
Cyanocorax, 50 
Cyanopterus, 94 
Cyanotis, 28 
Cyanurus, 50 
Cyclorhis, 39, 48 
Cyclorhynchus, 42 
Cygnopsis, 93 
Cygnus, 93, 95 
Cymbilaimus, 49 
Cymbirhynchus, 12 
Cymbops, 86 
Cymindis, 6 
Cynanthus, 18 
Cynchramus, 60, 61 
Cyphos, 13 


Cypselus, 10, 11 
Cypsnagra, 59 
Cysticola, 26 

Dacelo, 14 
Dacnis, 17, 33 
Deedalion, 4, 6 
Dafila, 94 

Dahila, 33 
Dandalus, 29 
Daption, 98 
Daptrius, 2 
Dasycephala, 34 
Dasylophus, 72 
Dasyornis, 27 
Dasyptilus, 69, 96 
Daulias, 29 
Dendrobates, 70 
Dendrocinela, 23 
Dendrocitta, 51 
Dendrocolaptes, 22, 24 
Dendrocops, 23 
Dendrocopus, 23, 24, 70 
Dendrocygna, 92, 94 
Dendrodromus, 25 
Dendrofalco, 5 
Dendroma, 23 
Dendromus, 70 
Dendronessa, 94 
Dendrophila, 24 
Dendroplex, 23, 24 
Densirostra, 63 
Deroptyus, 67 
Dertroides, 56 
Diceum, 17, 33 
Dicholophus, 85 
Dicrurus, 47 
Didus, 82 
Diglossa, 23 
Dilophus, 54 
Diodon, 5 
Diomedea, 70, 97, 99 
Diphyllodes, 53 
Diplectron, 77 
Diplodon, 5 
Diplopterus, 72 
Dolichonyx, 56 
Domicella, 67 
Donacobius, 36 
Drepanis, 16 
Dromzus, 82 
Dromaius, 82 
Dromas, 87 
Dromiceius, 82 
Dromococcyx, 72 


Drymodes, 101 
Drymoica, 26, 27 
Drymonax, 41 
Drymophila, 34, 43 
Dryobates, 70 
Dryocopus, 23, 70 
Dryoscopus, 49 
Dryospiza, xii 
Dryotomus, 70 
Ducula, {# 
Dulus, 3 
Dumecola, 32 
Dynamene, 73 
Dysornithia, 50 
Dysporus, 101 

Eclectus, 67 
Ectopistes, 74, 75 
Edela, 26 
Edolius, 47, 48, 73 
Egretta, 86 
Eidopsarus, 21 
Elania, 44 
Elanoides, 5 
Elanus, 5 
Eleothreptus, 10 
Emberiza, 55,56,57, 60, 
61, 102 
Emberizoides, 56, 57 
Embernagra, 57 
Emeraudes, 19 
Enicocichla, 31 
Enicognathus, 67 
Eniconetta, 95 
Enicornis, 22 
Enicurus, 33 
Enneoctonus, 48 
Entomophagus, 40 
Entomophila, 21 
Entomovorus, 49 
Entomyza, 21 
Entomyzon, 21 
Eopsaltria, 45 
Eos, 67 
Ephialtes, xi 
Ephthianura, 33 
Epimachus, 15, 16 
Erana, 62 
Eremobius, 22 
Eremophila, 62 
Ereunetes, 90 
Erismatura, 96 
Erodia, 87 
Erolia, 88 
Erolla, 12 

Erucivora, 47 
Erythaca, 29 
Erythacus, 29, 101 
Erythrina, 63, 102 
Erythrogonys, 84 
Erythrolanius, 38 
Erythrophrys, 72 
Erythropygia, 28 
Erythropus, 5 
Erythrosoma, 44 
Erythrospiza, 63, 102 
Erythrosterna, 43 
Erythrostomus, 67 
Erythrothorax, 63 
Erythrura, 59 
Esacus, 85 
Estrelda, 59 
Eudocimus, 87 
Eudromia, 82 
Eudromias, 85 
Eudynamys, 73 
Eudyptes, 97, 98 
Eudytes, 96 
Eulabes, 53 
Eulampis, 17 
Eulophus, 79 
Eupetes, 34 
Euphema, 66 
Euphone, 45, 58 
Euphonia, 58 
Euplectes, 56 
Euplocomus, 77, 78 
Eupodes, 56 
Eupodotis, 83 
Eurbynchus, 69 
Eurinorhynchus, 90 
Eurocephalus, 48 
Eurostopodus, 9 
Euryceros, 65 
Eurylaimus, 12 
Eurypyga, 86 
Eurystomus, 11 
Euscarthmus, 42, 44 
Euspiza, 60, 102 

Falcinellus, 15, 16, 87, 

Falco, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 48 

Falcula, 5 

Falculia, 15 

Falcunculus, 48 

Fedoa, 83, 88 

Feliceps, 7 

Ficedula, xi, 24, 29, 31, 
32, 33, 43 


Figulus, 22 
Fluvicola, 40 
Formicarius, 35 
Formicicapa, 35 
Formicivora, 34 
Francolinus, 79 
Fratercula, 97 
Fregata, 101 
Fregilupus, 15 
Fregilus, 52 
Fringalauda, 62 
Fringilla, 56, 57, 59, 60, 
61, 63 
Fringilla adfinis, 46 
Fringillaria, 61 
Fruticicola, xi, 30 
Fulica, 92 
Fuligula, 95 
Fulix, 95 
Fulmarus, 99 
Furcuria, 44 
Furnarius,17, 20, 22, 23 

Galbula, 14, 15, 38 
Galerida, 62 
Galgulus, 11, 38, 52 
Gallina, 78, 91 
Gallinago, 90 
Gallinula, 91, 92 
Gallita, 40 
Gallopavo, 76, 78 
Gallophasis, 77 
Gallus, 77, 78 
Gampsonyx, 5 
Garrulax, 37 
Garrulaxis, 37 
Garrulus, 38, 46, 50 
Gavia, 84, 98, 100 
Gecinus, 70, 71 
Gelochelidon, 100 
Gennzeus, 77 
Geobates, 24 
Geocichla, 36 
Geococcyx, 72 
Geocolaptes, 71 
Geoffroys, 68 
Geopelia, 75 
Geophilus, 74, 75 
Geositta, 22 
Geospiza, 57 
Geronticus, 87 
Glandarius, 50 
Glareola, 84 
Glaucidium, 7, 8 
Glaucion, 96 


Glaucis, 17, 19 Halieus, 101 Hydrochelidon, 100 
Glaucium, 95 Haliplana, 100 Hydrocorax, 65, 101 
Glaucopes, 18 Hapalophus, 49 Hydrogallina, 92 
Glaucopis, 51 Harelda, 96 Hydrophasianus, 91 
Glottis, 88, 89 Harpactes, 13 Hydropsalia, 10 
Glyciphila, 19 Harpagus, 5 Hylactes, 25 
Glyphorhynchus, 23 Harpia, 4 Hyliota, 44 
Goniaphza, 56 Harpiprion, 87 Hylocharis, 19, 102 
Gossypha, 36 Harpyia, 3, 4 Hylodes, 30, 101 
Gouan, 76 Heliactin, 18 Hylomanes, 12 
Goura, 74, 75 Heliaptex, 7 Hylophila, 102 
Gracula, 16, 21, 23, 29, Helias, 86 Hylophilus, 32, 33 
36, 50, 52, 53, 54, 55, Helinaia, 33 Hypaétos, 4 
58 Heliornis, 92 Hypothymis, 43, 44, 46 
Gracupica, 53 Heliothrys, 17, 18 Hypotriorchis, 5 
Grallaria, 35 Helopus, 100 Hypsepetes, 39 
Grallina, 33 Helotarsus, 4 Hypsibates, 89 
Graucalus, 47, 101, 102 Hemicircus, 70 Hyreus, 64 
Grus, 85, 86 Hemignathus, 16 
Grygallus, 80 Hemilophus, 71 Jacamaraleyon, 14 
Grylle, 98 Hemipalama, 89 Jacamerops, 15 
Gryllivora, 29 Hemipodius, 81, 84 Jacana, 91 
Gryphus, 1 Hemiprocne, 11 Jaco, 68 
Grypus, 18 Hemipteryx, 27 Jacobines, 18 
Guanus, 76 Herodias, 86 Tanthocinela, 37 
Gubernatrix, 61 Herpetotheres, 4, 6 Ibidorhyncha, 88 
Gubernetes, 41 Herse, 11 Ibijau, 9 e 
Guinetta, 88 Heteroclitus, 81 Ibis, 87 
Guira, 72 Heteropoda, 89 Ibycter, 2 
Guiraca, 57 Heterorhynchus, 16 Ichthyiaétus, 4 
Guttera, 78 Hians, 87 Icteria, 37 
Gygis, 100 Hiaticula, 85 Icterus, 54, 55, 56 
Gymnoblepharum, 97 —_— Hierax, 5 Ictinia, 6 
Gymnocephalus, 52 Hierofalco, 4 Idiococeyx, 73 
Gymnocorvus, 51 Himantopus, 89 Iduna, xi 
Gymnoderus, 52 Hina, 96 Teracidea, 5 
Gymnogenys, 6 Hippolais, 28 Impeyanus, 78 
Gymnophrys, 21 Hirund-apus, 11 Indicator, 71 
Gymnops, 2, 21, 52, 53 Hirundinea, 40 Todopleura, 45 
Gymnorhina, 50 Hirundo, 10, 11, 46, 84, Tora, 31 
Gymnura, 96 100 Trena, 48 
Gypaétos, 1, 2, 3, 4 Holopodius, 90 trrisor, 16 
Gypagus, 1 Homoptilura, 90 Ispida, 14, 15 
Gypogeranus, 6 Hoplopterus, 84 Ithaginis, 79 . 
Gyps, 1 Hortulana, 57, 61 Juida, 53 
Gyrfalco, 4 Hortulanus, 102 Junco, 61 
h Houbara, 83 Ixos, 37, 89, 47 | 
Heematops, 21 Houppiféres, 77 . 
Heematopus, 85 Huhua, 8 Kakadoe, 68 
Hematornis, 4, 39 Hupupa, 15 Kamptorhynchus, 75 
Heemorrhous, 63 Hyas, 84 Keropia, 38 
Haladromus, 98 Hybris, 8 Keroula, 48 
Halcyon, 14 Hydralector, 91 Ketupu, 7 
Haliaétus, 4 Hydrobata, 35 Kitta, 53 
Haliastur, 4 Hydrobates, 96, 98 Kittacincla, 29 | 


SS ee 


Knipolegus, 40 
Ktinorhynchus, 94 

Lagopus, 80 
Laimodon, 69 
Lalage, 29, 47 
Lampornis, 17 
Lamprocolius, 53 
Lampromorphus, 73 
Lampronessa, 94 
Lamprornis, 54 
Lamprotes, 58 
Lamprotila, 15 
Lamprotornis, 53, 54 
Laniagra, 48 
Laniarius, 45, 48, 49 
Lanicterus, 47 
Laniellus, 48 
Laniisoma, 45 
Lanio, 48, 58 
Laniocera, 48 
Lanioturdus, 102 
Lanius, 38, 40, 41, 44, 
45, 47, 48, 49, 50, 58 
Laroides, 99 
Laropis, 100 
Larus, 99, 100 
Larva, 97 
Larvivora, 36 
Lathamus, 66, 67 
Lathria, 40 
Leiopa, 76 
Leiothrix, 44 
Leistes, 54, 55, 56 
Lepidogenys, 5 
Leptodon, 6 
Leptoglossus, 19 
Leptolophus, 66 
Leptonyx, 25, 61 
Leptopteryx, 47 
Leptoptila, 75 
Leptoptilos, 87 
Leptorhynchus, 34, 67, 

Leptosomus, 74 
Leptostoma, 72 
Leptotarsis, 94 
Lepturus, 44, 100 
Lerwa, 79 
Lesbia, 18 

Les huppés, 19 
Les nicombars, 75 
Lessonia, 33 

Les topazes, 19 
Lestris, 99 
Leucocerca, 43 

Leuconerpes, 71 
Leucophrys, 61 
Leucopygia, 59 
Leucosticte, 63 
Lichenops, 40 
Licmetis, 69 
Ligurinus, 59, 60 
Limicola, 88 
Limicula, 88 
Limnaétos, 2 
Limnornis, 22 
Limosa, 88 
Linaria, 59, 61, 63 
Linota, 59 
Lipangus, 40 
Liponyx, 80 
Lobipes, 90, 91 
Lobivanellus, 84 
Lochmias, 22 
Locustella, 28 
Lomvia, 98 
Lomwia, 98 
Lonchura, 59 
Londra, 62 
Lophocerus, 76 
Lophocitta, 50 
Lophocorythus, 61 
Lophofera, 78 
Lophophorus, 77, 78 
Lophorhynchus, 74, 85 
Lophorina, 52 
Lophornis, 19 
Lophortyx, 80 
Lophostrix, 7 
Lophotes, 5 
Lophura, 77 
Lophyrus, 75, 78 
Lorius, 67 
Loxia, 56,57, 58, 59, 60, 
63, 64 
Loxigilla, 59 
Lucifers, 18 
Lunda, 97 
Luscinia, xi, 26, 29 
Lusciniola, 28 
Lusciola, xi 
Lymnaétus, 3 
Lymnodromus, 90 
Lyncornis, 9 
Lypornix, 13, 14 
Lyrurus, 80 

Macagua, 4 
Macartneya, 77 
Machates, 89 
Machetornis, 41 


Macrocercus, 66, 67 
Macrodipteryx, 10 
Macronus, 34 
Macronyx, 62 
Macropterus, 11 
Macropteryx, 11 
Macropus, 72, 95 
Macropygia, 75 
Macrorhamphus, 90 
Macrotarsus, 89 
Maina, 53 
Mainatus, 53 

Maja, 59 
Malacocercus, 37 
Malacolophus, 71 
Malaconotus, 49 
Malacopteron, 38 
Malacoptila, 13 
Malacorhynchus, 25, 26, 

Malcoha, 73 
Malimbus, 56 
Malurio, 34 
Malurus, 23, 26, 27, 36 
Manacus, 45 
Manorhina, 21 
Manucodiata, 52 
Mareca, 94 
Marica, 94 
Maximilicus, 67 
Mecistura, 32 
Megalophus, 42 
Megalonyx, 25 
Megalophonus, 62 
Megalopterus, 53, 100 
Megalorhynchus, 69 
Megalornis, 85 
Megalotis, 63 
Megalurus, 27 
Megapelia, 75 
Megapodius, 25, 76 
Megastoma, 41 
Megistina, 31 
Meiglyptes, 71 
Melaconotus, 49 
Melenornis, 47 
Melanerpes, 71 
Melanitta, 95 
Melanochlora, 31 
Melanocorypha, 62 
Melasoma, 47 
Meleagris, 76, 78 
Melias, 73 
Melidora, 14 
Meliérax, 6 
Meliornis, 19 


Meliphaga, 16, 17, 19, 
20, 21, 24, 38 
Melithreptus, 16, 19, 20, 

Melittophagus, 15 
Melizophilus, 26 
Mellisuga, 16, 17, 18, 

Melodes, xi 
Melophus, 61 
Melopsittacus, 66 
Menura, 25 
Merganser, 96 
Mergoides, 95 
Mergulus, 98 
Mergus, 96 
Merles Turdoides, 39 
Merops, 15, 16, 20, 21, 

Merula, 12, 35, 36, 53 
Merularis, 26 
Merulaxis, 26 
Mesia, 45 
Mesites, 76 
Metopia, 45 
Metopidius, 91 
Micrastur, 6 
Microcolaptes, 70 
Microcygna, 93 
Microdactylus, 85 
Micreeca, 43 
Microglossum, 69 
Microglossus, 69 
Micronisus, 6 
Micropogon, 69 
Micropsitta, 68 
Micropterus, 95 
Micropus, 10, 38 
Microscelis, 38 
Microtarsus, 38 
Microura, 25 
Micrura, 25 
Miliaria, 61 
Milvago, 2 
Milvulus, 41 
Milvus, xi, 3, 4, 5 
Mimeta, 38 
Mimetes, 38 
Mimus, 36 
Minla, 44 
Mino, 53 
Mirafra, 62 
Miro, 43 
Mitu, 76 
Mitua, 76 
Mniotilta, 38 

Moho, 16, 37 

Mohua, 25 

Molothrus, 55 

Momota, 12 

Momotus, 12 

Monacha, 43 

Monarcha, 43 

Monasa, 138, 14 

Monassa, 14 

Monastes, 14 

Monaulus, 78 

Monedula, 42, 47, 51 

Monticola, 35 

Montifringilla, xii, 60, 61 

Morinella, 85 

Morinellus, 85, 90 

Moris, 101 

Mormon, 97, 98 

Morphinus, 3 

Morphnus, 3, 6 

Morus, 101 

Moscha, 95 

Moschatus, 95 

Motacilla, xi, 22, 23, 24, 
25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 
31, 32, 33, 37, 40 

Moucherolles paroides, 

Munia, 57 

Muscadivores, 74 

Muscarinus, 65, 67 

Muscicapa, 21, 25, 27, 
30, 82, 33, 34, 37, 40, 
41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 47, 

Muscicapara, 33, 44 

Muscigralla, 44 

Muscipeta, xi, 40, 41, 
42, 43 

Musciphaga, 44 

Muscipipra, 40, 41 

Muscisaxicola, 33 

Muscivora, 42, 43 

Muscylvia, 30, 42, 43 

Musophaga, 64 

Mutu, 76 

Myadestes, 43 

Myagrus, 42 

Mycteria, 87 

Myiadestes, 43 

Myiagra, 41, 43 

Myiobius, 41 

Myiocincla, 35 

Myiodioctes, 32 

Myiophaga, 36 

Myiophoneus, 25 

Myiophonus, 35 
Myiothera, 25, 34, 35, 
36, 37, 42 
Myioturdus, 35 
Myrmeciza, 34 
Myrmecophaga, 35 
Myrmothera, 34, 35 
Mystacinus, xi, 32 
Myzanthus, 21 
Myzomela, 19 

Nanodes, 66 
Napothera, 39, 49 
Nasica, 23 
Nasiterna, 68 
Nauclerus, 5 
Nectarinia, 16, 17 
Nectris, 98 
Nematophora, 15 
Nematura, 81 
Nemosia, 58 
Nengetus, 40 
Neomorpha, 15 
Neophron, 1 
Neops, 24, 25 
Nertus, 6 

Nestor, 69 
Nettapus, 93 
Nicombar, 59 
Nilaiis, 49 
Niltava, 29 
Ninox, 7 

Niphza, 60 
Nisaétos, 3 
Nisoria, 29 

Nisus, 6, 54 
Noctua, 7 
nudipedes, 7 
ptilipedes, 7 
Noddi, 100 
Nomadites, 54 
Notherodius, 88 
Nothura, 81 
Nothurus, 81 
Notodela, 29, 34, 47 
Nucifraga, 51 
Nudipedes, 6 
Numenius, 87,88, 89, 90 
Numida, 78 
Nyctactes, 138, 69 
Nyctale, 8 
Nyctalops, 8 
Nyctea, 7 
Nycthemerus, 77 
Nyctia, 7 
Nyctiardea, 86 



Nyctibius, 9 
Nycticorax, 9, 86 
Nyctidromus, 10 
Nyctiornis, 15 
Nyctipetes, 7 
Nyctornis, 9 
Nymphicus, 66 
Nyroca, 95 

Oceanites, 99 
Ochetorhynchus, 22 
Octopteryx, 72 
Ocyalus, 102 
Ocydromus, 91 
Ocypetes, 81 
Ocypterus, 47 
Odontophorus, 80 
Ckdemia, 95 
(Edicnemus, 83 
Gina, 75 
CEnanthe, 30, 40 
Cinas, 74, 81 
Oidemia, 95, 96 
Oinobas, 102 
Olor, 93 
Ombria, 97 
Onocrotalus, 101 
Onychoprion, 100 
Onychorhynchus, 42 
Opethus, 63 
Opetiorhynchus, 22, 26 
Ophiotheres, 6 
Opisthocomus, 64 
Opistolophus, 91 
Oreocincla, 36 
Oreoica, 48 
Oreophilus, 83 
Origma, 30 
Orinus, 46 
Oriolia, 38 
Oriolus, 23, 24, 36, 38, 
54, 55, 56, 58, 61 
Orites, xi, xii, 32 
Ornismya, 17 
Orocetes, 36 
Orpheus, 36 
Orsipus, 40 
Ortalida, 76 
Orthocorys, 64 
Orthonyx, 25 
Orthorhyncbus, 19, 24 
Orthotomus, 26 
Ortygia, 80 
Ortygion, 80 
Ortygis, 81, 84 

Ortygodes, 81, 84 
Ortygometra, 91 
Ortyx, 80, 81 
Ortyxelos, 84 
Oryx, 56 
Ostralega, 85 
Otis, 83 
Otocoris, 62 
Otogyps, 2 
Otus, xi, 7, 8 
Ourax, 76 
Oxyglossus, 33 
Oxylophus, 73 
Oxynotus, 47 
Oxypyga, 35 
Oxyrhynchus, 23 
Oxyruncus, 23 
Oxystomus, 54 
Oxyura, 96 
Oxyurus, 24 

Pachycephala, 45 
Pachyptila, 99 
Pachyramphus, 41 
Pachyrhynchus, 41 
Palzornis, 66, 67 
Palamedea, 85, 91 
Pallene, 11 
Pallestre, 11 
Paludicola, 37 
Palumbus, 74 
Pandicilla, 29 
Pandion, 4 
Panurus, xi 
Paradigalla, 54 
Paradisea, 15, 50, 52,53, 
Paradoxornis, 64 
Paralcyon, 14 
Parasifalco, 2 
Pardalotus, 45, 46 
Parisoma, 22 
Parkinsonius, 25 
Paroaria, 59 
Paroides, xi, 44 
Parotia, 52 
Parra, 84, 91 
Parula, 32, 101 
Parulus, 23 
Parus, 31, 32, 43, 44,45, 
47, 58 
Passer, 60 
Passerculus, 60 
Passerella, 60 
Passerina, 55, 56, 60, 61 


Pastor, 15, 38, 53, 54 
Patagona, 18 
Patagones, 18 
Pavo, 77, 78 
Pavoncella, 89 
Pauxi, 76 
Pedionomus, 84 
Peizorhynchus, 44 
Pelasgie, 11 
Pelecanoides, 98 
Pelecanopus, 100 
Pelecanus, 101 
Pelecinius, 49 
Pelidna, 89 
Pellorneum, 37 
Pendulinus, 31, 55 
Penelope, 76, 78, 94 
Pepoaza, 40, 41 
Percnopterus, 1 
Perdix, 79, 80, 81 
Pericrocotus, 44, 47 
Perisoreus, 50 
Peristera, 75 
Pernis, xi, 5 
Perspicilla, 40 
Petasophora, 17 
Petrocincela, 35, 36 
Petrocossyphus, 35 
Petrodroma, 24 
Petrogallus, 79 
Petroica, 29 
Petronia, 60 
Petrophassa, 75 
Petrophila, 36 
Peucea, 60 
Pezoporus, 66 
Pezus, 8] 
Phzopus, 88 
Phaéthornis, 18 
Phaéton, 97, 101 
Phetusa, 100 
Phalacrocorax, 101 
Phalaropus, 90, 91 
Phalcobcenus, Z 
Phaleris, 97 
Phaps, 75 
Phasianurus, 94 
Phasianus, 64, 75,77, 78, 
79, 80, 85 
Phene, 1 
Phibalura, 46 
Philammus, 62 
Philanthus, 21, 37 
Philedon, 19, 20, 21, 53, 


Philemon, 20, 21 
Philepitta, 43 
Phileremos, 62 
Philesturnus, 54 
Philetairus, 56 
Philocarpus, 38 
Philohela, 90 
Philolimnos, 90 
Philomachus, 84, 89 
Philomela, 28, 29 
Philydor, 23 
Phimosus, 87 
Phimus, 64 
Phodilus, 8 
Pheenicercus, 45 
Pheenicophaus, 73 
Pheenicopterus, 92 
Pheenicornis, 47 
Pheenicura, 29, 36 
Pheenicurus, 29 
Phcenisoma, 58 
Pheethornis, 18 
Phonygama, 50 
Phrenothrix, 51 
Phylidonyris, 19 
Phyllastrephus, 39 

Phyllopneuste, xi, 28, 32 

Phyllornis, 20 
Phylloscopus, 28 
Physeta, 4 
Phytotoma, 57, 64 
Piaya, 72 

Pica, 50, 51,55 
Picathartes, 52 
Picerthia, 22 
Picoides, 70 
Picolaptes, 24, 26 
Piculus, 70 
Picumnus, 70 
Picus, 69, 70, 71 
Pingouin, 97 
Pinguinaria, 98 
Pinguinus, 97 
Pinicola, 63 
Pionus, 68 
Pipillo, 57 
Pipilo, 57 

Pipis, 85 

Pipra, 32, 34, 37, 42, 45, 

46, 58 
Pipraeidea, 45 
Pipreola, 45 
Piproidea, 45 
Pitangus, 34, 41 
Pithys, 34 

Pitta, 35, 37 
Pitylus, 58 
Pityriasis, 49 
Planetis, 100 
Platalea, 86, 90 
Platea, 86 
Platurus, 18 
Platycercus, 66 
Platylophus, 50 
Platypus, 95 

Platyrhynchus, 12, 40, 

42, 43 
Platysteira, 42 
Platystomus, 12 
Platyurus, 25, 26 
Plectophorus, 79 
Plectorhamphus, 21 
Plectorhyncha, 21 
Plectrophanes, 61 
Plectropterus, 92 
Plectropus, 79 
Plocepasser, 61 
Ploceus, 56, 61 
Plottus, 100 
Plotus, 92, 100 
Plumipeda, 3 

Pluvialis, 83, 84, 85, 88 

Pluvianus, 84 
Plyctolophus, 68, 69 
Podager, 10 
Podargus, 9 
Podica, 92 
Podiceps, 96 
Podilymbus, 96 
Podoa, 92 
Podoces, 51 
Peecilonitta, 94 
Pogonia, 69 
Pogonias, 64, 69 
Pogonius, 69 
Poicephalus, 68 
Polophilus, 72 
Polyboroides, 6 
Polyborus, 2, 3 
Polyodon, 39 
Polyplectron, 77 
Polysticta, 95 
Polysticte, 69 
Polytelis, 66 
Polytmus, 18, 19 

Pomatorhinus, 36, $7 

Pomatorhynchus, 37 
Porphyrio, 91, 92 
Porzana, 91 
Preedatrix, 99 


Praticola, 27, 101 
Pratincola, xi, 101 
Prinia, 26, 37 
Prion, 99 
Prionichilus, 46 
Prionites, 12 
Prioniturus, 66 
Prionops, 49 
Priotelus, 12 
Probosciger, 69 
Procellaria, 98, 99 
Procnias, 46 
Prodotes, 71 
Progne, 11 
Proithera, 10 
Promerops, 16 
Prosthemadera, 20 
Prunella, 31 
Psaltria, 32 
Psalurus, 10 
Psaris, 41 
Psarisomus, 12 
Psarocolius, 55, 56 
Psaroides, 54 
Psaropholus, 38 
Pseudoluscinia, 27 
Pseudornis, 73 
Psilopogon, 69 
Psilopus, 31 
Psilorhinus, 51 
Psittaca, 66, 67 
Psittacara, 67 
Psittacaria, 67 
Psittacodis, 67 
Psittacopis, 63 
Psittacula, 68 
Psittaculus, 68 

Psittacus, 65, 66, 67, 68, 

Psittapous, 67 
Psittirostra, 63 
Psittrichas, 69 
Psophia, 83, 85 
Psophodes, 21 
Pternistis, 79 
Pterocles, 81 
Pteroglossus, 65 
Pteroptochos, 25 
Pteruthius, 45 
Pterythrius, 45 
Ptiliogonatis, 46 
Ptilipedes, 6 
Ptilochloris, 45 
Ptilogonys, 40, 46 
Ptiloleptus, 72 


Ptilonopus, 74 
Ptilonorhynchus, 47, 53 
Ptilopachus, 79 
Ptilopachys, 79 
Ptilophyrus, 75 
Ptilopus, 74 
Ptiloris, 15 
Ptilostomus, 51 
Ptilotis, 20 
Ptiloturus, 16 
Ptilurus, 16 
Ptionura, 33 
Ptychorhamphus, 97 
Ptynx, 8, 100 
Pucrasia, 79 
Puffinaria, 98 
Puffinus, 98 
Pycnonotus, 39 
Pygargus, 4 
Pygoscelis, 98 
Pyranga, 58 
Pyrenestes, 57 
Pyrgita, 59, 60, 61 
Pyrocephalus, 41 
Pyroderus, 52 
Pyromelana, 56 
Pyrrhocorax, 14, 42, 52, 
Pyrrhodes, 67 
Pyrrholemus, 31 
Pyrrhula, 57, 59, 63 
Pyrrhulauda, 63 
Pyrrota, 102 
Pytelia, 59 

Querquedula, 94, 96 
Querula, 40, 45, 52 
Queues-étroites, 14 
Quiscala, 55 
Quiscalus, 54, 55 

Racama, 2 

Rallus, 88, 91 
Ramphastos, 12, 65 
Ramphocznus, 26 
Ramphocelus, 58 
Ramphodon, 18 
Ramphopsis, 58 
Raphus, 82 © 

Raya, 12 
Recurvirostra, 88, 89 
Regulus, 26, 28, 32, 45 
Remiz, 31 

Rhea, 82 

Rhigelura, 92 

Rhinocrypta, 25 
Rhinomya, 25 
Rhinopomastes, 16 
Rhinortha, 73 
Rhipidura, 43 
Rhizothera, 79 
Rhynchea, 90 
Rhynchaspis, 95, 96 
Rhynchodon, 4 
Rhynchops, 99 
Rhynchotis, 82 
Rhyndace, 55 
Rissa, 99 
Rollulus, 80 
Rossia, 99 
Rostratula, 90 
Rostrhamus, 6 
Rubecula, 29 
Rubetra, 30 
Rubis, 19 
Rupicola, 46 
Rusticola, 90 
Ruticilla, xi, 29 
Rygchopsalia, 99 

Sagittarius, 6 
Salanganes, 11 
Salicaria, 27, 28 
Salpiza, 76 
Saltator, 57 
Saphirs, 19 
Sarciophorus, 84 
Sarcoramphus, 1 
Sarkidiornis, 92 
Sasa, 64 
Sasia, 70 
Satyra, 78, 79 
Saurophagus, 41 
Saurothera, 72 
Saxicola, xi, 30, 47 
Saxicolides, 29, 36 
Saxilauda, 62 
Scaphidura, 55 
Scaphidurus, 55 
Scaphorhynchus, 41 
Schetba, 47 
Schceniclus, 89 
Sclerurus, 22 
Scolecophagus, 54 
Scolopacinus, 26 
Scolopax, 85, 86, 87, 88, 

89, 90 
Scops, xi, 7, 86 
Scopus, 86 
Scotzus, 86 



Scotocharis, 14 
Scotiaptex, 8 
Scotophilus, 8 
Scotornis, 10 
Scytalopus, 25 
Scythrops, 73 
Secretarius, 6 
Seicircus, 48 
Seisura, 43 
Seiurus, 31 
Selasphorus, 19 
Selenidera, 65 
Seleucides, 15 
Selochusa, 9 
Semeiophorus, 10 
Senex, 2 
Sephanoides, 19 
Sericornis, 31 
Sericulus, 38 
Serilophus, 12 
Serinus, 59 
Serisomus, 72 
Serpentarius, 6 
Serpophaga, 44 
Serrirostrum, 23 
Setophaga, 32, 44 
Setornis, 39 
Sialia, 30 

Sialis, 30 

Sibia, 37 
Sibillatrix, 28 
Simorhynchus, 88 
Siphia, 29 

Sitta, 24 

Sittace, 66, 67 
Sittacilla, 23 
Sittasomus, 24 
Sittella, 24 
Siurus, 31 

Siva, 45 
Smaragdites, 18 
Solenoglossus, 69 
Somateria, 95 
Sparactes, 102 
Sparvius, 6 
Spathulea, 95 
Spatula, 95 
Spelectos, 64 
Spermagra, 44 
Spermestes, 59 
Spermophaga, 56 
Spermophila, 63 
Spermospiza, 56 
Sphecothera, 38 
Sphecotheres, 38 


Spheniscus, 97, 98 
Sphenocercus, 74 
Sphenceacus, 27 
Sphenorhynchus, 23, 87 
Sphenostoma, 32 
Sphenura, 23, 26, 27, 48, 
Sphenurus, 74 
Spicifer, 77 
Spilornis, 4 
Spindalis, 58 
Spinus, 59, 61 
Spipola, 33 
Spiza, 60, 61 
Emberizoides, 61 
Tanagroides, 60 
Spizaétus, 3, 4 
Spizastur, 3 
Spizella, 61 
Spreo, 53 
Squatarola, 84 
Stagnicola, 92 
Starna, 80 
Starnenas, 75 
Steatornis, 9 
Steganopus, 90 
Stellaria, 95 
Stenorhynchus, 22 
Stephanophorus, 59 
Stercorarius, 99 
Sterna, 100 
Sternula, 100 
Stipiturus, 27 
Stolida, 100 
Strepera, 50 
Strepsilas, 85 
Strigiceps, 7, 19 
Strix, 7, 8 
Strobilophaga, 63 
Struthidea, 51 
Struthio, 82 
Struthus, 60 
Sturnella, 54 
Sturnia, 54 
Sturnus, 20, 21, 31, 35, 
54, 55 
Suiriri, 41 
Sula, 100 
Surnia, 7, 8 
Surniculus, 73 
Suthora, 64 
Suya, 37 
Sycobius, 56 
Sylbeocyclus, 96 
Sylochelidon, 100 


Sylvia, xi, 24,25, 26,27, Tetrao, 77, 79, 80, 81 
28, 29, 30, 32, 33, 40, Tetraogallus, 78 

Sylviaxis, 25 
Sylvicola, 32, 33, 101 
Sylvietta, 33 
Sylviparus, 45 
Syma, 14 
Symmorphus, 30 
Symplectes, 56 
Synaxallis, 23, 24, 27 
Synthliborhamphus, 98 
Sypheotides, 83 
Syrmaticus, 77 
Syrnia, 7 
Syrnium, 7, 8 
Syrrhaptes, 81 

Taccocua, 73 
Tachea, 82 
Tachuris, 28 
Tachydromus, 83 
Tachypetes, 101 
Tachyphonus, 38, 58 
Tadorna, 93, 94 
Tzenioptera, 40 
Tallegalla, 76 
Tallegallus, 76 
Tamatia, 13, 69 
Tamnolanius, 34 

Tetrapteryx, 86 
Tetrastes, 80 
Tetrax, 83 
Textor, 56 
Thalassidroma, 98 
Thalassiornis, 96 
Thalassites, 100 
Thalasseus, 100 
Thamnobia, 30 
Thamnophilus, 34, 35, 
44, 48, 49, 50 
Thaumalea, 77 
Thauspis, 58 
Theristicus, 87 
Thiellus, 98 
Thinocorus, 81 
Thrasaétos, 4 
Thremmaphilus, 54 
Thriothyrus, 24, 26 
Tiaris, 59 
Tichodroma, 24 
Tiga, 71 

_Tigrisoma, 86 

~ Tijuca, 46 

“Timalia, 21, 27, 34, 37 
-Tinactor, 35 

Tinamotis, 82 
Tinamus, 81, 82.“ 

Tanagra, 38, 48, 53, 56;“Tinnunculus, 5 ~ 

57, 58, 59, 60, 62 
Tanagrella, 58 
Tantalides, 87 
Tantalus, 87, 88 
Tanygnathus, 67 
Tanypus, 33 
Tanysiptera, 14 
Taraba, 49 
Tardivola, 57 
Tatare, 24 
Tchagra, 48, 49 
Tchitrea, 42 
Telephonus, 48 
Telmatias, 90 
Telophorus, 48 
Temia, 51 
Temnurus, 12, 51 
Tentheca, 48 
Tephrodornis, 48 
Terathopius, 4 
Terekia, 88 
Tersa, 46 
Tersina, 46 
Tesia, 37 

Tinochorus, 81 
Tityra, 41 

Tockus, 65 
Todiramphus, 14 
Todirostrum, 42 
Todus, 12, 40, 42, 45 
Topaza, 18 

Topazes, 18 

Torda, 97 

Toria, 74 

Torquilla, 71 
Totanus, 88, 89 
Touyou, 82 
Toxostoma, 36 
Trachelia, 84 
Trachyphonus, 69, 102 
Tragopan, 65, 78, 79 
Trepsiphone, 42 
Treron, 74 
Tribonyx, 92 
Trichas, 31, 39 
Trichixos, 39 
Trichoglossus, 66, 67 
Trichophorus, 39, 45 


Tr claria, 67 

Tr dactylia, 70 

Tr dactylus, 81 

Tringa, 84, 85, 88, 89, 
90, 91 

Tringoides, 88 

Tripsurus, 71 

Trochilus, 17, 18, 28, 89 

Troglodyte affinis, 17 

Troglodytes, 25, 26 

Trogon, 13 

Tropicophilus, 101 

Tropidorhynchus, 21 

Tucana, 65 

Tuija, 63 

Turaco, 64 

Turacus, 64 

Turdoides, 29 

Turdus, 20, 22, 24, 26, 
27, 28, 29, 31, 33, 35, 
36, 37, 38, 39, 42, 43, 
45, 47, 48, 53, 54 

Turnagra, 38 

Turnix, 81 

Turtur, 74, 75 

Tylorhamphus, 97 

Tyrannula, 41 

Tyrannulus, 32 

Tyrannus, 34, 40, 41, 

Vaginalis, 81 
Vanellus, 84 
Vanga, 49, 50 
Vermivora, 29 
Verrulia, 74 
Vestiaria, 16 
Vidua, 57 
Vigorsia, 65 
Vinago, 74 
Viralva, 100 
Vireo, 44 
Vireosylvia, 44 
Vitiflora, 30 
Vivia, 70 
Ulula, 7, 8 
Uncirostrum, 23 
Undina, 96 
Volvocivora, 47 
Upucerthia, 22 
Upupa, 15, 16, 42 
Uragus, 63 
Uria, 97, 98 
Urinator, 96 
Urogallus, 80 
Urotomus, 34 
Urrua, 8 
Urubitinga, 3 
Utamania, 97 
Vulpanser, 94 
Vultur, 1, 4, 6 


Wagellus, 99 
Wilsonia, 32 

Xanthomyza, 20 
Xanthornus, 36, 54, 55 
Xema, 99 
Xenophasia, 23 
Xenops, 23, 25 
Xenurus, 40 
Xerophila, 31 
Xiphorhynchus, 24 
Xolmis, 40 
Xolmus, 40 
Xylocota, 90 

Yetapa, 40 
Yphantes, 55 
Yuhina, 39 
Mees, 7/0), Gil 

Zanclostomus, 73 
Zanthomyza, 20 
Zapornia, 91 
Zenaida, 75 
Zenophasia, 23 
Ziphorhynchus, 17 
Zonotrichia, 60 
Zoothera, 36 
Zopilotes, 1 
Zosterops, 33 












TuE object of this Appendix is to complete, as far as possible, my 
List of the Genera of Birds, the purpose of which was to bring to- 
gether at one view all the genera established by different authors in 
this branch of study, and thus to obviate, in one division of the 
animal kingdom, a want that had long been felt. A more striking 
illustration of the necessity of such a list can hardly be given than 
is afforded by the complete neglect which has attended the principal 
work referred to in the following pages (Kaup’s Skizzirte Entwicke- 
lungs-Geschichte und Natiirliches System der Europdischen Thier- 
welt) ; which, although published in 1829, has hitherto escaped the 
notice of all systematic writers, and would not have been known to 
myself, but that my attention was accidentally drawn to it by the 
references in a list of generic names used in natural history, which 
M. Agassiz is about to publish. M. Kaup’s work has, it is true, 
some very fanciful peculiarities as regards arrangement, and he has 
undoubtedly carried his subdivision of genera beyond what is likely 
to be adopted, at least by the present generation of naturalists. But 
I still adhere to the rule laid down by the late Mr. Vigors, that in a 
work like the present aé/ the genera of authors should be quoted ; 
and I have therefore given in this Appendix the whole of those pro- 
posed by M. Kaup, together with their types, leaving it to ornitho- 
logists to adopt them or not according to their individual opinions 
of their validity, and thus doing what in me lies to prevent the appli- 
cation of a new series of names to the groups referred to, in case 
future writers should be disposed to regard them as possessing 
generic importance. In a few cases M. Kaup’s names, by right of 
priority, will displace those of more recent authors, who were, I am 
sure, as little aware as myself of his having preceded them, and who 
will readily, I doubt not, admit his claims as soon as they become 
acquainted with his work. 


Another source of additions to the original list has been furnished 
by Mr. Hodgson, who being apprehensive that the wnelassical 
names which he formerly used to designate his genera should be 
superseded by some of those innovators who are always ready to 
seize on a pretext for appropriating the credit due to others, has 
given to the same genera a series of more classical names, with the 
view of guarding himself from plunder. In accordance with esta- 
blished practice, however, I regard the names first given, notwith- 
standing the anathema which has been pronounced against them by 
some of our lawgivers, as sacred, and have quoted the subsequent 
series only as their synonyma. 

To the Linnean genera I have added, in this Appendix, the date 
of their establishment, as far as I could ascertain it with precision. 
Some objections have been made to my having recurred to the 
generic names used by Linnzeus previously to 1760, because seven 
or eight names are thereby transposed from the position which they 
have for many years occupied. The Prince of Canino has set the 
example of considering the period when specific names were uni- 
versally applied by Linneus as the epoch from whence the binomi- 
nal nomenclature takes its date; and I venture to regard the year 
1735, when the same great man published his first list of genera, as 
the epoch of the real establishment of genera in their modern sense. 
Acting upon this principle, I cannot but go back to the names em- 
ployed in his earlier works, and also to the work of Mcehring, not 
certainly drawn from the “dusty shelves,” where it had remained 
“forgotten for a century,” but to which repeated references have 
been made by others as well as myself. With this limitation as 
to date, I regard the law of priority as admitting of no exceptions ; 
and it has been my earnest endeavour throughout my work to 
adopt it to the full extent, without suffering any consideration to 
interfere with its application. It is only by strictly and unde- 
viatingly adhering to this rule that uniformity of nomenclature 
can be attained. 





. Vultur, after Z. add (1756). 
. Racama, place before it Gyeonrerax, Rupp. (1835), and the 

type altered to G. angolensis (Gm.), Feupp., &e. 

. Archibuteo, add Triorchis, Kaup (1829). Falco, Gm. 

Aquila, after (Antiq.) add Mehr. (1752). 

. Ichthyiaétus was previously employed by Kaup (1829), and 

therefore must be changed. 
Falco, after L. add (1735). 

. Hypotriorchis, Kaup has adopted this name, but he also sepa- 

rates Falco salon under the generic name of AZsaton, 
Kaup (1829). 
Tinnunculus, add /Egypius, Kaup (1829). 
Errythropus, add Pannychistes, Kaup (1829). 
Baza, Mr. Hodgson has changed this name to Hyptiopus(1844 ). 
Pernis and Milvus, add to each Aquila, Mehr. 

. Circus, add Pygargus, Koch (1816). 
. Strigiceps, for (1838) read (1831). 

Athene, for (1836) read (1829). 

Seops, place before it Epu1autes, Keys. et Bl. (1840), as 
the former word was previously used. 

Bubo, after Asio erase Swains. and place (Antiq.) Briss. 
(1760), and erase the date after Cuv. 

. Huhua, Mr. Hodgson has changed this name to Etoglaux 


Syrnium, add ‘ Aluco, Cuv.’ Kaup (1829). 

Otus, after (Ray) add Cuv. (1799-1800), also AEgolius, Keys. 
et Bl. (1840). 

Urrua, Mr. Hodgson has changed this word to Mesomorpha 


. be JEgolius, Kaup (1829). 

Strix, after L. add (1735). 

Bulaca, this word is altered to Meseidus by Mr. Hodgson (18441). 

Caprimulgus, after LZ. add (1756); for Hirundo, Z. read Hi- 
rundo, p. £. (1735). 

Scotornis, alter climacteris to climacuris. 

Cypselus, after Brachypus, Meyer, add (1815). 

Macropieryx, M. Boie informs me that he had given to this 








genus the name of DenpRocHELIDON, in the year (1828), 
the latter name therefore should be employed. 

Pallene, said to be coequal with Hemiprocne, Nitzsch ; if so, 
it should be used. 

Hirundo, after L. add (1735). 

Coracias, after L. add (1735). 

Todus, after L. add (1766) ; it was previously used by Bris- 
son (1760). 

Erolla, place before it PeLtors, Wagl. (1829) ; the type must 
be P. Blainvillii (Less.), Wagl., &e. 

Psarisomus; for Raya Mr. Hodgson has proposed Simus (1841 ). 

. Trogon, after L. add (1766). 

Chaunornis should have before it Bucco, Z. (1766); the 
type is B. collaris, Lath., Pl. enl. 395. 3B. capensis, LZ. 

. Alcedo, after L. add (1756). 
. Merops, after L. add (1756); read for Ispida, Z., Ispida, p. L. 


Nyctiornis, Bucia has been changed by Mr. Hodgson to Na- 
pophila (1841). 

Upupa, after L. add (1735). 

. Trochilus, after L. add (1748). 
. Diglossa, for Agrilorhynchus read Agrilorhinus, and add Cam- 

pylops, Licht. (18 

. Certhia, after L. add (1735). 

Between Sittella and Sitta add 
Acantuisitta, Lafr. (1841). Acanthiza, Lafr. 

A. longipes (Gm.), G. R. Gray. Forst. Dr. 165. A. tenui- 
rostris, Lafr. ? 

A.citrina (Gm.), G. R.Gray. M. citrinella, Forst. Dr. 164. 

A. punctata (Quoy et Gaim.), G. 2. Gray. Voy. de |’ Astr. 
pl. 18. f. 1. 

Sitta, after L. add (1735). 

Dendrodromus was previously used, ending in as, by Kaup 
(1829); therefore should be changed to DromopENpDRON, 
G. R. Gray (1842), the type D. leucosternum, G. R. Gray. 

Microura, add Tesia, Hodgs. (1837); that gentleman has lately 
changed it to Anura (1841). 

. Campylorhynchus, erase the date after Wagl. 

Melizophilus, add Thamnodus, Kaup. 

Cysticola, in the place of Less. (1831), put Kaup (1829). 

Praticola, being used by Koch, Mr. Gould’s name must be 
employed in its place. 

Cettia, add Potamodus, Kaup. 

Locustella, in the place of G'ould (1836), put Kaup (1829); 
add Muscipeta, Koch, and Acrocephalus, Nawm. The spe- 
cies are further divided into 

Potamovus, Kaup (1829). Acrocephalus, Vawm. 
P. fluviatilis (Meyer), Kaup. 

Lusciniola, add after Calamodyta, Kaup (1829), also Musci- 

peta, Koch. The species are further divided into 


CaLamonus, Kaup (1829). Acrocephalus, Naum. Mus- 
cipeta, Koch. 
C. phragmitis (Bechst.), Kaup. 

28. Acrocephalus, add Hydrocopsychus, Kaup (1829), and Musci- 
peta, Koch (1816); for 1822 read 1815; 1826 read 1822. 
Kaup considers the Sylvia arundinacea as the type of Cala- 

Phyllopneuste, for 1822 read 1815; add Muscipeta, Koch. 

Phylloscopus, add Ficedula, Koch. 

The species are further divided into 
SipiLatRix, Kaup (1829). Ficedula, Koch. 
S. S. sibilatrix, Bechst. 
ErRYTHROLEUCA, Kaup (1829). 
E. passerina (Gm.), Kaup. 
Ausoecus, Kaup (1829). 
A. leucopogon (Mey.), Kaup. 

Sylvia, add Thamnodus, Kaup (1829). Kaup considers the 
S. curruca as the type of Curruca, and S. cinerea as the type 
of Sylvia. 

29. Adornis should have before it Eprtais, Kaup (1829), and he 
also proposes the following :— 

Monacuus, Kaup (1829). 
M. atricapillus (Z.), Kaup. 

Nisoria must give place to AnopHONEuS, Kaup (1829); and 
the type is A. nisoria (Bechst.), Kaup. 

Luscinia, add Lusciola, Keys. et Bl. (1840). 

Copsychus, add Dahila, Hodgs. (1836); he has altered this to 
Polypeira (1841). 

Niltava, Mr. Hodgson has changed it to Chaitaris (1841). 

Siphia, Mr. Hodgson has changed it to Dimorpha (1841). 

Cyanecula, add Saxicola, Koch (1816). 

Calliope, add Lusciola, div. Melodes, Keys. e¢ Bl. (1840) ; and 
add after this genus 

Ipuna, Keys. et Bl. (1840). Motacilla, Pall. Sylvia, 
I. salicaria (Pall.). 8S. caligata, Licht. I. caligata, 
Keys. et Bl. 

Errythacus, alter date (1822) to (1815); and after Lath. add 
Koch (1816). 

30. Hylodes (1841), read Drymodes (1840); in the next line H. 
for D. 

Saxicola, for Motacilla, Z. read Motacilla, p. £. (1735). 

Fruticicola must give place to PRaTINcOLA, Koch (1816), and 
alter the type to P. rubetra (L.), Koch. 

31. Accentor, Kaup has further divided the species, viz. 
SpeRMOLEGUS, Kaup (1829). Accentor, Temm. 

S. montanellus (Temm.), Kaup. 
THARRHALEuS, Kaup (1829). Motacilla, Gm. 
T. modularis (Gm.), Kaup. 







Pyrrholemus and Xerophila, for (1841) read (1840). 
Psilopus being used, Mr. Gould has altered it to GERYGONE 
Aigithalus must have before it ParoipEes, Koch (1816), and 
the type altered to P. pendulinus (L.), Koch. 
Purus, atter L.add (1735). Kaup proposes further divisions, viz. 
LopuopHanes, Kaup (1829). Parus, LZ. 
L. cristatus (L.), Kaup. 
CyanistTEs, Kaup (1829). Parus, Z. 
C. cerulea (L.), Kaup. 
PorciLe, Kaup (1829). Parus, L. 
P. palustris (L.), Kaup. 

- Calamophilus should have betore it Panurus, Koch (1816) ; 

after Leach add Steph. (1825), and after Mystacinus add 
Boie (1822). The type altered to P. biarmicus (L.), 
Koch, &e. 

Orites, for Parus, Z. read Parus, p. LZ. (1735), and add Acre- 
dula, Koch (1816). 

Sylvicola, erase the date, and alter the generic name to 
Denprotca, G. R. Gray (1842); the type would be 

D. coronata (L.), G. &. Gray, &e. 

Parula must give place to SytvicoLta, Swains. (1827); and 
the type altered to S. americana (L.), Swains. 

Motacilla, after L. add (1735). 

Dahila, &e. to be erased ; and put in its place 

? Calobates*, Kaup (1829). Motacilla, Gm. 

—? boarula (Gm.), . C.sulphurea (Bechst.), Kaup. 

Anthus, place next to this genus the two new ones proposed by 
Kaup, viz. 

Preastes, Kaup (1829). Anthus, Bechst. 
P. arborea (Bechst.), Kaup. 
LErmMonIpTeRA, Kaup (1829). 
L. pratensis (Lath.), Kaup. 
and Mr. Swainson’s genus should be more properly placed here. 
Acroproma, Swains. (1837). Anthus, Meyer. 
A. campestris (Mey.), Strickl. A. rufescens, Temm. 

Brachypteryx, after this genus add 
NapotHera, Boie (1835). Myiothera, Temm. 

N. epilepidota (Temm.), Bote. Pl. col. 448. f. 2. 

Myiophaga, add Andromedon, Temm. (1838). 

Turdus, after L. add (1735). Kaup considers T. musicus the 
proper type. He proposes the following subdivisions for 
other species, viz. 

Ixocossypuus, Kaup (1829). 
I. viscivorus (L.), Kaup. 

ARCEUTHORNIS, Kaup (1829). 
A. pilaris (L.), Kaup. 

* Previously employed. 













CicHLoIpDEs, Kaup (1829). 
C. Bechsteinii (Naum.), Kaup. 
Merula, for Turdus, L. read Turdus, p. Z. (1735); and near 
this genus place 
? Copsychus’, Kaup (1829). 
— ? torquatus (L.). 
Garrulax, erase from the type G. Belangeri, Less. 
Suya, for this word Mr. Hodgson gives Decurus (1841). 
Sibia, for this word Mr. Hodgson gives Alcopus (1841). 
Tesia, &c. to be erased. 
Malacocercus, the type should be M. griseus (Gm.), Strickl. 
M. striatus, Swans. Zool. Ill. n.s. pl. 5. 
Oriolus, after L. add (1766). 
Yuhina, Mr. Hodgson has altered this word to Polyodon (1841), 
Pycnonotus, near this genus add 
? Oreias®, Temm. (1838). Ixos et Turdus, Temm. 
— ? azureus, Zemm. Pl. col. 
Alectrurus, near this genus add 
Corurus, Sérickl. (1841). Platyrhynchus, Spix. Musci- 
peta, Cuv. Muscicapa, Hahn. 
C. filicauda (Spix), Sérickl. Spix’s Av. 11. pl. 14. M. leu- 
cocilla, Hahn. 
Pitangus, for 212 read 295. 
Scaphorhynchus, for 295 read 212. 
Rhipidura, add Rhipidicala, Bore ; and alter the type as 
R. albiscapa, Gould. Lath. Hist. of B. iv. pl. 99. R. flabel- 
lifera, Vig. and Horsf. 
Muscicapa, after L. add (1766). 
Piezorhynchus, after Gould add (1840). 
Vireo, add Tyrannus (Vieill.), Zemm. (1838). 
Leiothrix, the type should be 
L. sinensis (Gm.), Sérickl. P. furcatus, Temm. Pl. col. 287. 
f.1. L. fureatus, Swains. 
Minla is changed by Mr. Hodgson to Proparus (1841). 
Mesia is changed by Mr. Hodgson to Philacalyx (1841). 
Bahila is changed by Mr. Hodgson to Calipyga (1841). 
Siva is changed by Mr. Hodgson to Hemiparus (1841). 
Pipra, after L. add (1766). 
Graucalus, this word is previously used, therefore should be 
Chibia, this word is changed by Mr. Hodgson to Cometes 
(1841), and add Criniger, Tick. Corvus, L.; and the type is 
C. hottentottus (L.), Strickl. C. barbatus, J. BE. Gray. 
C. crishna, Gould. C. casia, Hodgs. CC. splendens, 
Bhringa, Mr. Hodgson has altered to Melisseus (1841). 
Lanius, after Z. add (1756); and near this genus add 

* Previously employed. 








Puoneus, Kaup (1829). 
P. rufus (Briss.), Kaup. 
Enneoctonus, after Briss. add Kaup (1829). 
Tentheca is altered by Mr. Hodgson to Creurgus (1841). 
Napothera, &c. to be erased. 
Laniarius, near this genus add 
Lanioturpus, Waterh. (1838). 
L. torquatus, Waterh. 
Pica should be in capitals. 
Corvus, after Z. add (1735); and near this genus place 
Coronz, Kaup (1829). 
C. C. corone, Z. 
Monedula, add on the authority of M. Boie his generic name 
of Lycos; and at the same time add Coloeus, Kaup 

. Fregilus, for (182?) read (1816). 

Paradisea, after L. add (1735). 
Calornis, near this genus add 
Enopes, Temm. (1838). Lamprotornis, Temm. 

E. erythrophrys, Zemm. Pl. col. 267. 
Cochoa is altered to Prosorinia (1841) by Mr. Hodgson. 
Gracula, after LZ. add (1756), and after Hodgs. add (1836). 
Buphaga, after L. add (1766). 
Cutia, Mr. Hodgson has altered it to Heterornis (1841). 
Sturnus, after L. add (1735). 
Amblyrhamphus, add after Leach (1814). 

. Cacicus, near this genus place that of 

Ocyatus, Waterh. (1840). 
O. popayanus, Waterh. 

. Dolichonyx, erase from the type O. caudacutus, Gm. 

Calamospiza, add Corydalina, Aud. (1839). 

. Coccothraustes, for Loxia, Z. read Loxia, p. Z. (1735). 

Munia is changed by Mr. Hodgson to Dermophrys (1841). 
Emberizoides, Temminck has changed this to Chlorion (1838 ?). 
Tanagra, after LZ. add (1766); for Thauspis read Thraupis. 
Erythrura, erase the date after Sykes, and add 
Oxycerca, G. R. Gray (1842). Lonchura?, Sykes (1832). 
O. nisoria (Tem.), G. R. Gray. Pl. col. 500. f. 2. 
also near Hrythrura add 
PorpHita, Gould (1842). 
P. acuticauda, Gould. 
Carduelis, for Fringilla, Z. read Fringilla, p.Z. (1735); and add 
Fring. div. Acanthis, Mey. (1815); and near this genus add 
Emsiema, Grould (1842). 
E. picta, Gould. 
Chrysomitris, add Acanthis, Mey. 
Citrinella was previously proposed to be used by Kaup (1829), 

* Used in Ichthyology. 







therefore Dryospiza, Keys. et Bl. (1840), must be em- 
ployed, and the type altered to D. citrinella (L.), A. e¢ B. 
Pl. enl. 658. f.2. The date after Koch read (1816). 

Cannabina, add Acanthis, Mey. 

Ligurinus, for (182?) read (1816). 

Petronia, in the place of Bonap. (1838) put Kaup (1829) ; 
and alter the type as P. stulta (Gm.), Strickl. Pl. enl. 225. 
F. petronia, Z. P. rupestris, Bonap. 

Fringilla, after L. add (1735). 

Montifringilla, for (1836) read (1829), and add Fring. div. e. 
Orites, Keys. et Bl. (1840). 

Emberiza, after L. add (1748); after Boie add (1826) ; and 
near this genus place the following subdivisions :— 

Cia, Kaup (1829). 

E. cia, ZL. 
CirrineLLa, Kaup (1829). 
& E. citrinella, Z. 

Orospina, Kaup (1829). 
O. provincialis (L.), A. 
Crrius, Kaup (1829). 
Ce E. cirlus, Z. 
——? Spina?, Kaup (1829). 
—? lesbia (Gm.), 
——? Cynchramus>, Kaup (1829). 
—? scheeniculus, (L.) 
Spinus, after L. add Kaup (1829). 
Plectrophanes, near this genus add 
CENTROPHANES, Kaup (1829). 
C. calcaratus (Pall.), F. lapponica, Gm. C. lappo- 
nica, Kaup. 

. Alauda, after L. add (1735). 

Galerida, after Bote add (1828), and Lullula, Kaup (1829). 

Mirafra, add after Horsf. (1820). Near this genus add 
CALANDRELLA, Kaup (1829). 

C. brachydactyla (Temm.), Kaup. 

Agrodroma, &¢e. to be erased. 

Macronyx, after Swains. add (1827). 

Certhilauda, add Alaemon, Keys. et Bl. (1840). 

Erythrina is employed in botany, therefore must give place to 
Carpopacus, Kaup (1829); and the type should be C. 
rosea (Pall.), Aazp. 

Pyrrhula, for Loxia, LZ. read Loxia, p. L. (1735). 

Uragus, add Carpodacus, Kaup. 

Loxia, after L. add (1735). 

Paradoxornis, Suthora is changed into Temnoris (1841) by 
Mr. Hodgson. 

Chizerhis, for this word read Schizorhis, Wagl. (1829). 

® Employed ending in us. b Previously used. 





Buceros, after L. add (1748). 
Ramphastos, after L. add (1744). 
Euphema, after Less. for (1830) read (1831). 
Trichoglossus, near this genus add 

BrotoceEris, Vigors (1826). Psittacus, Gm. Trichoglossus, 

B. pyrrhopterus (Lath.), Vig. Zool. Journ. Suppl. t. 4. 

. Brotogeris, &e. to Steph. to be erased, and Corrpuitus to be 

considered a genus, with the following species for its type: 
C. saphirinus (Forst.), __B. taitensis, Zevazll. Perr. pl. 65. 

. Psittacus, after L. add (1735). 
. Bucco should be changed, as it is employed in another place, 

to Megalaima (1842). 
Trachyphonus, add Lipornix, Wagl., and Cucupicus, Less. 


. Sasia is changed by Mr. Hodgson to Comeris (1841). 

Vivia is changed by Mr. Hodgson to Piculus (1841). 
Picus, after Z. add (1735); and near this genus add 
DenpropRoMAS, Kaup (1829). Picus, Bechst. 

D. leuconotus (Bechst.), AKaup. 
Dryocopus, add Carbonarius, Kaup (1829). 

. Yunx, after ZL. add (1748). 
. Crotophaga, after L. add (1756). 
. Idiococcyx, in place of Temm. put Boie (1838) ; and add it to 

the next genus, Ithinortha. 
Cuculus, after Z. add (1735). 

. Treron, Toria is changed by Mr. Hodgson to Romeris (1841). 

Carpophaga, Ducula to Rinopus (1841). 

Before Lophorhynchus place LopHotaimus, G. R. Gray (1841); 
the type as L. antarcticus (Shaw), G. R. Gray, &e. 

Columba, after L. add (1735). Kaup gives C. livia as the 
type, and C. palumbus as the type of his Palumbus (1829). 

. Geopelia, near this genus add 

OcypHars, Gould (1842). 
O. lophotes (Temm.), Gould. 
Phaps, near this genus add 
Groruars, Gould (1842). 
G. scripta (Temm.), Gould. 
Crax, after Z. add (1744). 
Pavo, after L. add (1735). 
Phasianus, after LZ. add (1748). 

_ E. Hamiltoni, &e. read E. leucomelanos (Lath.), G. R. Gray. 

P. Hamiltonii, J. #. Gray, Ill. Ind. Zool. pl. P. Lathami, 
J. E. Gray. P. albocristatus, Vigors. 

A. leucomelanos, &c. read A. Cuvieri (Temm.), G. R. Gray. 
Pi. col. 1. M. melanion, Viecdd. 

Gallus, after LZ. add (1744). 

Meleagris, after Z. add (1735). 

Numida, after L. add (1766). 












Tetraogallus, add Tetrao, Pall. Megaloperdix of a Russian 
naturalist (i83?). Chourtka, Victor (1840). 

Chacura should have before it Caccasrs, Kaup (1829); and 
add near the genus 

AvecrToris, Kaup (1829). Tetrao, G'm. 
A. petrosa (Gm.), Aaup. 

Perdix, for Tetrao, L. read Tetrao, p. LZ. (1735). 

Coturnix, for Tetrao, L. read Tetrao, p. Z. (1735). 

Tetrao, after L. add (1735). Kaup considers the P. medius as 
the type; and he adopts Scopoli’s genus Urogallus for the 
T. urogallus, Z. 

Bonasa, for Tetrao, L. read Tetrao, p. Z. (1735). 

Lagopus, for Tetrao, L. read Tetrao, p. Z. (1735); and add 
the following genera, established by Kaup :— 

Oreias, Kaup (1829). 
O. scoticus (Lath.), Kaup. 
——? Attagen?, Kaup (1829). 
— ? montanus : 

Pterocles, for (1815) read (1809). 

Ocypetes, this genus is synonymous with Thinocorus, and the 
type the same species as T. rumicivorus. 

Struthio, after L. add (1735). 

Didus, after £. add (1766). 

Otis, after L. add (1735). 

Esacus, Carvanaca is changed to Pseudops (1841) by Mr. 
Hodgson ; and subjoin to the type C. grisea, Hodgs. and Cid. 
recurvirestris, Swains. : 

Chetusia, add to the type, T. keptuschka, Lepech. Gould’s B. 
of Eur. and T. fasciatus, Gm. C. Wagleri, J. BE. Gray. 

Charadrius, after L. add (1735). 

Hiaticula, for Charadrius, Z. read Charadrius, p. LZ. (1735). 

Hematopus, after L. add (1735). 

Psophia, after L. add (1756). 

Ardea, after L. add (1735). 

Herodias, add Garzetta, Kaup (1829). 

Ardeola, add ‘ Cancrophagus, Bote, Kaup (1829). 

Before Ardeola (Briss.) place ARpETTA, G. R. Gray (1842) ; 
and the type as A. minuta (L.), G. R. Gray. Pi. enl. 

Caneroma, after L. add (1766). 

Platalea, after L. add (1735). 

Mycteria, after L. add (1756). 

Tantalus, after L. add (1756). 

Ibis, 1. ethiopica, Lath. should form the type of a distinct divi- 
sion, to which I give the name of THreskriornis (1842). 
T. ethiopica (Lath.), G. PR. Gray. 

- Faleinellus, add Plegadis, Kaup (1829). 

* Previously employed. 

88. Terekia should have before it Xenus, Kaup (1829); therefore 
the type will be, X. cinereus (Gould), Kaup, &c. 
Ibidorhyncha, for (183?) read (1835). 
Totanus, add Ilyornis, Kawp (1829); and near this genus 
place the following proposed divisions :— 
GameeTta, Kaup (1829). Tringa, L. 
G. calidris (L.), Kaup. 
ERYTHROSCELUS, Kaup (1829). Tringa, Gm. 
E. fuscus (Gm.), Kaup. 
Ruyacopuitus, Kaup (1829); also Actitis of Kaup. 
Tringa, L. 
R. glareola (L.), Kaup. 
Hetopromas, Kaup (1829). Tringa, LZ. 
H. ochropus (L.), Kaup. 
89. Actiturus, read Actidurus, 

Catoptrophorus, add Hodites, Kaup (1829). 

Recurvirostra, after L. add (1744). 

Cladorhynchus, after Dubus add (1836). 

Tringa, after (1817) add Kaup (1829). 

Philomachus, for Tringa, Z. read Tringa, p. Z. (1735). 

Before Cocorli place ANcyLocHEILUs, Kaup (1829); and alter 
the type to A. subarquatus (Gm.), Kaup, &e. Near this 
division place the following :— 

Leimonites, Kaup (1829). Tringa, Leisl. 
L. Temminckii (Leisl.), Kaup. 

Actopromas, Kaup (1829). Tringa, Leisl. 
A. minuta (Leisl.), Kaup. 

Limicota, Koch (1816). Falcinellus, Kaup (1829). 
L. platyrhyncha (Temm.), Koch. 

Scolopax, after L. add (1756). Kaup considers the S. media 
as the type of the Linnean Scolopax. 

Philohela, add Microptera, Nutt. 

Xylocota must give place to Enatius, Kaup (1829). The 
type is E. Sabini (Vigors), Kaup, &c. 

Numenius, for this division Kaup employs Telmatias, B. The 
type should be altered to N. gallinago, Z. Pl. enl. 883. G. 
scolopacinus, Lonap. 

Philolimnos should have before it Limnocryptes, Kaup 
(1829), and the type altered to L. gallinula (L.), Kaup, &e. 
Near these genera add 

PEeLorycuus, Kaup (1829). Seolopax, Kaup. 
P. Brehmii, Kaup. 
Nemoricoia, Hodgs. (1837). Scolopax, Hodgs. 
N. nipalensis, Hodgs. S. nemoricola, Hodgs. 
91. Parra, after L. add (1766). 
Palamedea, after L. add (1766). 
Porzana, near this genus add 
PHALARIDION, Kaup (1829). Rallus, Pail. 
P. pusillum (Pall.), Kawp. 









Rallus, after L. add (1756) ; and near this genus place 

GALLIRALLUS, Lafr. (1841). 
G. brachypterus, Lafr. 

Fulica, after L. add (1735). 

Phenicopterus, after L. add (1748). 

Aix, add Cosmonessa, Kaup (1829). 

Mareca, add Penelope, Kaup (1829). 

Dafila, add Trachelonetta, Kaup (1829). 

Anas, after LZ. add (1735). 

Querquedula, Kaup gives for its type An. querquedula; and 
the An. crecea to his new genus Nettion (1829). 

Oidemia and Melanitta should be considered the same divisien ; 
and near this genus add 

PELIONETTA, Kaup (1829). 
P. perspicillata (L.), Kaup. 

Branta, add Netta, Kaup (1829). 

Clangula, in the place of Keys. e¢ Bl. (1840), put Kaup (1829). 

Harelda, add Pagonetta, Kaup (1829). 

Mergus, after LE. add (1735); and near this genus put 
MeErRGANETTA, Gould (1841). 

M. armata, Gould. 

Colymbus, after L. add (1735). 

Podiceps, add Lophaithyia, Kaup (1829); and near this genus 
place the following proposed divisions :— 

Dyres, Kaup (1829). 
D. cornutus (Gm.), Kaup. 
Procrorus, Kaup (1829). 
P. auritus (Lath.), Kaup. 
PEDEAITHYIA, Kaup (1829). 
P. subcristatus (Jacq.), Kaup. P. rubricollis, Lath. 
Kaup considers the P. minor as the type of Podiceps. 

Alca, after L. add (1744). 

Ombria, add Cyclorrhynchus, Kaup (1829). 

Uria, add ‘Cephus, Cuv.’ Kaup. 

Daption, add (1825). 

Procellaria, after L.add (1748), add Rhantistes, Kaup (1829). 
He considers the P. pelagica as the type of Procellaria. 

Diomedea, after L. add (1756). 

Larus, after L. add (1735), and Leucus, Kaup (1829). He 
considers the L. leucopterus as the type of Larus, which is a 
species of the genus Laroides, Brehm. Near this genus place 

IcHTHytAéTUuS, Kaup (1829). 
I. L. ichthyiaétus, Pall. 

Chrotcocephalus, add Gavia, Kaup (1829). 

Rissa, add Cheimonea, Kaup (1829). 

Before Gavia, Bove, place PAGopHiLa, Kaup (1829); and 
read the type as P. eburnea (Gm.), Kaup. Add the genus 

HyprocoLogvus, Kaup (1829). Larus, Pall. 
H. minutus (Pall.), Kaup. 





Rhynchops, after L. add (1756). 
Thalasseus, add Actochelidon, Kaup (1829). 
Sylochelidon, add Hydroprogne, Kaup (1829). 
Sterna, after L. add (1748); and for Larus, Z. read Larus, p. 
ZL. (1735). Near this genus place 
——/? Thalassea*, Kaup (1829). 
—? Douglasii (Mont.). 
Hydrochelidon, near this genus place 
Pe.opes, Kaup (1829). 
P. leucopareia (Natt.), Kaup. 
Onychoprion serratus may prove to be only the Anois stoli- 
dus, on comparison. 
Plotus, after L. add (1766). 
Phaeton, after L. add (1756) ; and near this genus place 
CriymeEntIvs, Kaup (1829). 
No name is given to the typical species. 
Pelecanus, after L. add (1735). 

* Previously used. 


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